Gold & Silver

I was at jims house, and i learned a lot more interesting things about gold and silver. I will have the gymleaders and there pokemon soon. I saw a lot of new pokemon, including a giraffe, a weasel, the 2 forms before tenruyu,Lady-ba(rediaba)and its evolved form, tons of new moves, togepy and its attacks, and a lot more. Its a very cool game.

Cool features in gold/silver
    1.An experience bar that you can see while you are battling other than the annoying numbers in red/blue.
    2.All new pokemon with differnt moves and much improved battle scenes.
    3.The pokemon actully looks like the pokemon from behind.
    4.A whole new plot scheme.
    5.After you beat the five shocktroops, you can go back to the old land
    6. And much more!

Hey, Its the evolved form of togepy!