Take a few moments to tell me a little bit about yourself and what you think of my website. If you have any suggestion, please feel free to tell me about them and I will work on them. Thanks!
What is your email address?
Do you have a website? Yes No
If you answered yes to the question above, what is the URL of your website? (ex: http://www.youraddress.com)
Is it a reptile/amphibian/turtle/tortoise website? Yes No
Does your website have a banner? Yes No
If you answered yes, what is the address of your banner? (ex: http://www.youraddress.com/picturename.gif)
Can I add your banner or URL to my links page? Yes, please do! I guess so. No, please don't.
Okay, enough of that webpage stuff, now I want to know about you!
Are you a member of my Reptile Haven eGroup? Yes No I've never heard of an egroup.
Do you plan on joining? Yes No
If you are a webpage builder, did you subscribe to my WebPageBuilders mailing list? Yes No
Do you plan on joining? Certainly! No I don't know what a mailing list is.
What did you like about this site? (check all that apply)
The Reptile Links The Cool Links Leopard Gecko Caresheet
The Reptile Haven Egroup The WebPageBuilders mailing List
Out of these, which one was your favorite?
Okay, here is the suggestion box. I need to know what you like and what you don't like about this site in order to improve it. Don'te be afraid to say what ya think!
Type your suggestions here