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Altoona Blair County Scanner Frequency Guide


Site Map

Police Departments

Fire Departments

Blair County

City of Altoona

Hospitals & EMS

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

State Police PSP






Civil Air Patrol

Amateur Ham Radio

Cleveland Air Traffic Control

New York Air Traffic Control




Family Radio Service

Analog Phones

Wireless Microphones

Ships at Sea

TV Audio

Best Scanner Frequencies

Blair Co. Listed Frequencies

Blair Co. Listed Frequencies
Printer Version




Police Departments: Frequencies for all police departments in Blair County.

Fire Departments: Frequencies for all Blair County fire departments.

Blair County: Townships and borough frequencies along with county frequencies.

City of Altoona: Altoona frequencies.

Hospitals & EMS: Local hospital, ambulance, helicopter, tech frequencies.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Penndot, Fish Commission, Game Commission, state frequencies.

State Police PSP: Pennsylvania State Police.

Schools: Schools and colleges.

Utilities: Electrical, gas, phone and gas companies.

Airports: Airport traffic frequencies.

Railroads: Northfolk Southern and local railroads.

Business: Local Blair County business.

Civil Air Patrol: Cap state and nationwide frequencies.

Amateur Ham Radio: Local ham radio and statewide repeater list.

Cleveland Air Traffic Control: Traffic handled by Cleveland Air Traffic Control Center.

New York Air Traffic Control: Traffic handled by New York City Air Traffic Control Center.

AAR: Association of American Railroads.

FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency.

CB: Citizen band radio.

Family Radio Service: Frequencies assigned for Family Radio.

Analog Phones: Cordless telephones.

Wireless Microphones: Wireless low-power mics.

Ships at Sea: Maritime frequencies.

TV Audio: Television audio.

Blair Co. Listed Frequencies: All Blair Co. frequencies listed by mhz.

Blair Co. Listed Frequencies
Printer Version:
Same as above, printer friendly.

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Altoona Blair County Scanner Frequency Guide
The Blair County Frequency Guide
Copyright © 1999-2006

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Frequencies marked:
(b) = base frequency - Usually the mobile frequencies can be heard on the base frequency.
(m) = mobile frequency - Only needed if mobile units can not be heard on the base channel.
(u) = unlisted in FCC records - Reasons: License not renewed, frequency no longer in use, a hidden frequency, or low power that is not listed.

Printed copies of the information provided by this site, Altoona Blair County Scanner Frequency Guide, is copyrighted and not for sale by any local establishments unless written permission is obtained first from the webmaster.
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