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Apartment 5A

Well here it is. The biggest collection of Seinfeld wav.'s on this internet (that I have seen). It'll take me a while to complete it...but I am going to start with episode I (no jokes from the Star Wars fanboys please) and keep on going. Anywho...I don't have all the episodes yet.

For the episodes that I do have, I'm going to use the reviews from Entertainment Weekly's Special Collector's Edition "So Long, Seinfeld". So without further adu...on with the show!!!

1. The Seinfeld Chronicles
2. The Stakeout
3. The Robbery
4. Male Unbonding
5. The Stock Tip
6. The Ex-girlfriend
7. The Pony Remark
8. The Jacket
9. The Phone Message
10. The Apartment
11. The Statue
12. The Revenge
13. The Heart Attack
14. The Deal
15. The Baby Shower
16. The Chinese Restaurant
17. The Busboy
18. The Note
19. The Truth
20. The Pen
21. The Dog
22. The Library
23. The Parking Garage
24. The Cafe
25. The Tape
26. The Nose Job
27. The Stranded
28. The Alternate Side
29. The Red Dot
30. The Subway
31. The Pex Dispenser
32. The Suicide
33. The Fix-Up
34. The Boyfriend (One Hour)
35. The Limo
36. The Good Samaritan
37. The Letter
38. The Parking Space

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