Please note that Chris Yealy aka. Spooficus is in no way liable for the damages caused by the results of the "Question of the Unspecified Amount of Time"

Results are posted as found when recieved by the aforementioned Spooficus, by a cut-paste method.

No part of any response will be modified to effect the message put forth by said response.

If you are forced to kill someone because of what they have answered, so be it.

If you find yourself uncontrollably attracted to Spooficus, so be it.

If you find yourself uncontrollably attracted to sheep or other barnyard animals, so be... I mean, seek help.

If you have to squint to read this disclaimer, your eyesight will be affected for the better.

If you have frequent and persistent heartburn, even after treating it 3 or more times a week, you may have acid reflux disease, a serious illness.

If you double dip chips at a party, your hand can legally be cut off and sold at auction by the owner of the dip.

If you use firecrackers to light cigars, your fortune will take a turn for the better.

Underwear is known to be inhabited by evil mites, which will consume all flesh they come into contact with, avoid it at all cost.

Any harm caused by this disclaimer is sheerly coincidental and should not be considered deliberate.