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History Of Scott Steiner's Past Years

Ever wondered what Scott Steiner was like in the olden days? Well just read the article below and you'll find out, it is a history biography of Scott Steiner way before even when he wasn't an nWo Hollywood Member. There's lots to know about Scotty here, and was made by Dani Davis!

Scott started out in the Michigan & Ohio based World Wrestling Alliance in 1986 under the name Scott Rexsteiner! A few months after Scott's debuted, Scotty won the WWA Titla from The Great Wojo.....Challengers for Scotty were Chris Carter, Wojo & Don Kent!Scotty was an innovator then! He used a finsher flip off the top rope!!A move unheard of for someone so muscular! Lost the WWA Title to the Great Wojo in the summer of 1987, and Scott also had to leave the WWA! But with overwhelming fan response, Scott was reinstated in the WWA, and on October 4, 1987, Scott won the WWA Tag Team Titles with Dr. Jerry Graham Jr. as they defeated Chris Carter & Mahamid Assad..But Scott left the WWA in 1988 for the Tennesse based CWA, where he took up the name Scott Steiner!!! In June 1988, Scott won a Renegade Rampage Tournament, where the winner would get $250,000. Scott defeated Robert Fuller (Col. Parker) to win the money! In the CWA, Scott teamed with the likes of Jeff jarrett, Jerry Lawler, Billy Joel Travis, Amoung others...Scott was third Runner up for PWI Rookie Of The Year! On February 18, 1989, Scott won the CWA Tag Team Titles with Soloman Grundy!!

But Once they lost the tag belts, Scott left the CWA for the NWA (now WCW) in April 1989! He was there to help Rick & Eddie Gilbert feud with the Varsity Club(Kevin Sullivan & Mike Rotunda)! After the Steiner Brothers disposed of Sullivan & Rotunda, they were caught in a long feud with Doom, after Woman broke Rick Steiner's heart & had Scott attacked in a parking lot! It was around that time that Scott took the world by storm with his amazing Frankensteiner!! Soon after, Scott became master of the "Frankensteiner," the agile Scott Steiner possesses incredible size, strength and ability, and could have possibly gone far as a singles wrestler, but opted to stay a team with Rick! On November 1, 1989, Rick & Scott defeated the Fabulous Freebirds at a TV Taping In Atlanta. Rick & Scott's challengers were Doom, Ole & Arn anderson, The Freebirds, The Minnesota Wrecking Crew II (Mike Enos & Wayne Bloom under mask)amoung others! In late 1989, Scott was voted PWI's Most Improved Wrestler Of The Year! The Brothers lost their first WCW (NWA) Tag Team Titles to Doom at Capital Combat 1990 in Washington, DC. The Steiners spent that summer feuding with the Freebirds & Samoan Swat Team!

On August 24, 1990, in an Untelivised house show in New Jersey, Rick & Scott defeated The Midnight Express for the WCW US Tag Team Title (Which no longer exist)!! The Steiners then got into a violent feud with The Nasty Boys! That feud was shortlived when the Nasties opted to go to the WWF! Also, Scott was the first ever WCW wrestler to sucessfully run the gauntlet (That was short lived)...where he had to wrestle 3 matches on the weekly TV shows (1 match a show..The WCW shows then were: The Power Hour (Later called WCW Pro Wrestling), World Championship Wrestling (now WCW Saturday Night) & The Main Event!) Scott won $15,000 by defeating Bobby Eaton, Ric Flair & Arn Anderson! The Steiners were voted PWI Tag Team Of THe Year in 1990! On February 18, 1991~ Rick & Scott once again claimed the WCW Tag Team Titles from The Freebirds! Thus having to give up the US Tag Team Titles! On March 21, 1991~ Rick & Scott traveled to Japan to win the Japanese IWGP Tag Team Titles!

The Steiners looked to be ready to sit on top of the world...until June 1991. Scott tore a bicep muscle & thus, need surgery! He had surgery done on June 18, 1991 in Birmingham, AL by Dr. James Andrews, and it took 2 hours! In July 1991, The Steiners were stripped of the WCW tag Team titles! Scott made his way back in October 1991, but was still having problems! So he stayed out another month! On November 5, 1991, Rick & Scott Norton (Subbing for Scotty) lost the IWGP Tag Team belts to The Great Muta & Hiro Hase! Scott finally made his way back & was in a singles feud with then-Lex Luger bodyguard, Mr. Hughes! Scotty totally dominated him, but then went back to teaming with Rick! The Steiner Brothers wanted to reclaim the WCW Tag Team Titles, then held by Bobby Eaton & Arn Anderson! After months of the interference, struggle, ect..The Steiners regained the WCW Tag Team Title for the 3rd time from Bobby & Arn in Chicago, IL! Had a feud with Steve Williams & Terry Gordy over who was the best tag team! The Brothers from Michigan lost the WCW Tag Team Titles to Williams & Gordy on July 5th, 1992! On September 23, 1992, Rick Steiner suffered an injury to his chest, and it was Scott's turn to do some solo work!

Interestingly, Scott Steiner has been a singles champion before and once held the WCW World Television (He defeated Ricky Steamboat on September 29, 1992...Also Scott teamed with Marcus Bagwell that day & went against Steve Austin & the late Brian Pillman...Scott turned on Bagwell, because Scotty was about to embark on a heel turn at the time! (after Rick Steiner) though he vacated the title when the Steiners joined the WWF in 1993!

Their first steps were The Beverly Brothers & The Headshrinkers...On June 14th, Rick & Scott defeated Money Inc to claim the WWF Tag Team Titles...Only to lose them 2 days later to Money Inc...BUT FEAR NOT! Three Days later, The Steiner Brothers regained the WWF Tag Team Titles for the 2nd time in one week! On September 13, 1993, The Quebecers defeated The Steiners for the WWF Tag Team Titles Unfer Quebec Province Rules...Which stated that a Title could change hands on a DQ..And that is what happened! The Steiners were DQ'ed when Scott used a Hockeystick on a Quebecer! Shortly after, The Steiners left the WWF for the IWGP, and took a long time to get back to the states! Made their return on July 28, 1995 in ECW...But Were not there that long!

Then On March 11, 1996, Scott & Rick came back to WCW...and feuded with the Road Warriors & Nasty Boys! On July 24, 1996, The Steiners won their 4th WCW Tag Titles from Harlem Heat, but lost them 3 days later!! In September 1996, Scott was once again injured, with severe back problems!Scott returned in January 1997 & In his second match back, the Steiners defeated the Outsiders (Scott Hall and Kevin Nash) to win their 5th WCW Tag title at the first NWO Souled Out...however, that decision was overturned by WCW/NWO head Eric Bischoff, who forced the Steiners to give up the belts...months later, the team acquired a manager who was himself a former member of the NWO, Ted DiBiase...together, the three got redemption against the NWO when the Steiners beat Hall and Syxx for the titles on a Monday Nitro broadcast in late 1997...the decision was upheld by JJ Dillon despite the fact that Kevin Nash, who was injured at the time, was the rightful co-holder of the titles, not Syxx...

The Brothers lost the titles to the Outsiders after Nash returned, but regained them on Monday Nitro in February was prior to this victory that Scott began having problems with his brother Rick and DiBiase...often wrestled entire matches by himself (all of which he won) without tagging in Rick at all, and began showing a cocky, arrogant attitude...also began a rivalry of sorts with NWO member Buff Bagwell over who had the best body... (That Was My Very Favorite!! Nothing Better I Liked Watching than Scott & Buff Showing Off those Bodies to Each other!! Not that they are gay..It was for girls like Me who Liked Looking at those two like That!! =þ!)

When Rick and Scott defeated the Outsiders for the belts on Nitro, however, the brothers appeared to be united once again...this was not to be though, for at Superbrawl VIII Scott showed his true a rematch between the Steiners and the Outsiders on that card, Scott hit his brother in the back and attacked him, then abandoned DiBiase and Rick...he then left with Hall, Nash and Dusty Rhodes!!!

Showing he had joined the NWO...the next night on Nitro, Scott came out with the NWO with his hair and goatee dyed blond, and Buff Bagwell announced that Scott's new name in the NWO was "White Thunder"!!(however, this nickname was changed a short time later to "Superstar" (And let's not forget "Big Poppa Pump")since WCW felt the previous nickname could have racial overtones)... surprisingly though, Scott later extended an invitation for Rick to join the NWO as well and said he loved his brother and didn't want to betray him...when Rick came out, he was presented with an NWO shirt but foolishly tried to attack the NWO...his efforts were unsuccessful and he was beaten by several NWO members...currently, it appears that Scott and Rick will wrestle each other soon, and after that feud comes to a close, perhaps "Superstar" Scott Steiner can finally realize his potential!! Lately he & Buff have been inseperable on camera with Scott's feud with Rick!! Since July, when Buff came back, He and Scott have pulled some of the funniest pranks on Rick Steiner I ever Seen!! Scott has had Buff dress like Rick, faked injuries & done everything that he could to avoid Rick Steiner! Also, he & Buff had parted ways......But..... The Friction between Buff & Scotty was NOT real! They pulled their trick when Buff turned on his tag team Partner, Rick Steiner at Halloween Havoc on October 25th (My LATE Birthday Present from Pumpin Stuff!)!!! Since that time, Buff & Scott were on a WCW Warpath by taking out WCW referees, commitators and JoJo Dillon! On November 30th, Scotty was appointed the new leader of the nWo Black & White! Then on December 14th and tried to recruit the "Fake" Total Package, Lex Luger into the Wolfpack! On December 21, Buff & Pump played their games on the City Of St. Louis by coming out as Mark Macqwire (Or as we call him "Buff" McQwire!) On December 28th, Big Poppa Pump Became your WCW TV Champion (What a WAY to Start The New Year!)! They also added Luger into their recrutes as the Entire nWo is the way it should have been...All Together! At This Current time, Poppa Pump is feuding with "Fugley" Dallas Page over Kimberly!! We Shall wait to see what transpires out of that Love Triangle!!!!

DID YOU KNOW??? Did you know in 1990, Scott (Along with Rick, Road Warrior Animal, Sting & Lex Luger) appeared on the Game Show family Feud!! It was WCW vs. GLOW (WCW guys won 4 out of 5 Games)

Scott graduated from Bay City Western High School in the Early 1980's! Graduated from the University Of Michigan in 1986!Was a 2 time All American Wrestler at Michigan! Scott is Rick's younger brother, but NOT less sucessful brother! Scott was also a football & track star in High School & College. Scott has suffered many injuries over the past 7 years. The Steiner Brothers were raised on a farm..they raised goats, chickens, ect. Scott wrestled in the WCW/NWA (nWo), WWA, CWA, WWF and IWGP. Scott has a degree in Physical Education at Michigan.

-Credit to Dani Davis(The Mighty Pumpstress)

