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Chapter One

Later on that evening, we went to a fancy restaurant, called the Dakota. Shawna, of course had a huge helping of strawberry ice cream. “Today me and Paul went shopping.” I told Jill.

“You mean Paul and I.” John dared to question my grammar.

“Shut up, John. You weren’t even there!” I exclaimed.

“Ringo, you are the finest guy in the world.” Jill said as he blushed bright red. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her passionately.

“Whoa Ringo! I can do better than that!” Paul exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me even more passionately.

“Let’s do something George.” Jamie suggested.

“Like what?” George asked.

“Mmmmmmmm.” John said shuffling the cards.

“Okay,” George agreed.

* * *

A little while later, still playing cards, Ringo said, “They’re all mine!” As he gathered them all in a pile on his barrel.

“He’s wearing his lucky rings again.” George concluded.

The game was over now, Ringo had won. John had lost pathetically, mostly because Shawna was distracting him. She kept putting her large arms around him. He repeatedly brushed her off politely, but she kept coming on to him because she though he was playing hard-to-get. Finally he’d had enough. When she nuzzled him the next time he exclaimed, “Get your blooming arms off me! You’re wrecking me game!”

With that Shawna went off in a huff. Before leaving she asked, “Is that all you care about? Wine, skinny women, and cards?”

“Yeah, once he got the taste for it, it was wine, women and cards all the way for him. Besides, all you care about is your chocolate!” Paul exclaimed.

Shawna pouted as she walked out, her nose pointed towards the sky.

* * *

“Arghhhh!” John screamed in his sleep, waking all of us up.

“What’s wrong, John?” I asked, as tears were streaming down his face.

“Nothing!” He yelled. “Go back to bed, I’m fine, I just had a bad nightmare.”

“Well if you need to talk to any of us, we’re here for you.” I said, while he wiped his eyes.

After everyone but Paul and I left, John said timidly, “Paul can I talk to you for a second?”

“Sure, anything for my bestest friend!” Paul exclaimed.

“I’ll leave you two alone.” I said, realizing they didn’t need me.

“Okay, Samantha, my dear. I’ll be back to the room in a little while.” Paul informed me.

* * *

Later on that evening, Paul returned from John’s bedroom. “Is he all right?” I asked him.

“Yes, he just had a dream that he was shot to death when he was forty. His mother was in it. He dreamed that she came back to life. They were just getting to know each other again, and he was killed.” I looked at him, my face was dead white.

“What’s wrong, honey?” Paul asked.

Tears filled my eyes, I stuttered as I answered his question. “You know that we come from the future, right?” I asked. He nodded. “Well we come from the year 1998. And in 1980, a year before I was born, when John turned 40, a deranged fan shot John twice in the shoulder, twice in the back. He died because he lost 80% of his blood volume.” I said, tears spilling out of my eyes.

“Oh, no!” Paul exclaimed.

“Promise me you won’t tell the others, at least not for now. And please, please don’t tell John.” I begged. I knew it would be bad having everyone knowing the future, especially John.

“I promise I won’t tell anyone.” Paul declared sadly.

* * *

Later that night (or should I say morning) I sneaked out while Paul was sleeping. I went to Jamie’s room, to talk over the dreadful situation.

“Psst!” I whispered. “Jamie! wake up!” I said quietly, trying not to wake up George.

Jamie woke up grumpy, “What?!” She snapped.

“I have to talk to you!” I exclaimed.

“Right now?! It’s 2:30 in the morning!” She moaned.

“John dreamed that he was shot when he was forty! And I told Paul that he was!” I said all this before she could say anything else.

“What? Oh no!” She exclaimed. George stirred, “Shhh! You’ll wake him up!”

* * *

For breakfast we went to McDonald’s. “I’ll have me a coffee!” Paul said perkily.

“When it was Shawna’s turn to order, she yelped, “I’ll have two Egg McMuffins, three orders of hotcakes with sausage, three side orders of bacon, four hash browns, and two large orange juices to wash it all down.”

After what seemed like forever, Shawna was done. Jill, Jamie, and I decided that we wanted to be alone fore the day to go shopping and spend some time with each other. We didn’t want Shawna to go with us because she’s a drag, a well know drag. So, we needed someone to look after her.

“I want a cup of tea!” Shawna declared.

“Ringo, look after her will ya?” Jill asked him.

Ringo protested, but Jill only replied, “Do I have to raise my voice?”

Ringo agreed, “Come on, Shawna.” As he left, he muttered, “I’m a drummer, not a wet nurse.”

Ringo took Shawna to a candy store, she was still hungry, even after her small (as she called it) breakfast.

She was a little hesitant about going in.

“Go on in then.” Ringo urged.

“No, they’ll only reject me in the end and I’ll be frustrated.” Shawna replied.

“You never know it might be different this time.” Ringo reassured her.

“No, I know the way the physiological path goes, it plays havoc with me drum skins.”

But, after seeing the chocolate with her own eyes, she went in anyway. She came out with five bags. John had given her some money, but when she had spent it all, she saw it. A giant Snickers bar. She tried to ignore it but it kept calling her. “Shawna, Shawna. Eat me, eat me.” It seemed to say. Finally Ringo broke down and bought it for her.

Meanwhile, back in Liverpool, the other girls were having the time of their lives. We too had went shopping. We went straight to the mall and bought clothes. We bought baggy clothes for Shawna so no one would be able to see her flat butt.

Feeling guilty about leaving the guys alone, we bought them stuff too.

Jill bought Ringo Odor Eaters because his feet kept her awake every night they smelt so bad. I bought Paul a new tooth brush because the one he bought last week was all worn out. For George, Jamie bought a new pair of boots because he lost one of his other ones. For John we all pitched in and bought some bubble bath.

* * *

When we returned from shopping, John was telling Paul, “She’s out there somewhere, buying Snickers just to upset me.”

“You’re imagining it John, you’re letting it prey on your mind.” Paul stated.

“Well, this is a batted of nerves between Shawna and I.” John said.

“Shawna hasn’t got any.”

“What?” Asked John.

“Nerves,” answered Paul.

“That’s just the trouble,” John told him, “I’ve toyed with the idea of a ball and chain, but she just rattled them at me and in public too. Sometimes I think she enjoys seeing me suffer.”

“We bought you some things,” I told them after we laughed at their conversation.

“The place was surging with bubble bath so we thought we’d get you some John.” Jill said laughing.

“Please sir, please sir, can I have one to surge me sir, please sir.” He exclaimed as we handed him his new Barbie bubble bath.

“”It even comes with a Barbie that moves its arms when you put it in the tub.” We told him excitedly.

“Oh, just what I always wanted!” He faked enthusiasm.

Shawna and Ringo returned just in time to hear about John’s bubble bath. Shawna declared, “I love bubble baths! And I love Barbie!”

“Well you’re not taking one with me!” John protested. “We’ll get you your own.”

“Oh Shawna!” We all said at once, “We bought you something too!”

“Does it melt in your mouth and not in your hand?” She asked excitedly.

“No but it will add fullness to your bottom!” Jamie informed her.

“Oh, but I haven’t got a bottom!” She stated.

“Well this will be sure to get you one!” John replied smartly.

“Well, what did you get for me?” Paul asked, curious.

“Here, this will keep you busy.” I said as I handed him the brush.

“Oh, good!” He replied, “I’m afraid I dropped my other one in the toilet this morning. So I gave it to Ringo here, and used his.”

“You dirty traitor!” Ringo said angrily. “I ought to thump you Paul.”

“I wouldn’t be in your shoes for all the tea in China!” George exclaimed, his arm around Jamie.

“It was fresh this morning. I didn’t drop it ‘til nine.”

“Great!” Ringo exclaimed, “I brushed my teeth at 9:30!”

“Well, look on the bright side, at least I have a new one now so you can have yours back.” Paul said staring lovingly at me.

“Oh, just what I want! Paul cooties!” Ringo said annoyed.

Go on to Chapter Two.

Check out The Pooh Page The page where I got my email pic.

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