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Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen

John and I walked back to the cabin by ourselves, leaving Paul and the others at the dock. I guess they were going to have an orgy with Jill and Ringo? Who knows. As we approached my cabin, John took my hand gently in his. I felt my diamond engagement ring dig into my finger. I felt guilty because I actually had very strong feelings for my husband’s best friend and one of my best friend’s husbands. But still, I liked this feeling so I didn’t say anything. I just looked into John’s brown eyes and smiled. He smiled back.

Then, just as natural as can be, we were thrust together into the most passionate kiss I have ever had. We stayed this way for a long time. After a while we stopped and just held each other, not wanting to let go because when we did we knew we would have to go back to reality and realize what we just did.

Finally, I broke apart. Silent tears spilled from my eyes. “What’s the matter?” John asked.

I said nothing. I walked to my cabin to take a cold shower and calm down my hormones. Feeling horny about someone other than your husband is not a good thing.

* * *

As I stepped out of the shower a while later, I heard a guitar strumming softly in the bedroom. “Paul?” I wondered. I grabbed a towel and walked out into the bedroom to see.

“John!” I exclaimed. “What the hell are you doing here? You scared the shit out of me! I almost dropped my towel.” I said, pulling it closer around me.

“That would be nice.” John joked. “I broke the lock to get in. It was that hard – in fact I rather enjoyed it.”

“Don’t joke about things like this John! If Paul caught you in here he’d, he’d…I don’t know what he’d do but it wouldn’t be good. Please leave.”

“Paul went to a party tonight. He won’t be home ‘til late. He told me to tell you, that was one of the reasons why I came.”

“Well, I guess you could stay for a little while. Just let me get changed first.”

“Ooo! Can I watch?”

“No! I am going in the bathroom.”

“Actually I kind of liked it the way you were.”

“Yeah, right. I am dripping wet and I look like an idiot.”

“I think you look sexy.”

“Well, I’m cold!”

“I’ll keep you warm.”

“Shut up.” With that, I turned and went towards the bathroom and blinded by lust I walked strait into the bathroom door.

John burst out laughing. So did I. I regained my composure and entered the bath.

Several minutes later I emerged from the bathroom wearing a tee shirt and cotton shorts. I flopped on the bed and flipped on the TV to the Home Shopping Network. They were having a huge Jade program. John started strumming his guitar and singing a sweet love song he had written for me. I was feeling quite tired and with in a few short minutes I fell asleep in John’s arms.

* * *

I woke up to the slam of a door. As I blinked I saw Paul and felt John’s body go limp. I looked at the clock. It said 2:30 AM. “Oh shit.” I said under my breath.

“What the fuck is going on here?!” Paul screamed. “Get of out of my bed, get out of my house, get off of my wife!” He yelled.

John just got up and left because he did not want to say anything to Paul, not in this unstable stage. I didn’t do a thing either. I just starred into space, dumbfounded that I could do that to my beloved Paul.

What Paul did was something I have never seen him do in his life – he dropped to his knees and started crying hysterically. I went over and wrapped my arms around him but he didn’t really seem to notice.

“Paul,” I started, “I know what I did was wrong, but I can’t deny it didn’t happen. Because, well, you saw. I wish it didn’t happen and I am really sorry. I don’t know what else to say, but I love you and I don’t want to hurt you. I hate to make excuses because what I did was unexcusable.”

Paul shoved me off. “Get out of here.” He said angrily. I did as he asked and slept on the doorstep because I did not want to leave him alone and had nowhere else to go.

* * *

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun shining on me. I stretched my arms and wondered why on earth I was outside. Then I remembered. “Urgh!” I shouted. I heard it echo. Several minutes later the door opened and Paul stepped out. He glared at me when he saw me sitting there. “Did you screw him?” He asked.

“No.” I whispered in a way that one does only when they really mean it.

“Did you want to?” Paul asked.

“No!” I yelled. “I only want to be with you! Don’t you get that?”

“Then why did I catch you in bed with John if you only want to be with me?” Paul asked; a hurt expression on his face.

“I don’t know.I was confused. But I know what I want now. I want you. John was just keeping me company because you weren’t around. You were off at some party somewhere with God knows who. I don’t mean to blame this on you, but you could have been around more often. I hardly ever get to be alone with you anymore lately.”

Now it was my turn to hold my head in my hands. “What are we going to do?” I cried. “What will happen to Paul George? Our marriage?” I whispered. To myself I thought, I can’t believe I was so stupid to let John stay. I should have told him to stop after he kissed me! Now Paul can’t forgive me. Everyone else will be mad at me when they find out. No one will want me…

I turned to Paul with tear streaked cheeks. “Well, since you hate me, and have every right to, I won’t bother you any more.”

I had decided to leave. It would be best for everyone involved. I went into the house and gathered my belongings, filling my suitcases quickly. I hastily scribbled Jamie and Jill a note, hoping they would understand.

Paul watched the whole scene. He stopped me at the door. “You can’t leave.” He said. “I don’t hate you. I’m just confused and upset. Give me some time to think.”

“Okay, you don’t hate me…you don’t love me. You tell me to get out, but the when I try to leave you won’t let me.”

“I still love you. You’re just making it hard right now. I’m sorry I kicked you out last night.”

“I’m so sorry Paul – I don’t know what to do to make it up to you. Do you want me to cut off my arm for you? You know I would do anything you wanted…”

Just then there was a knock at the door. “Go away!” Paul yelled. They knocked again, louder this time. I opened the door. John stood on the doorstep.

Paul glared at him. I ignored John’s glances and sat down on the bed, fearing the worst.

John tried to give Paul a hug, as a way of saying he was sorry. Paul wouldn’t have it, instead of hugging him back; he pushed him away and threw several punches at his face. I desperately tried to pry Paul away. “Paul!” I yelled. “Stop it!”

My yelling and their fighting was so loud that Jamie and George heard it all the way over at their side of the cabin. They rushed in to see what all the commotion was about.

“John! Paul! What’s going on?” Jamie exclaimed when she saw them rolling around on the floor beating on each other. “Stop that!”

George ran over quickly and got between them, but it made no difference to Paul. He was still swinging punches left and right. He slugged George in the stomach on accident.

“George!” Jamie cried as she ran to his side.

Meanwhile I called the Police and then ran and got Brian. Kyle came along for the thrill.

* * *

“Boys, boys – what is going on?” Brian asked, upset. He looked like he was going to cry. The Beatles were his life. He loved them and couldn’t bear to see them do this to each other.

“Paul wants to kill John because…” I trailed off, embarrassed.

“Because John made a move on Sam – and she let him!” Paul said as he looked up from his violent act. “You bastard!” He looked at his former best friend with disgust and gave him one last kick, just as the Police arrived and dragged him off.

There was so much blood. John lay on the floor limp. “Someone call an ambulance – this man is not breathing!” A police office instructed. Jamie was already on it.

Paul was handcuffed and taken away in a car. One of the officers administered mouth to mouth on John as we waited for the ambulance. As we were out in the middle of nowhere, the nearest hospital was 45 minutes away. Finally the ambulance arrived and sped off with John in it. We followed later with Crystal, who still had no idea what was going on.

Go on to Chapter Fourteen.

Check out The Pooh Page The page where I got my email pic.

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