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Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen

“John!” Crystal sobbed uncontrollably at his bedside in the hospital. “John I’m so sorry!” She gently kissed his cheek.

John just lied there, immobile. He looked so helpless, so weak. He was on oxygen to help him breath and had IV tubes running in and out. He had yet to regain consciousness. The doctor had told us John had suffered from head wounds, cracked ribs and major internal bleeding. Paul was in jail facing charges of assault and battery.

I quietly entered the room. Crystal turned around when she heard me. “How could Paul do this to John? What ever possessed him to do such a thing?”

“I don’t know.” I lied. I was reluctant to confess to one of my best friends what I had done with her husband, especially in this unstable condition.

I gave her a hug, gave John one more last glace and left them alone together.

* * *

“What am I going to do?” I asked Jamie. I had confessed everything to her and George. They understood which was a relief, and didn’t judge me.

“You guys are the only friends I have left. John’s half dead, I don’t know where I stand with Paul, and he’s in prison anyway, if Crystal finds out she’ll hate me. And you know Jill; she’ll take Crystal’s side. And Ringo will side with Jill. Definitely.”

Jamie, being the sensible one reassured me. “John will get better. The hospital has lots of new technology, and he’s a fighter anyway. You can bail Paul out of jail. We can certainly afford it. You should talk to Crystal. I think she’ll understand. She’s going to find out anyway, and it’s best it came from you, since John can’t exactly tell her. We’ll talk to Jill and Ringo.

“Thanks guys.” I felt a lot better now. I gave them each a hug and all of sudden it hit me. In all the chaos I forgot all about the kids! “Oh my gosh! Paul George, Pattie, Zak!! Where are they?!”

“Calm down, Brian is watching them.” George informed me.

“Oh good.” I said, relieved. “Wait a minute, is that a good idea? I don’t know with Kyle there…” I joked.

They smiled and patted me on the back as I left. “Good luck,” they said in unison.

* * *

I made my way back to John’s room, stumbling blindly through hordes of reporters who were frantically trying to get the scoop and photographers taking picture after picture.

A short man who was about 5’3” wearing boot jerked me aside and asked sleazily, “How about a tell-all interview? Just an hour of your time and I’ll give you $100,000 in advance, no questions asked! What do you say?”

I rolled my eyes through my dark sunglasses. “Go to hell!” I screamed. Then I turned to the rest of the reporters, saying, “How’s this for a cover picture?” I asked, flipping them the bird. “That ought to sell!”

Like Brian had said before, the media were really having a field day with this situation.

“There I told the press as I left, “That was my official statement.”

* * *

When I entered John’s room Crystal was kneeling by his bed.

“Samantha!” She exclaimed, surprised.

“How is he doing?” I asked.

“The same, a little better maybe.”

“Crystal….” I started.


“Crystal, I have a confession to make. I do know why Paul beat up John.”

“Why, Samantha? Tell me.”

“Oh Crystal, you’re going to hate me! I wanted to tell you before, but I was too ashamed. Paul beat John up because he walked in on John and I sleeping in the same bed… We didn’t have sex, but Paul didn’t know that. We did kiss though, and we were watching TV together and we both fell asleep. I’m so sorry Crystal. This is all my fault. I’m a terrible friend, not to mention wife!” I started to cry as Crystal tried to digest everything I had just told her.

“Calm down Samantha, tell me everything from the beginning. I’m sure this isn’t all your fault.”

I told her the whole story from the beginning, how John and I were walking, holding hands, and then kissing. How he ended up in my cabin, how we fell asleep, how Paul walked in after the late party, and how when John tried to apologize the next day Paul flipped. “I’m so sorry Crystal. I never meant to hurt you or Paul.”

“This is such a shock,” Crystal started. “I had no idea. All you and John did was kiss, and although I’m hurt, I’ll forgive you because you’re one of my best friends. But it better not happen again. And John might not want to wake up now.” She said, giving him a dirty look. “After all, he’s the one who started it.”

“Thank you Crystal!” I exclaimed as we hugged.

“Now what are you going to do about Paul?” Crystal asked.

“First I have to get him out of jail…” I answered.

Crystal and I set to work on a plan…a very famous plan.

* * *

Yes it was indeed a very famous plan. Beatle fanatics were talking about what happened for years and years. Of course all the fans were shocked and had no idea what to think. I think they should have minded their own business in this very personal matter.

As Crystal and I left the hospital to go to the jail we ran into Brian. He seemed to be making some sort of statement. We went up to him and exchanged hugs and condolences.

“Brian?” Crystal asked suddenly, “Who is watching the children?”

“Why Kyle of course!”

“Kyle!!?” I shouted, “How could you do such a thing? You know he’s a bad influence! He was bad enough before he started hanging around with Yoko and those avant garde people!”

“Yeah, Brian of all people! What were you thinking!?” Crystal piped in.

“Well, I didn’t know it would upset you so much. I should have known my better judgement would be blurred by my love for Kyle. I’m terribly sorry.” Brian apologized sheepishly. A tear trickled down his face.

“Now, now Brian, don’t cry. I’m sorry I yelled at you. I just don’t want Kyle to fill my precious son’s head with rubbish. All is forgiven. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure Jill and Ringo will be home soon anyway. Although they’re not the best influences either, with that habit of theirs!” I patted Brian on the back. “Now I just have to make some phone calls, and then Crystal and I are going to bail Paul out. Would you like to come?” I asked. Brian nodded.

I went to the nearest pay phone and looked up the number for “Floral Express.” A woman picked up on the second ring.

“Hello,Floral Express, Susan speaking.”

“Hi this is Samantha McCartney. I would like a dozen red roses sent to the city jail with a note that reads:

My dearest Paul,
I’m very sorry. You know I would do anything to unbreak your heart. I love you very much. Hope to see you soon.
‘All my lovin’,’

And I want that pronto! I want it there in thirty minutes or I’ll never do business with you again! I don’t care how much it costs.”

“Okay Mrs. McCartney, it’ll be there, I promise.” Susan assured me.

“Thank you. You can charge it to my account. Goodbye!”

No sooner than I had hung up the phone, I quickly dialed the number of our cabin. Ringo answered. “Hello, this is the famous Ringo here.”

“Oh Ringo, I’m so glad you’re there. I was so worried about Kyle watching the kids.” I said.

“Hi Samantha. We’re glad to help. We know what a rough time this is for you."

“Thanks Ringo.”

“You’re welcome Sam. I better let you go.”

“Wait! Remember, no sex in from of the children!”

“Samantha!” Ringo exclaimed. “The love of Jill and I is no laughing matter! We take our passion very seriously.”

* * *

After we hung up I hurried to my VW Beetle and rushed across town to the city jail. I quickly parked and ran into the building. Visiting hours were just starting, and Paul should have just gotten his flowers. I power walked to Paul’s cell, my heels clicking on the cement floor. I finally reached his cell, number 69. Paul had been in jail quite a while, and I hoped that time had cleared his head.

I saw Paul’s face come into view. He needed to shave, but I didn’t care. As I ran down the hall with in a short dress, people stared, including Paul. Finally I reached my destination. “Oh Paul,” I cried, “I’m so sorry for all the pain I caused you…”

Paul grinned at my outfit. Clearly his little spell was over. “I’m sorry I got so mad. I still love you.”

I smiled back and we kissed passionately through the bars until Crystal and a prison guard came and interrupted us. “Mr. McCartney, you’re free to go. Your bail has been paid.”

As we left the jail we walked with our arms wrapped tightly around each other like we were newlyweds.

* * *

Our next destination was the hospital.

We entered John’s bedroom and saw that John still lying unconscious. Paul told John’s limp body he was very sorry and that he forgave him for kissing me, and that he hoped John would forgive him for beating him up. I knew Paul really did hope things would work out, and apparently so did John. At the sound of Paul’s voice, John’s eyelids began the flutter. Paul had brought a guitar with him and started to play and sing Yesterday. After a heartwarming rendition of the classic song, John started to emerge from his coma.

We all hugged, and Paul apologized to John again. John forgave Paul and apologized to all three of us for starting the whole mess. Paul and I left leaving Crystal and John together so they could work out their issues. John would have to stay in the hospital a few more days the doctor told us when we called him to tell him John had woken up.

Paul went back to the hospital later that afternoon and had a much needed private conversation with John.

* * * Later on that evening back at the house, a loud “Dee-dee-dee-deet!” noise filled the air. “Oh no!” I exclaimed, searching madly for where the sound was coming from. “My poor Giga pet!”

I found it lying on the couch. “What’s the matter, little doggie?” I asked in a baby voice. “Would you like something to eat? Or do you want someone to play with you?”

“No, I believe it would like to go to bed,” George informed me matter-of-factly after glancing at the tiny machine I had brought with me from the future.

“Oh would you like to put it bed, George?” I asked.

“No, that’s really okay,” he replied, too mature to play with a digital pet.

We all laughed, glad that things were getting back to normal somewhat.

* * *

The next night we were all sitting around the large dinning room table eating the elaborate dinner the cook had prepared for us. “How was school today?” I asked, turning to Paul George.

“Everyone was saying that daddy tried to kill Uncle John!” My son blurted out. “Is it true?”

I glanced at Paul, who was frowning. Everyone else at the table also had a serious face on.

Patti spoke up, which was unusual, “Yeah, all my friends were talking about Uncle Paul and Uncle John hating each other!”

I cleared my throat, “Well,” I started, “Daddy was mad at John and they did get into a fight, but they don’t hate each other. In fact, they made up last night.”

“Oh,” Paul George and Patti said, seeming satisfied with that response.

We had just finished our meal when there was a loud knock at the door.

I got up to answer it and Paul went with me, his arm around my waist. I opened the door and there stood Brian….and Kyle!

“Hello Brian!” Paul said cheerfully.

“Hello Kyle,” I said, glaring at him. Kyle and Brian came in together. Their arms were also around each other.

“Yuck!” Jamie exclaimed.

“That’s gross!” George agreed.

Kyle laughed. Brian giggled. “We like being gross. It’s very sexy and turns us on.”

We remembered another “friend” who shared this quality. Her name was Shawna and she also liked being gross, particularly in the odor department.

“What brings you two here this fine day?” Ringo asked. Jill smiled.

“We were bored with sex, so we thought we would drop by for a visit.” Kyle said his arm still around Brian.

“Well, we were just about to watch The Graduate; would you like to join us?” I asked.

“Sure! I love that movie.” Brian declared.

We all settled in quietly, sitting in our three large sofas in the living room. I sat practically on Paul’s lap. It was quite comfortable.

While I was sitting on Paul, Kyle was sitting on Brian. Jamie was thoroughly disgusted. It was a good thing the children were already in bed.

After we had settled down to watch the movie, Paul was soon fast asleep. Although I also enjoyed the movie, I had seen it before and was also exhausted. Soon I was asleep like Paul. The next thing I saw was a bright light in my eyes. I squinted and saw little flecks of blue. “Ahh!” I screamed, frightened. I grabbed at Paul. “What was that?” I asked him.

“Urmph?” Paul answered, still half asleep. I removed my head from his chest. I blinked and looked up and saw four faces staring at me. “What are you doing?” I asked George, Jamie, Jill and Ringo.

“You guys looked so cute; we just had to take your picture!” Jill said sweetly. “We didn’t mean to scare ya.” Ringo added.

“Well next time you decide to take a picture of Paul and I sleeping wake us up first!” I said sarcastically and glanced at my hubbie. He was still asleep. I nudged him. “Paul,” I said, nudging him. He woke up finally to the sound of his name. “Is the movie over then?” He asked, confused.

“I guess so…” I looked at George questioningly.

He nodded. “Yeah, it’s been over for a while.”

“Paul you just had your picture taken and you didn’t even notice!” I told him.

“What’d you do that for?” Paul asked the gang.

“Because you’re so cute!” Jamie gushed.

I glared at her and hugged Paul protectively.

“Awww…” Paul blushed.

“Are you flirting with my Paulie?” I asked.

“No, but he’s just so cute!” Jamie couldn’t help exclaiming.

“Jamie! Now that’s enough!” George scolded. “I think it’s time for you to go to bed. You’re disillusioned.” George led Jamie up the stairs to their room quickly so she wouldn’t embarrass herself anymore.

“That was strange, wonder what’s gotten into her?” I asked. Paul shrugged. “What’s wrong with someone saying I’m cute?” He asked innocently.

“Maybe she’s started hitting up the booze!” Ringo joked.

“Or maybe she’s just tired,” Jill commented, “After all it is 2 AM.”

“Time for bed…” I winked suggestively to Paul. “Nah, not tonight, I’m too tired.” He yawned. I pouted.

Brian and Kyle went home and the rest of us headed to bed.

Go on to Chapter Fifteen.

Check out The Pooh Page The page where I got my email pic.

© 1997