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Chapter Two

“I want to go home!” Shawna whined. “No one likes me here.”

“If that was possible, Shawna, we’d be the first to buy you a ticket.” George said.

Shawna pouted. Then she noticed it was 11:30. “Let’s have some lunch, I’m hungry!” She said. She had already finished her Snickers bar and had chocolate all over her face. “Give me a kiss!” She told John as she attacked him. “Yuck!” He yelled wiping his mouth. He sniffed. “Tastes like bubble gum!”

“Calm down Shawna!” Jamie said.

* * *

Later on that evening, Paul and I went up to our room. While Paul was in the bathroom, Jill bounded up the stairs, with Shawna not far behind her. “Sounds like a herd of bloody elephants!” I laughed.

“Malibu Shores is on!” Jill said excitedly. “Yea!” Shawna added. “Let’s watch it, come on.”

The show had not been on for three weeks, so being excited, I forgot all about Paul in the bathroom. I followed them down the stairs and plopped down in the chair next to Jill. Jamie was not there because she was in the other room with George, watching their favorite show, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.

A few minutes later Paul came down and sat down in another chair. “Hi.” I said, not looking up from what Chloe and Zack were doing, which was making out, something Paul thought we should be doing. Mad about my reaction he left in a huff to watch Pappyland, which was what Ringo was watching in the other living room. John was with him, not because he wanted to watch “Pappy,” but because he wanted to get away from Shawna.

A few minutes later, Ringo came out to talk to me; thank goodness it was a commercial, because I think Jill would have killed us. “Paul’s mad at you.” He said.

“Oh,” I answered.

“But I wouldn’t have it, I stood up for you.” He told me.

“I knew I could rely on you.” I said.

“Shhh!” Shawna and Jill yelled when it came back on. Ringo left when he heard Pappy announce it was time for a sing-along.

* * *

When the show was over, I went up to my room to join Paul. He had gone up a few minutes earlier. When I got there he was facing the wall.

“What’s a matter with you, then?” I asked when I climbed in the bed with him.

“It’s you! You like that damn Malibu Shores better than you like me!”

“You’re not being fair! I have the right to watch my favorite show even though you want to make-out.” I protested in my defense. “I have other interests besides kissing you, you know. You’re being selfish!”

I glared at him. “Huh!” I sighed. Paul was so stubborn.

“Well I’m sorry.” Paul stated. “I love you and I wanted to spend some time with you. I shouldn’t of gotten so mad. Can you forgive me?”

“I suppose…” I said as we kissed and made up.

* * *

“Mmmm.” Jill moaned as she woke up in Ringo’s arms. “This is something I can get used to very fast,” she said.

They got up and fixed themselves a cup of black coffee. It was already 1:30 PM and everyone else was gone. Except Shawna, because she was still eating her breakfast, besides, no one wanted to take her anywhere.

“I wonder where everyone is.” Jill said to Ringo.

Shawna, who had been up for a while, knew. “They all went to the beach.” She informed them.

Just then they heard “Kaboom!” No, this was not Shawna falling out of her chair. It was the sound of a loud thunder clap from the sky. Lighting flashed brightly, and suddenly the coffee machine stopped humming. All was quiet, except for the fact that Shawna was now munching noisily on her Lucky Charms, she of course, was oblivious to the fact that the power just went out.

“Oh no!” Jill cried. “Samantha and Jamie are out there in the storm! We must find them!”

Then to get more comfortable, Shawna unbuttoned her pants. Jill and Ringo were completely disgusted and turned their heads away, gagging. Just then they heard a loud crash, and as they looked up they were knocked unconscious. The ceiling came crashing down on them. Shawna still had cereal in her mouth. All was completely quiet.

* * *

“Paul, I’m cold,” I shivered. I was soaked to the bone, he offered me his coat but it too was wet, so I declined. Instead we cuddled to keep warm.

“George, when will we be able to go home?” Jamie asked.

“I don’t know Jamie, I just don’t know.” Was all George could answer. Jamie and George also huddled to stay warmer. John who felt like a fifth wheel, kept saying, “I wish Shawna was here, she’d keep any man warm!” Finally seeing that he was freezing, Paul and I let him into our circle. Soon after that Jamie and George joined us.

“I wish we could get in the car.” Jamie said after a long time of silence.

“Well I’m sorry. It was a mistake, I never should have left the windows open in the first place!” John exclaimed, angry at himself.

“It won’t do any good blaming each other.” Paul scolded Jamie. “Like John said, it was a mistake. Besides, I should have checked the car’s oil when I was supposed to, then maybe we wouldn’t be stranded on a deserted beach.”

* * *

The next morning I woke up in Paul’s arms. The sun was shining and we had started to dry out a bit. The beach was a disaster area, and trees were tipped over all over the place. We woke up John, George and Jamie, and we decided to walk to the road and flag someone down.

When we reached the highway a car went by right a way. Once they saw who we were, they stopped immediately. “Need a ride?” A young woman named Yoko said. She was a Japanese woman who was 31 years old. She had long dark hair. She was not ugly, but she wasn’t very attractive either.

We quickly said yes and directed her to our home. John and Yoko got along well right off the bat. Jamie and I exchanged glances, we knew this was Yoko Ono, John’s soon to be wife. We did not like her one bit.

“Oh my God!” I exclaimed. “Look at the house!” I said as we jumped out of the Honda. I ran in. “Jill!” I shouted. “Ringo!” Paul yelled. “Maybe Shawna died!” John said happily.

“By all means, I’d be quite prepared for that eventuality!” George said giggling.

“No, she’d cushion herself. We’re not that lucky.” I said. “I hope Jill and Ringo are okay.” I was worried after they didn’t answer us.

“Help!” A muffled cry came from the rubble. It was Jill.

“I need somebody, Help! Not just anybody!” John added.

“Shut up John.” Paul said as we started moving the rubbish. “Our beautiful home!” I cried.

“Well at least Shawna’s still with us!” John joked as Shawna stumbled out of the wreck, marshmallows spilling out of her mouth.

“Don’t remind me!” Jamie said, they were still searching for Ringo.

“Ringo, my pet, where are you?!” Jill yelled again and again, frantically.

Suddenly Paul smelled something. He sniffed the air. “He’s over there,” He said, pointing to the east. Sure enough, there was Ringo!

“How did you know?” I asked.

“Easy!” He exclaimed. “His socks led the way!” We laughed.

“Why didn’t you answer me, Ringo?” Jill pouted.

“Don’t cane me sir, I was lead astray!” Ringo said, covered in dust. He sneezed. “God bless you, Ringo.” Jill told him.

“I’m starving to death!” Shawna exclaimed.

Go on to Chapter Three.

Check out The Pooh Page The page where I got my email pic.

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