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Chapter Eight

"Get Back, get back, get back to where you once belonged." John sang to James.

"I'll miss you." Shawna said to John.

"Yes, I suppose I'll miss you, too." John replied.

James had grown to be a great scientist and he knew a path home.

"Bon Voyage!" I cried as they disappeared.

Crystal had decided to stay. We fixed an empty bedroom up just for her next to John's room.

* * *

"George!" Jamie screamed during the middle of the night.

"What?" He asked.

"I lost my engagement ring!" She sobbed.

George hugged her. "It will be all right, I'm sure we’ll find it in the morning. Let's go back to bed. You need your rest."

A few minutes later after he turned out the light, George "seized her."

* * *

"Are you sure you didn't let Ringo borrow it?" Paul asked her the next morning.

"Yes, I only took it off to wash my hands and forgot it then when I went back it was ... gone!"

"Besides," Ringo said, "My fingers are too big."

"We must have been robbed again." Jill said.

"Maybe it was James!" I suggested.

"James would never do such a thing!" Ringo yelled. "I can vouch for him, we're very close."

“Are you cheating on me with James?” Jill cried while she picked her toes.

“It was while you were sleeping!” Ringo said.

“I knew it!” Jill said. “I was sleeping. How could you do this to me Ringo?”

“But darling!” Ringo cried, coming to comfort her.

“Don’t touch me! Now you try to make up for it.” Jill yelled turning from him. “I knew it all along, I could tell in the sex.”

“But babycakes!” Ringo started.

“It’s no use. Just let her see that it wasn’t meant to be. We are meant for each other!” James said, coming in and holding Ringo’s hand.

“James! What are you doing back?” I yelled.

“You asshole! You stole my man!” Jill ran up to James and slapped him as hard as she could. “Die you faggots!” Jill screamed as she ran from the room.

“How dare you take it that far James! I love her! I am not gay and that was a stupid joke.” Ringo yelled angrily. He ran after Jill.

“Honey, I didn’t mean it.” Ringo said when he reached his and Jill’s bedroom, where she stood.

“I’m not in the mood to argue,” Jill said as she turned around with a smile. Apparently she had known all along it was a joke. The joke was now on James.

“Really?” Ringo was shocked.

Jill ran and jumped onto Ringo and they fell back onto their bed.

“Pinned ya.” Jill laughed.

“Let me up!” Ringo laughed, kissing her. They got up and he tickled her madly. She jumped up and pushed him back down onto the bed.

“Pinned ya again!” Jill giggled.

* * *

Jamie and George searched high and low for Jamie's ring. Finally they found it, lodged behind the sofa. I must have slipped off while they were engaged in sexual acts one night while the rest of us were gone.

To celebrate finding the ring they decided to reenact this night, this time with the ring in a safe place.

* * *

Paul and I thought that we needed some time alone so we decided to go away for the weekend. The others decided they would also come along. We mainly wanted to get away from the fans and reporters.

We went to the airport after we had packed and saw a newspaper that read “McCartney’s bent for Bermuda.”

“Who let it out?” Asked John.

“We just put it round we’re going there.” Paul said.

“We’re not going there?” I asked.

“Just so everybody’ed think we were going there.” George added.

“I’d like to go there.” I declared.

“You wouldn’t like it.” Jamie informed me.

“Where are we going then?” Jill asked.

“Never you mind.” John told her as he shook his finger.

* * *

And so we found ourselves in…


At dinner that night Paul tried to kiss me. “Not now Paul, I’m trying to eat!” I scolded him.

Read Chapter Nine.

Check out The Pooh Page The page where I got my email pic.

© 1997