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Cast of Characters

Main Characters:

The Beatles: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. If you don’t know who they are, then maybe you shouldn’t be reading this!


The narrator (me). I am in love with Paul McCartney, and I am fairly prim and proper most of the time. I’m about 18 at the beginning of the story and age progressively to about 34. I have one child, a son, Paul George.


George is the Beatle Jamie fancies. Jamie is naïve at first, but starts to lighten up more as the story progresses. Jamie has a daughter, Patti, and is also 18 at the start of the story.


Jill finds Ringo attractive. She is sex obsessed and always ready to have a good time. She likes to sleep late and is somewhat of a bad influence. Jill has one child, Zak and is 19 at the start of the adventure.


The plump girl in the bunch, Shawna would like to like John, but he won’t have it. She spends most of her time eating and trying to fit in. Shawna is 18 at the beginning.


Crystal joins the group later on and falls for John. She is very kind and is a good friend to all. She is the same age as the rest of us.

Minor Characters:


A former classmate of the girls’, he somehow enters the past and tries to kidnap Samantha before falling in love with Brian Epstein.

Brian Epstein:

The Beatles’ manager, he has many gay lovers. He also tries unsuccessfully to put Shawna on a diet.

Yoko Ono:

John’s girlfriend for a time, she turns evil, tries to kidnap Samantha and later joins forces with MDC to assassinate John.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:

A guru the Beatles knew, he tries to kidnap Samantha.


Another school friend of the girls’, he comes to the past with Crystal and soon leaves.

*Note….these characters are loosely based on real people, however, some details have been exaggerated, and others made up. It’s just a silly story that is not intended to be a great piece of literature, but it might make you laugh! It is all in good fun. :)*

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