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Here is a story that I started writing in 1996 with my friends Jamie and Jill. It starts out silly, with what you can expect from a 14 year old just experiencing the Beatles. Then it matures with me, as I grow older. I haven't typed it all up yet, but should have it done by the end of the year.

Note: Shawna, if you're reading this, just know that when we wrote it we weren't picturing you. We were picturing someone like Ringo's aunt in Magical Mystery Tour. We were also very young and immature. Sorry!

Beatle’s Adventure (All You Need is Love!)- [the revised version]

By: Samantha Liddle


We woke up and felt the earth shaking below us.

“Ahhhh!” we screamed as we tumbled blindly into the darkness. When we landed it was 1964. We were in Liverpool.

“Oh!” I said landing hard on the floor. I stood and wiped the dust off of my clothes.

“Eh, what’s all this?” Paul inquired when he saw us four girls.

“Oh them they’ve been lurking.” John replied, matter-of-factly, (although he didn’t have any clue why we just fell from a crack in the ceiling.)

Shawna quickly noticed John was eating a Snickers bar. “Can I have a bite?” She asked, timidly eyeing the chocolate.

“I can get you on stage,” John muttered, “But you ain’t getting me candy.” He said defensively.

“Oh, how?” Shawna whined.

“When I had my first Snickers bar in American, I couldn’t believe it, there were bloody peanuts in there!” Paul exclaimed, flabbergasted. “Besides, chubby, I don’t think you need anymore candy bars!” Paul kidded. Shawna didn’t take it too well.

“I don’t know Paulie, don’t mock the afflicted.” Ringo said, coming in Shawna’s defense after he saw her sniffling in the corner.

“Aw, come off it, it was only a joke!” Paul defended himself.

“Well it may be a joke, but it’s her feelings. She can’t help having a hideous great body, and the poor little carpet, trembling under the weight of it.” Ringo laughed.

“Oh, you pick on your own!” Shawna said disgruntled.

* * *

And thus was the start of our adventure with the Beatles.


Of course that was months ago, before the four girls and the Beatles developed close relationships with each other. It didn’t take long to realize that the eight people hit it off, as a group and individually. Most of us paired off, I was with Paul, Jamie - George, and Jill and Ringo. John and Shawna were kind stuck together, much to John’s dismay. It starts out one evening a few months after we “landed.”

* * *

Go on to Chapter One.

Check out The Pooh Page The page where I got my email pic.

© 1997