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This is a page for all of my friends..I will be adding them as time goes on..Sorry to the ones who aren't on at first but there are only so many hours in a day..THEY ARE IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER!! This page is so colorful because I couldnt decide on colors so I asked my friends to pick a color..

Autumn - an awsome friend that I graduated with..also she was my biology partner..we disected 'ALFRED' together and had so much fun doing time she came to my house to study cat and we put Alfred on a box covered with a big garbage bag and my dog, Kinky took the one corner of the garbage bag and covered up Alfred cause he wanted attention..Autumn and I also disected many other things and everything that we disected had a name that I gave it except the cat because it was the last thing we disected and I had named everything else..during high school Autumn through several AWSOME parties..

Lisa - a kewl friend that I graduated with..her mom became a girl scout leader and that is when we became really good friends and we have been friend's since..Lisa through a couple parties that were AWSOME too..Lisa and I had french class together for three years and that was AWSOME..also Lisa and I had this study hall in the high school cafeteria but most of the time we spent that study hall in our Spanish teachers room..we were spose to be working, but half the time nothing ever got accomplished except goofing off and have the teacher call me a "Goofball" for talking non stop about a bucket of shells for a half-hour..

Holly - this is an awesome friend that I have known for two years and who luved 'the scratch'..hehe..

Amy - this would have to be one of my all time best friends..she was spose to graduate with me but moved away two months before graduation and she hasnt even talked to me since she moved away..but that is ok cuz I have many memories and stuff with her..I met her in fifth grade and she was a kewl friend cuz I wasn't much of a fighter so whoever said that they wanted to beat me up..she fought them for then when we got to high school we always made plans but very seldom got to keep them cuz one of us was usually grounded, but we were never grounded at the same time..we fought at every school dance except Prom our junior year..she became a dyke our freshman year and I stayed friends with her and rumors got spread that I was a dyke..I ignored them and ever since that not one rumor was started bout me..

Melissa - she also graduated with me and we were better friends when we were littler but we are still friends..when we were little we used to go to each others houses all the time and find little adventures'..

Jon - this is my all time ultimate friend that graduated with me..he is the one that I went to with problems and everything else..even tho I was a total jerk on the first day of our senior year cause I didn't like the girl he had been going out with so I took and walked in to first period and asked him how his girlfriend was like 6 times..boy wasn't I mean?..but Jon helped me with a lot of things through-out high school..He has yelled at me and we have laughed together and cried and just all around had I have only known him for 4 years..

Jerry - another person that I graduated with and was friends with..have known him since second grade, but didnt really become good friends til high school our junior year when I would walk into World Cultures and push his books off his desk everyday, and the teacher liked that so he gave me a B for the we were in Health Career Club together our junior year and we went on this field trip to Pittsburg and did a puppet show for the kids at oone of the day care centers and the nwe had lunch and he made fun of me for ordering a meatball sandwich with cheese and no meatballs. then we took a boat ride on the Gateway Clipper..That waas fun cuz we sat and talked the whole time eating peach rings and just remembring things that we did when we were little and stuff..

Jen - this is like one of the kewlest people on here and she is so awsome that she gives me advice almost all the when I go to Philly to go to college..we are gonna get together and PARTY!!..

CHRIS - this is my sweetie and I luv him soo much..

ALEX - this is another of my sweeties and I like him a lot..He umm is just an awesome guy that is really sweet..*grins*..

RICHIE - this is yet another of my sweeties..he helped me pass Calculus my senior year with a 'B'..I really like him and hope to meet him sometime during my freshman year college..*grins*..

Annie - this is my big yung sissy who I luv very much and she is a cutie..she likes to pick on me and beat me up is okay that she picks on me and stuff tho cuz I her lil old sis..

Kate -this is probly my best friend on here and I will be going to stay with her for a week in about three weeks..woo hoo!!umm and then I will add more bout this sexy turd!!..

Brad - a kewl guy that is nice..

Brent - he is a kewl guy from chat and he calls me a kwazy nut..hehe

Tim - this is my lil brother who I luv very much and like to pik on..he doesn't like it when I pick on him though..but then when does anyone like to be picked on?..

Meggie - a kewl Canadian friend that listens and gives advise as needed and is pretty kewl too!..

Michael - a kewl guy from Coneticut that introduced me to many of his friends..

JOE - an AWSOME guy that I met through michael and that I think is a sweetie and cutie like Joe L..

Andy - another kewl guy that I met through Michael who helped me get on an FTP site and helped me download things and set them up..

Tony - a kewl guy that I met through Michael and who loves football..

Rachel - a kewl girl that knows what to say and when to say it and listens..

Julie - a kewl person that I talk to a lot..

Ryan - he is an awesome lion friend that tastes yumma..and he is so nice to talk to at times..

Peatie - a kewl guy that I talk to every now and then

Sam - a kewl girl that I met in chat one day and have talked to ever since..

James - a really nice guy that best treat Monica right..

Monica- a really gewd friend of mine that James best treat right..

Jared - a pretty kewl guy..

C - a kewl guy..

Wes - a neat-o guy..*grins*..

Mike - a friend of wes's that is pretty kewl..

Jaime - a girl that I didn't like at first but I think she is pretty kewl now and she is awesome!!..

Juddy - an awsome redneck kinda guy that needs to be nice to me once in a while..*giggles*'s that rollercoaster goin??..

Tobi - a guy that sam just introduced me to and I am gonna get to know..

Dustin - he is an alright guy I guess..he can get on your nerves at times tho..

Al - a pretty kewl guy that knows bout computers and he is just AWSOME!!

Zach - a really nice guy that umm i think is nice..
