Reset Candles-
Entering and exiting rooms reset candles.
Stage Glitch-
In the first stage once you enter the room with the water you climb up a ladder to the room you were in only on the other side of the wall. Enter the door and sometimes you will turn around and walk back out of the door. Now the room will be glitched and a red ball falls from the ceiling. Collect the ball and you will go to level two and the game will go back to normal.
Fall through the floor-
In any spot that has two blocks stacked on top of each other and a ledge 3 blocks tall(the last block should be 1 block below the wall of two blocks). Fall off the ledge and whip at the same time. You will fall through the floor. This lets you lose a life in the church and enter hidden spots of the mansions.
DINT XXDY 445X V3ZX -All Items and full experience in zero days.
OFIT M5QX 1P5S QBQA Rib, Chainwhip, Blue Crystal
SZMH QXE1 5PXW UESE Plus the heart
TIRH DYDZ 405V 81B1 Plus the nail, flame whip, and red crystal
MLIE WUCW VNKU SCBC Plus the ring and cross
RIG7 NVFX E45V 07BT All items
Tons of Lives-
In 3-1, at the staircase at the end jump on the Koopa Troopa. Jump on him and contuinue jumping on him to get tons of 1-ups.
In 1-2 walk past the pipe that exits the stage to warp to 4-1, 3-1, or 2-1. In world 4-2, walk past the pipe to warp to world 5-1 or after that pit with the ledges comind down bash the blocks to reveal a vine. Climb it and you can warp to world 6-1, 7-1, or 8-1.
Small and firey Mario-
At the castle, jump on Bowser and the ax at the same time. Next time or so you collect powerups you will shrink but be able to shoot fireballs.
The Minus World-
In 1-2, at the last pipe, jump and break the 2nd and 3rd block from the pipe. Stand on the edge of the ledge, and jump backwards. You will travel through the wall. Go in the first or third pipe to go to -1 or pipe number two to enter 5-1.
Walk on the Ceiling-
In 1-2, after the star there is a stack of bricks. You can make a staircase out of them to walk on the ceiling. In 1-4, when you get to the spot after the power up, scroll the screen so there is about one bricks worth of space between the wall and the edge of the screen. Jump in that space and if you jump up you will go on top of the wall or though the wall.
If you lose all your lives, press a and start to continue where you left off.
Gliding Mario-
If you are firey Mario, hold down a and b as you enter the stage and as long as you hold these buttons, Mario will be gliding on one foot
The Hidden Ledge-
In 1-3, stomp the koopa troopa that is over the pit that the goomba falls in and when you fall, stomp it again. The koopa troopa will be floating on a hidden ledge and if you kick it it will slide across the bottom of the screen.
Get Caught and Still Win the Game-
In 8-4, use the small and firey Mario glitch but instead of being super Mario be little Mario. When you hit Bowser you will die but you will be transformed onto the next screen and you will win and Mario won't be there.