What made you decide to work at Color Dreams?
Jon-It was there, and so was I. They thought they could make money, and I thought I could get some of it. We were both wrong.
What was it like working there?
Jon-It was interesting...some of the folks there were about as intelligent as anyone you will come across, believe it or not.
What games did you make?
Jon-I worked on several, but was primarily responsible for Operation Secret Storm and Happy Camper...I did graphics for P'Radikus, and programming for Pesterminator, and a little bit of alot of things on many of the other games.
Who else worked there?
Jon-A bunch of people...too many to list
When did you quit working at Color Dreams?
Jon-I quit before Operation Secret Storm was released.
What is left of Color Dreams today?
Jon-Color Dreams is still in business, making digital camera systems under the name StarDot Technologies. If you open a StarDot camera, you will see a (c) Color Dreams message on the circuit board.
Check Out Jon Valesh's Homepage