i havent updated this in about 2 weeks, partly due to my short attention span, and partly because ive been sleeping alot more lately. im scared. im scared im getting depressed again. its harder to laugh at things anymore... even at the simpsons. it all gets me down sometimes, not the fact that i dont fit in, not the fact that there's not a lot of punks around here, not even the fact that im failing math...the fact that things aren't EVER going to be perfect, or even close to perfect. theres always going to be white supremists, there's always going to be homophobes, theres always going to be at least someone trying to shut me and you up and degrade us. there's always going to be a little girl who agrees with and believes everything thats force fed into her by commercials, tv shows, movies, magazines, billboards, and even her fucking parents since birth.
women are targeted by society more than males, and brought up to think they have to act and look a certain way. in issue #187 of maximum rock n roll, nathan berg talks about this. (thanks to johnny from chicago for giving this to me)
"from the day they are born, girls are manipulated to become consumers for the cosmetics industry. theyre taught to hate their body's and worship those of celebrities. the celebrities then make a fortune from cosmetics companies by portraying themselves in ads that suggest they weren't born with beauty, but created it with whatever particular product is being sold in the ad. soon enough, girls everywhere are fervently buying up products that will supposedly make them sexier, and we all know that's all girls are good for. (sarcasm, folks) and these companies wont stop until every woman on earth is a real-life painting. foundation, eye liner, eye shadow, mascara, blush, lipstick, lip gloss, nailpolish, hair dye, whatever, just pile that crap on, it can only help, right?
wrong. subjecting girls to an endless barrage of ads reminding them that they arent as beautiful as they should be, or that they need to "reverse the ageing process" isnt harmless....it's scary."
he said it better than i could. phones ringing again.......
just click the back button, geek.