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1970 Plymouth Fury Convertible
1997 Dodge Ram Sport
1971 Dodge 100 Pick Up
1970 Dodge Challenger
Home Page

Pages Last Updated 10/27/12

Welcome to my Mopar "C" Body Home Page.

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Click here to see In-Progerss Pictures of the 1970 Dodge Challenger Project.

Click here to see Restoration Pictures of the 1970 Plymouth Fury Convertible.

Click here to see my 1997 Dodge Ram Sport.

Click here to see my 1971 Dodge 100 Pick Up.

Special Thanks to my neighbor, Heather for the special effects on the Black and White photo, and the poster type photo below.

April 2012 I listed this Fury on E-bay, and sold it. It is now owned by a gentleman in Sweden. Always wanting a real muscle Mopar, I sold it to make room for my next project. I located and bought a 1970 Dodge Challenger. It is a very solid car and came with most of the raw parts I need for restoration. I decided to keep this page up for the viewing pleasure of all you "C body" guys.

Below are some pictures of the 70 Fury convertible at the Delaware State Seashore Park. These shots were taken September 2006.(it was a little too chilly to put the top down) This machine gets driven everywhere. It starts and runs perfectly with the Chrysler Electronic Ignition pumping the power through Accel 8mm wires. I have had the front suspention re-built by Dan's Frame Shop in Mechanicsburg PA. Just before that, I put in a firm feel steering box. This car drives and rides like new. I love driving this car with the 383/4bbl with the 727 Tranny. I am still using the stock 2bbl camshaft and the 295.1 gears in the 8 3/4" non posi rear. I get good power and still got over 17 mpg on the open road.


The 1971 Chrysler 300 seats that I found at Chryslers at Carlisle!

I really jazzed up the interior by replacing the crappy looking wood grain with engine turned aluminum.

My Favorite Links...
Click here to visit Mopar Rebellion!
Click here to see Paul's 70 Fury III Convertible
Click here for Bill's 70 Fury III Convertible
Click here to see more 1970 Furies from Bill's Website!
Click here for the C-Body Dry Dock
Thanks for looking! Bye Bye!

Here's my brother Bob's 67 Newport! Yes that is a giant pickle wearing a sweat band in the back seat. It is being driven by his wife Dottie during the Dillsburg Pickle Chase.

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