"Anger Within Me"

Everyday, All the time, anger is on the verge of breaking out from inside me. It controls me day by day, hour by hour. Its like a time bomb in me waiting to go off.

I try and try to get rid of the anger, but all it does is make things worse. I don't know why I get so angry. But everything makes me angry, no matter what it is. I just don't know what to do!! I pray, but it seems like God ignores me and isn't listening. And then that hurt merges in with the anger, and I blow up because I cant handle it anymore!!!

Im screaming so loud inside and no one hears me. I cry out for help day by day, and no one comes. Its dark...
HELP!!!!! I lie in my bed, covering my face with a pillow, crying out.. " Why? Why? Why?" "Please, Somebody help me!!! I turn off the lights, but it makes no difference because its already pitch black. I lie flat on the floor.

I finally cry myself to sleep. I dream .. Im in a room, alone, dark, and cold, and silence filled the room! All I could hear was the panting of my breath, as I look around.. I fall to the ground. I wrap my arms around myself.. Frightened as a two year old would be. Every noise shocking me, and making me scream, and look around in panic. Silence surrounded me by walls of cement, and I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and screamed at the top of my lungs.. and all I heard was the echo... of my voice.

Am I dead? Where am I? What's going on?? I want out!!! Please, somebody, answer me! I fall to my knees, and a sharp pain runs through me.

I yell out, "God, Why is this happening to me?" "Why do you leave me alone like this, when I need you the most?" "God, Please, Have Mercy on me!" "I need you!"

Tears filling my eyes, flowing down my dry and sore cheeks! I wipe my eyes, and lean back against the wall. Closing my sore eyes.

And then I hear a still small voice. The voice said, "Rest in me my child, for I hold you in the palm of my hands." I said "Why did you leave me?" He said, "You were not trusting in me." "You tried to fix it over and over in your own strength." "God, Several times, I called out your name, and you ignored me." "I cried for help, but you brushed me off." "My child, you were in your own self, trying to fix it yourself." "But God, why now did you come to help me?" "It came from your heart, and you finally truly realized that you needed me, and you cried out my name in sincerity!" "My child, no matter what happens, and what you think, I will Never leave you"

"I Love You"

Sealed in my blood and Stamped on you! ~Jesus~ © Joya Apperson (Angelgurly) DONT STEAL!
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