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Its just me and myself,
Wandering to a place of serenity.
To a place never heard of, nor tred upon.

A place where I can run free,
Speak free, and be me.

Words flowing from my lips,
Like water does a stream...

The wing blowing a gentle breeze
Through my hair, with the sweet smell
Of the after-rain and a tint of honeydew.

Walking through the gardens and trees
Of luscious and God- Breathed fruit
As grapes, and strawberries,
So sweet and delicious
growing in their beauty and splendor...

And the flowers awakening with the
Gleaming dew upon their faes.

I hear the birds singing sweet songs
And the leaves trembling with the breeze..
And the sun beaming with its warm golden rays
upon the rushing stream...
as I hold up my dress and run splashing in the crystal waters...
Dancing and twirling around and around in the fields of dandilions and buttercups.....
Laughing and giggling like once as a child
I fear no more
For its just me and myself..

© Joya Apperson (Angelgurly; Me) Do Not Steal! Thank You!

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