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~Was it Just a Dream?~

Hello.. and Welcome to my Story!
I actually wouldnt call this a story.
I got it from a Dream myself!
I hope you enjoy it! When your done reading it,
please Email Me and let me
know what you thought of it! =) As time permits, Ill be writing more! So, Sit back, and enjoy!

© Angelgurly; Don't Steal!!

"Was It Just A Dream"
Winds Whispering the Mellow words of the spirits
as it drifted through the trees. Spirits Soaring from the anscestors, as they were remembered
and imagined. A lady sits on a bank under a Willow tree, chanting a soft song as she runs her
hands through the glistening waters.

She chants the song of the Goddess, and the Spirits and the enchanted creatures... and all the
memories that had surpassed through the years. The lady was then dusted by a great old fairy,
and soon drifted off to sleep. As she drifted off... she dreamed.. or was it..?

There was a wolf as she dreamed.. which guided her through the Old Enchanted Hollow.
The wolf spoke to her, as he guided her safely to a cave.

The cave was empty and she could hear the cries and shrieks
of the spirits as she walked through. The wolf spoke to her saying..
"O' Enchanted Lady, Light a fire. The spirits
call you from amidst.. Light the fire.. and dance to call back
the enchanted memories. While you dance, M'Lady, chant the
words you did, as you sat on the river bank.
The Lady tried to speak, but was rudely interupted
by the wolf, as he howled to the moon, in a terrifying tone.

Three times the wolf howled fiercely towards the moon..
..Waisting no more time, for fear of danger, the Lady lit
a fire, and started dancing. As she danced, she chanted the
words she was told.. and she chanted the words loudly and clearly..
as all would hear... "I am the Great Mother, worshipped by all creation and existant
prior to their consciousness. I am the Primal Female force, boundless and eternal.......

As she chanted, the cries of dismay and fear had ceased, and joyous tunes
were being sung, and they were Merry..

The lady asked.."What is going on?; Why did I have to do this."

The wolf and spirits replied as One.. saying.. "You are the
Goddess of the Enchanted Hollow. You were passed down this staff,and to have gotten it,
you were to obey the calling of your anscestors.., and you have obeyed M'Lady. Care for this Hollow
as if you reigned here for a thousand years. You have a long journey ahead of you M'Lady...~Blessed Be!~

At that exact moment, she awoke panting. She got up as if very startled.
As she looked around, she saw the wolf high on a cliff.. she stared in awe as she wondered..

.. What it really just a Dream?? ..

Well.. thats it .. I hope you enjoyed it! And again, email me and tell me what you think! =0) Many Thanx!!
