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Claire Redfield
AGE: 19
HEIGHT: 5.5 ft.
WEIGHT: 115.5 lbs

Claire's inquisitive bent makes her more than just an ordinary college student who loves riding motorcycles. She went to Raccoon City in search of her brother Chris, who was missing under mysterious circumstances. But almost immediately she became involved in a series of eerie incidents engineered by the Umbrella Corporation. Teaming up with rookie cop Leon S. Kennedy, Claire managed to escape the city. Three months later, she now heads to Europe, following up on clues about Chris. After infiltrating Umbrella's Paris facility, however, she is soon caught by the Umbrella Corporation and transferrred to the corporation's prison in South America on an isolated island.

Chris Redfield
AGE: 25
HEIGHT: 5.9 ft.
WEIGHT: 177.5 lbs

A member of the special tactics force S.T.A.R.S., Chris is tough with a will of iron and a body of steel. He is good at handling firearms. A former Air-Force pilot, he's a top-notch airman. After solving the "mansion incident," he transferred to Europe with his team members Jill and Barry.

Steve Burnside
AGE: 17
HEIGHT: 5.7 ft.
WEIGHT: 148.8 lbs

Though young and often reckless, Steve is a good-hearted kid. He was captured with his father and held in the Umbrella prison on an isolated island. He has bad feelings towards his family, though exactly why is a mystery. During a prison raid by an unknown organization, he escaped in the chaos. Steve now meets up with Claire and there adventure begins.

Alfred Ashford

Alfred has been the head of Umbrella for some time. Talking to him gives you an idea why the commpany is so twisted. Alfred is egomanical to the extreme. Raised in extremely privileged surroundings, he's come to expect the world to dance to his tune. He misses his sister, Alexia...almost too much.

Alexia Ashford

The twin sister of Alfred, Alexia is a mysterious figure. People claim to have seen her in the Ashford residence, but no one's been near her for years. No one except for Alfred, that is. What secrets lie behind those eyes? There are many. Can you find all of them and discover the truth?

Albert Wesker

Wesker is a two-time betrayer. He led his fellow S.T.A.R.S. members into a trap while working for Umbrella. But that was all part of a double cross he had planned against Umbrella. Now he's working for someone else. He's not the same Wesker Chris knew...

Rodrigo Juan Raval

Rodrigo works for Umbrella. Recently he captured Claire Redfield and brought her to Roackfort Island. Recent events, though, have made him reconsider his actions. Mr. Raval would like nothing more than to go home. He may not make it, but he tries to set things right by freeing Claire.