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“You’re about to journey into the mind of a psycho path killer. Blood spiller. Mentally much iller then you could ever imagine in your wildest dreams. To fill his pain in your violent screams”- D12 “American Psycho”

What turns the boy next door into a murderer? How can the little Boy Scout next door grow up to be a serial killer? Was it the parents? Society? Environment? Or maybe, just maybe, it was something more. Something that people don’t even want to think about. They say that in every human being there is the potential to be your own worst nightmare. The fact that and average Joe could go bad.

We get psychiatrists to try and find out what makes criminals become the way they are and say that we could never be like that. But maybe if you were pushed far enough you would become the same thing.

TV shows, music, movie violence, any of the above we blame beside ourselves for what people do. We blame anything beside ourselves.

The ability to become what we hate is in each of us. The thing we fear more then anything. A murderer. A serial killer. An American Psycho. After all the Unabomber was only a teacher and the Son of Sam was only a postal worker.

Well that is what one of our five subjects are, but the real question is which one. The gang member? The one who is down on his luck? The cop? The business mogul? The college student? You decide.


American Psycho