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“Sometimes when this place gets kind of empty. Sound of the breath fades with the light. I think about the loveless fascination. Under the milky way tonight,” – The Church “Under the Milky Way”

Justin’s eyes shoot open as he gasps for a large breath and begins to go into a coughing fit. Brian looks over at him suddenly as JC runs over and kneels by his side. Stanton runs over with a bottle of water as Brian walks over behind him slowly. Justin lays back down on his back as he continuous to cough violently. He takes in a large breath of air again before calming his fit.

“Jesus are you ok?” Stanton asks looking at him hard.

Justin nods staring up at the ceiling, “I’m fine. I’m fine.”

JC looks at him oddly before shaking his head.

Brian looks from Justin back down at Pilar on her side still on the floor as her eyes begin to flutter. He kneels down next to her slowly and stares at her as her eyes pop open and lock on his. Brian stares at her and smiles softly, “Hey Pilar.”

JC looks up from Justin as Brian talks, “Oh my God,” he says crawling over Justin and sitting by her side, “Are you ok?”

Pilar nods softly, “So tired,” she says softly.

“No, no, no,” Stanton says, “Don’t go back to sleep,” he says walking over to her and staring at her, “We need you to stay up ok.”

She nods again.

“She’s so pale,” Cole says walking up behind them all.

“You’re sick hun,” Stanton says feeling her forehead softly, “We’re gonna get you better though ok. We’re gonna take you back to the city and get Xander to look at you.”

“No, no, no city,” she says shaking her head no with a dazed look in her eyes, “Danger. Danger in the city.”

Justin crawls over to her pushing in between Stanton and Brian and staring down at her, “You’ll be fine,” he says calmly as he places a hand softly on her stomach.

Pilar takes in her breaths deeply as Stanton frowns down at her, “We need to leave as soon as possible,” he says quietly to Justin who nods in agreement.

Pilar’s eyes lock on the corner of the room as she struggles with her breathes again. Her eyes grow wide suddenly as a loud scream escapes her mouth and she moves quickly pushing herself across the floor away from everyone else.

Stanton’s eyes grow wide as Justin goes after her grabbing her and holding her still in her arms firmly as she continuous to thrash her limbs about trying to free her weak body.

“Stop it!” Justin yells at her firmly, “You’re too weak. You’re too weak!” he says before she begins to shut her eyes again, “No. No! No! Stop it! Don’t do this again!” he yells at her as her eyes groggily pop open again and she begins to relax as he stands up with her in his arms, “I’m leaving,” he says walking towards the door, “I’m taking her with me.”

Brian stares at them all as Stanton stands up to follow him towards the cycles. He looks over at Cole who is staring intently at the corner of the room as Evie stands leaning against the wall calmly looking down at the floor. Cole slowly begins to back up following behind Stanton and bumping into Brian slightly.

“Leave,” Cole says to Brian quietly as he bumps into him.

Brian looks at him oddly before walking towards the door as well, “Stanton!” he yells as he hears the engine of a cycle roar up. Justin sits on it as Pilar lays curled up hanging onto his chest. Stanton was staring up the second cycle as Cole jumps on behind him holding onto his brother. Cole motions to Justin for Brian. Brian takes off running for Justin’s cycle as he jumps onto it right before Justin takes off down the street with the roar of the engine and Stanton follows close behind with JC holding onto Cole for dear life half falling off the cycle. The helmet begins to form around Brian’s head as he places the discs on his ears.

“What the fuck just happened!” Stanton yells into his ears through the microphone system.

“It was her. It was her not Lance,” Justin says from his microphone, “She was doing it not Lance. Lance was too far away. Why didn’t I see it? Why didn’t I see it earlier?”

“Evie!” Stanton yells, “We found her before we found you though.”

“He knew. He knew you would find me…or he let you,” Justin says a panic is sensed in his voice.

“When will we hit the city?” Brian asks.

“By morning if we drive all night,” Cole says.

“All night it is then,” Justin says.

“What did she see?” Brian asks Justin.

“I don’t know. I don’t know if I want to know. I can tell you that she was damn frightened though.”

Nick rubs his eyes as he hears a knock on the Browers’ door early in the morning. He opens his eyes slightly as he hears Jordan mumble something in the distance and go walking towards the door. He hears the door creek open as he hears a sudden commotion erupt and voices yelling from every direction. He jumps out of bed and goes running into the living room as Justin stands there between Cole and Stanton holding a small half dead girl in his arms. Her face was pale, her limbs were limp, her breathing was coming out heavily, as her eyes were half rolled up into the back of her head and a thin layer of sweat was now covering her body.

“Xander!” Stanton yells as his brother comes running from down the hall with some of the others.

“Stanton?” Xander says staring at him.

“Help her,” Stanton says looking over at the girl in Justin’s arms.

“Oh my God,” Xander says looking at her, “Put her down on the floor.”

Justin lays her on the floor carefully as he stares at her intently.

Brian appears behind them from the garage as Kevin comes out from down the hall staring at them all.

Justin looks up at him and stares, “Help her. I know you can.”

Kevin stares at him then over at Pilar before nodding and kneeling down next to her, “he got you good little girl,” he says softly as he feels Pilar’s forehead and closes his own eyes. Pilar’s eyes slowly close. Kevin scrunches up his face as Pilar’s body arches slightly on the floor under his touch. Pilar lets out a whimper suddenly as Justin stares at her intently.

Nick stares at them all and shakes his head, “Get out of her,” he says softly to himself, “Get out,” he says again as Cole and Jordan look over at him.

“What?” Jordan asks.

“Get out of her,” Nick says looking down at Pilar, “Get out!” he yells as Justin looks up at him, “LEAVE HER ALONE!” Nick yells loudly as loud bomb is heard in the distance and Pilar’s eyes open widely and she gasps for breath.

Kevin pulls his hand back and opens his eyes staring at Nick.

Justin looks down at Pilar as her breathing begins to steady and she begins to look around the room.

“Where the hell am I?” she asks eyes scanning the room wildly.

Kevin stands up and walks over to Nick as Nick stares at her, “Good job, Nick,” he says smiling at Nick walking past him back to his room.

Nick stares wide eyed down at Pilar, “I don’t even know what the hell I did.”

Pilar looks up at Nick from the floor, “Hi Nick.”

“Hey Pilar,” he says to her.

“Long time no see,” she says.

Nick nods, “Yeah.”

Justin walks over to him and stares eye level at him, “Thank You.”

Nick nods slowly, “Don’t worry about it.”

“You’re Nick?”

Nick nods, “Yeah.”

Justin smiles brightly before pulling him into a hug.

Tacks looks over at them oddly as Nick shrugs slightly from under Justin’s hug.

Brian shakes his head and throws himself onto the Brower’s couch.

“Nice to see you back,” AJ says from above him leaning over the couch.

Brian nods, “It’s nice to be back. I’m just glad I know I’m staying in one place.”

“She just freaked out,” Cole tells AJ, “It was so weird. She looked over at the corner at her and wham…she just started screaming.”

AJ stares at him before looking over his shoulder at Justin and Pilar laying curled up in the couch together as Justin softly rubs her stomach, “Weird.”

“I don’t think anything is weird anymore,” Eli says walking by.

“True,” AJ says.

Cole smirks and shakes his head as JC walks by them.

“He doesn’t talk much does he?” AJ asks about JC.

“He did before, but…I dunno there are a lot of people here he doesn’t know. He’s not like Justin either. He doesn’t have Pilar to cling to.”

AJ nods, “Understandable,” he says as he stares past Cole at Nick who is staring intently at a stream of sun light flowing into the room, “Nick you ok?”

Nick waves his right hand through the beam of light slowly nodding at AJ’s question in reply.

Cole looks over at AJ as AJ shakes his head.

“He’s been getting weirder and weirder,” AJ sighs, “I don’t understand it.”

Kevin walks up beside the two of them and smiles, “He’s learning.”

AJ and Cole turn to look at Kevin.

Nick closes his right hand into a fist under the sunbeam before walking away over to Justin and Pilar.

Justin looks up at him from his place on the couch.

Pilar reaches out a small hand and touches Nick’s fist lightly as small rays of light spring out from where his fingers each meet, “Let it go Nick,” she says calmly as she pulls her hand back.

Nick smiles softly at her and opens his right hand as the room fills with a bright light.

“Oh my God,” AJ says shielding his eyes from the light.

Kevin smiles widely and nods at Nick.

Eli looks at Nick and shakes his head, “I can’t believe you’re the same kid Jackson left before.”

Nick turns and looks at him as the bright light slowly starts to fade, “That’s because I’m not.”

Cole shakes his head and walks over to the kitchen table sitting down sighing. He looks at Nick’s sketchpad across the table and with his right hand reaches to grab it. He pulls it towards him and flips it open scanning the pages. He scrunches his eyes slightly as he begins to stare at some of the pictures toward the middle of the book. Woods, a cabin, a highway, a roughly sketched building along a road, the inside of the building, cycles, a bridge, a bridge with a girl standing next to it, and lastly a picture of just a close up of the girl. Cole’s eyes widen as he stands up holding the book walking over towards Justin and Pilar. Justin looks up at him as Cole turns the book to face him. Justin reaches up and grabs the book violently staring at the picture.

“Who drew this?” Justin asks.

“Nick did,” Jordan says from the corner, “He’s pretty damn good huh?”

Brian walks over behind the couch and stares at the picture, “Evie.”

Justin throws the pad violently across the room as Nick stares at him.

“What?” Nick asks, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Justin puffs as Cole and Brian look at each other before walking away from the couch.

Stanton walks by and pulls Justin up the shoulder, “C’mon we’re going out. JC!” he yells as JC appears from down the hallway.

“Yeah?” JC says.

“C’mon,” Stanton says pulling Justin towards the garage, “We’re going out.”

JC nods and follows.

AJ looks over at Jordan as the two stand up and follow close behind JC out to the garage.

“What’s up?” Jordan asks Stanton.

Justin shrugs Stanton’s hold on his shoulder off, “Well?”

“You!” he yells at Justin, “Need to cool down with throwing shit.”

Justin steps back instinctively at the surprise tone of his voice.

Jordan stares oddly at his older brother, “You ok Stan?”

“Fine,” Stanton says shaking his head, “We need to go find someone.”

AJ sighs hopping onto a cycle as Jordan does the same.

“You know how to fly one of these?” Jordan asks JC.

“He’ll ride with me,” Justin says calmly as JC nods.

“I know…but not well enough,” JC adds.

Jordan nods as Stanton hops onto a cycle.

Justin sits onto a cycle as JC sits down behind him. As the helmets begin to take shape around their heads Stanton goes flying out the exit with Jordan and AJ close behind. Justin shakes his head to himself and takes off out after them.

“You smell that?” Jordan asks into his mic as the cycles fly down the streaks in form of streaks of green light.

“Yeah,” Stanton says back, “What the hell is that?”

“Garbage?” JC offers.

“That’ not garbage,” AJ says calmly, “Turn down here, Stan,” AJ motions to the side road as Stanton turns down the street leading the others.

“Oh, God, it’s getting worse,” JC coughs into his mic as the smell grows stronger in the air.

“Right, Stan,” AJ says as the group takes another right onto a street.

Justin scrunches up his face inside his helmet as they make their way down the streets. A soft orange glow emits from a few remaining lampposts at the end of the street.

“I thought you said the power down here was out?” Stanton says.

“It is,” Jordan says perplexed as they near the lampposts, “We’re near the bridge aren’t we?”

“Yeah,” AJ says as the cycles some to a slow stop beside the lampposts.

“Weird,” Stanton says looking up at them.

Justin continues to scrunch his face as he looks over to his right, “Oh my God.”

“What?” AJ asks as he looks to his right as he sees a large black form blocking the bridge into the city, “What the hell is that?”

“I dunno,” Jordan says calmly, “Let’s go find out,” he says as he starts up his cycle and flys over slowly with the others close behind.

“Oh…Jesus Christ,” Stanton says breathlessly as they get closer. They knew where the smell was coming from now.

Justin lets his helmet fold back behind his ears as he steps off his cycle and walks closer in the darkness. They knew where the smell was coming from now. Justin looks up at the large pile of dead bodies before him and the unblinking eyes that stare at him. There had to be hundreds of them. Hundreds of kids his age or younger just stacked together, thrown away like garbage. He hears JC gag behind him and the sound of someone else vomiting. Stanton takes a step up to stand beside him, as he covers is mouth and nose with his shirt. He shakes his head and stares at the bodies.

“Guys…guys gets get out of here,” Jordan says calmly, “C’mon.”

Stanton nods, “Ok…ok lets go,” he says from underneath his shirt as he begins to walk back from the pile.

Justin continues to stare at the bodies as he hears the others mount their cycles again. The engines roar to life as he takes a few steps backwards away from the mass of people.

“Justin, c’mon,” JC yells for him from their cycle.

Justin nods, “Ok,” he says tearing his eyes from the scene and walking back to his cycle.

“They did it didn’t they?” Jordan asks, “The kids in the black cloaks.”

Justin flinches slightly. JC was the only one that caught him doing it though. He looks at Justin calmly and nods.

“They’re been running the streets forever now,” Jordan states, “They had to have done this.”

AJ nods, “Probably.”

“Let’s go home guys,” Stanton states calmly starting back down the way they came.

The others kick their cycles into gear and take off after him. Justin bringing up the rear.

“I saw what you saw,” Justin says softly sitting down beside Pilar on the sofa.

Pilar nods, “I know…Nick sees it to.”

Justin looks up and stares at Nick for a second where he sits in the corner playing chess with Xander, “He’ll save us?”

Pilar shrugs, “He can if he realizes he can.”

Justin looks over at Nick as Nick stands up suddenly.

“Everyone get down!” Nick yells suddenly as a shock wave is sent through the house and the ground begins to shift under their feet.