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Hey, you don't wanna leave yet do you? Do you! Well if you must may I suggest going to some of these sites. They're worth a look around.

Addiction is a bad abd thing...unfortunantly I am addicted to this story. It took me forever to get up to the part where I amm now. Damnit just tell me the ending! Please!

What can I say about this story, GO. Favorite story on the web now and was a big insperation for Nightblindness. Just go, is all I can say.

What else can I saya bout this site. Just go and read A Day in the Life of... because it is one of the best stories out now. Also it is very long, so you will be stocked for a good time with reading.

This is Inbal's site. *Waves at screen* Hi Inbal. This girl is one of the nicest people you will ever talk too, so please go visit her site.

The Legend

Yeah, I don't know if there is a banner for this site, so It's a text link. Another futurisitc story and it has NSYNC in it also.

Backstreet Bauhaus -- Every Backstreet Boys fan fiction ever written...and then some more.

The ultimate Backstreet fiction site. Go and you will happier then anything.

This is a very good fan fiction sight that deals with real problems and those are the types of stories I love to read.If you like my site you will like her's.

This is another great site with a lot of fan fictions on it. I love the lay out, but I think it is going to go.

This is one of my favorite sites. I mean it. Go and read Corrupted Souls is all I can say. It is one of my favorite stories on the web. The style of her writting is a lot like mine too. It's a breathe of fresh air from all the romance out there. Also the webmistress is one of nicest out there. I made this banner for her, I'm so proud.

Magic Spells and Laser Guns

All I can say is that this site opens up with a quote from JRR Tolkein and has links to some of the BEST stories on the net. For those who like Libera and sci-fi or fantasy stories this is the place to find them. And the owner loves the Lord of the there anythign else in the world better then that book...well other then the Flyers.
