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Sept 6, 2003

Right anyway as you could tell from the main page I am pissed at angelfire again...yay angelfire. Anyway I am moving stuff around a bit here...basically They Say Vision is gone...wasn't very good anyway. It has been morphed into it's own story, unforntunatly they all half similar names right now though. As of now it is Bloody Bones: Justin Timberlake Vampire Hunter. It works soooo much better and also some of it's chapters have just been all out emilinated to help create the setting for the story better. Still needs some fixing now which is what I am doing currently...More updates to come soon though. Doing back to school just kinda through me off though.

August 11,2003

Yes, I am alive and not all of my site was eaten. I lost about seven pages in all one night last week during a time when I was updating the layout to the new Catch Me Version. I thought I was about to kill angelfire until it started working for me again the next day.
Though I have finished My Sundown...I know. I know about damn time right? I have had hardly any time this summer though. Hardly home and with work and just a social life it was hard. Though I will have the first two chapters of the third and final part to the series called The Lost Boys: A Memoir. The title will make sense when it goes up though. It should be really good...I think best of the three from Justin and Nick's perspective in the past till present day. It's well a memoir.

July 16, 2003

YESSSSS, finally done this new layout. Yeah, I went through two possible looks and this one just suited me better. Plus I think the other one looked horrible once it was up. Anyway all I got for now is chapter 11 of My Sundown. It's up now. Hopefully, I'll finish it soon. I'm deciding if I should make a third part to the series. Make it a trilogy with the third part being a perspective from Nick like a prelude to the other two explaining everything furthur. What do you think? Yes? No? Drop me a line or write a guestbook entry.