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Life After

JC looks around the hotel lobby and scans it looking for any familiar faces. It had been awhile since he had stayed in LA, to be exact almost a year. He had spent a year after getting out of rehab trying to find himself. He had traveled the world looking at sites and experiencing things that he never had time to do when he was on tour. Scuba diving around the Great Barrier Reef, seeing the pyramids in Egypt, swimming in the Blue Grotto around Gozo, rock climbing, sky diving, anything he could think of he tried to do. And now he was back in LA.

He had stopped a few times in the states to attend some marriages especially the ones between AJ and Rachel where he was an usher and Justin and Vanessa where he was the best man. And of course he had stopped by Philadelphia every once and a while to see his godson Jackson who was almost three months old now. JC had never seen a more spoiled child then the Timberlake baby.

“JCCCC,” a voice yells from behind him and JC is knocked to the floor and starts wrestling with AJ before AJ finally gets him into a headlock and he gives up.

“How are you?” JC asks AJ as the two of them stand up.

“Great,” AJ says. “How are Rachel and the baby?”

“They’re doing good. She gets those cravings though, so it’s like two in the morning and she wants McDonald’s French fries.”

JC smiles slightly and hugs Rachel as she walks up, “when are you due again?” he asks her rubbing her stomach.

“One more month,” she says, “I’m praying it’s a C-section. I was a C-section and so was my little brother. My mom told me it was a hell of a lot easier then trying to push us out.”

“Where the hell did he go?” AJ mutters to himself looking around, “Ah there he is.”

JC turns around to where AJ is looking and sees Chase running up carrying a cup of something trying not to spill it.

“They have alcohol free smoothies guys,” Chase smiles and Rachel grabs the cup.

“Thank you sweetie,” she says drinking it.

“Did I tell you today how much I hate your wife?” Chase asks looking at AJ.

JC shakes his head and stares at Chase. His hair was short now and spiked up with blue on the tips mixed with green here and there. He was wearing an old O-Town shirt over a long sleeved black turtle neck made out of t-shirt material and black baggy pants being held on by a belt that looked like a seat buckle. He had also seemed to gain a good twenty pounds so that his body filled out his frame now.

Chase had gotten out of rehab and had gone to live with AJ in Florida with Rachel and had been living with them ever since. AJ had paid for a tutor to come, so Chase could finish high school and hopefully go on to college. AJ also seemed to pass on his fashion sense along with a mix of Devon’s over the top punk look to Chase. All in all though he had never seen Chase look happier.

“Is that my belt?” AJ asks looking at Chase.

“Uh no.”

“And that’s my shirt too.” “No it’s not I got it from Devon.”

“Boys. Boys. Boys. Calm down,” Rachel says sipping the drink.

“Are Justin and Vanessa here yet?” JC asks.

“Yeah, they’re in the restaurant eating,” AJ says, “We got to go meet them now, so lets go.”

“Ok,” JC says following them to the restaurant and seeing Justin and Vanessa sitting at a table where Justin was holding Jackson on his lap making faces at him.

Justin looks over his shoulder and smiles at JC then lifts up Jackson’s hand making it wave to him.

“Hey Josh,” Vanessa says as they sit down.

“Hey Ness. Justin and hey Jackson,” JC says taking him from Justin and holding him, “God he got so big. When did I see two weeks ago?”

Vanessa nods.

“Look how big you are. Look at you,” JC says to the baby as he smiles.

“Derek!” AJ yells, “Over here!”

JC looks over his shoulder, as a tall tan man with blond spiked hair dressed in a long white sweater and dark blue jeans, “Is that Derek?” JC asks.

“Yeah,” AJ asks.

“He looks so different.”

“And I don’t. Thanks a lot JC,” Chase says.

“Hey guys,” Derek smiles sitting down next to Chase, “What did you do to your hair?”

“It was AJ’s idea,” Chase says.

“Oh please,” AJ says.

“Can I have my baby back now,” Justin asks JC who is still holding Jackson.

JC reluctantly gives Jackson back to Justin and smiles as Justin takes his son and starts biting his small hands playfully. To tell you the truth JC was jealous of Justin and AJ. Both of them had families and both were having if they didn’t have a child yet. JC still slipped into thinking about his son that he never saw or even knew about until Polly lost the baby. But of course that was the past and now he had learned to live in the present.

Derek smiles at Jackson and then looks at Rachel, “You’re next huh?” he says to AJ.

“Yup,” AJ smiles, “Can’t wait either.”

Rachel smiles and rubs her stomach.

“When are you guys going back on tour?”

“Backstreet is going back out in two months just to make sure we can time it so she doesn’t have to worry about going into labor on the bus. That wouldn’t be a pleasant site. I’m already preparing myself for the onslaught of obscenities that will be coming at me in the delivery room,” AJ smiles as Rachel elbows him, “Ow, what it’s the truth. You curse more then me.”

“Like a truck driver,” Chase adds.

“So how are you Mr. Abercrombie and Fitch?” AJ asks Derek.

“I’m doing ok. I’m moving to New York City in a month with my boyfriend though. We’re going to get a loft there. I’m thinking about going back to college at NYU. I got accepted and I might major in theater or something along those lines. Either that or a chef.”

“How’s JC how’s Polly?” Chase asks.

“She’s ok. I haven’t talked to her in three days though. I’m supposed to call her today. The guy she is going out with seems ok.”

“Seems ok. He’s great,” Rachel says, “Give her the credit she deserves for landing Dave Grohl. That man is awesome. I love his band.”

“Yeah the Foo Fighters are awesome. She got me tickets and backstage passes,” Chase smiles, “Oh well I mean she really should be with you JC.”

AJ shakes his head.

“Nah its ok Chase,” JC says, “I don’t think Dave likes me very much though.”

“I wonder why,” AJ says smiling, “he feels threatened by you JC.”

“How’s your love life Chase doing any better then me?” JC asks.

“Nick is ready to kill him,” AJ says as chase smiles.

“What did you and Bobbie do now?” JC asks.

“Nothing I swear,” Chase says, “I think Nick just doesn’t like me.”

“I think Nick is just really over protective,” Rachel says.

“That too,” Chase says.

“How are things with the other three members of NYSNC?” Chase asks JC.

JC and Justin exchange looks and both make faces.

“That well huh?” Derek says.

“They’re getting better,” JC says and Justin nods.

“So has everyone been sober?” Derek asks.

“Yup,” Chase smiles.

“Of course,” AJ says, “You?”

“Yup,” Derek says.

“Yeah for once I can actually say that and know that I’m not lying to get Chris off my back,” JC says, “It feels good to be able to do that. Real good.”

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