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Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurts to be away from them? Someone that you would die for so they wouldn't feel pain. Then when you lose that person it seems like part of you died with them leaving? The saying is it is better to of loved and lost than to of never loved at all, but when you feel the pain you think the fucker who wrote that must of never lost someone.

Another saying is you always hurt the one you love. JC felt that the future was told through that one saying. Ever since he was eighteen he had been with the same girl, Polly. That was he was with her up until he was 22 when he made the biggest mistake of his life. There were times he had felt so alone and dead inside. All he wanted was for someone to be close to him, anyone. A fan or groupie would do for the night, but they were only a body to him. It all stopped though when she would come to visit him. Justin would say it was she biggest transformation he ever saw in JC. He would singer better, dance with more energy, get up early joke more and smile more.

His whole world though came crashing down though when she came two days early for a visit. His whole world ended when the door was opened and he saw tears streaming down her face. He couldn't move, only stare as he saw her run off down the hall. He finally focused enough to pull on his pants and boxers than run down the hall after her. By the time he reached the lobby though she was outside the doors and running in the rain. That was the first time the tears fell and they hadn't stopped since.

There was one thing JC was sure of now and that was love never came without pain and the pain only went away by using one thing...cocaine.


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