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Fade into Me

AJ looks up at the large looming house that stood in front of him. It was large old Victorian house with all its old classic style still in perfect condition. The person who owned it had to be spending a fortune on it AJ figured. Dressed in his usual jeans, a black t-shirt with his black trench coat over it all and of course a pair of black gloves.

AJ stares up at the building and shudders. What kind of shit could be going on inside of its walls he didn’t know, but he knew soon enough he would find out. A set of hands clamp down on his shoulders and he jumps before spinning around and staring at the person.

“You little shit!” he yells at the person before smacking the figure outside of the head, “I told you never to do that to me.”

“Sorry I couldn’t resist,” the figure laughs.

“I really do hate you Nick. I really do,” AJ says staring at him.

Nick smiles and sticks his hands in his pockets. He was dressed in tan cargo pants and a white long sleeve shirt with green on the arms. He had a messenger bag slung over his shoulder and pulls it farther up onto his shoulder and he tilts his head to look up at the looming house.

“Jesus what the hell did we get ourselves into now?” Nick asks still staring at the house.

“Can’t be as bad as the jackal,” AJ sighs.

“So we think for now. I got a bad vibe off this place already.”

“So do I. So do I,” AJ sighs before walking towards the front door of the house as Nick follows behind.

“Well knock,” AJ says to Nick.

“Hell no.”

“I can’t knock you idiot you know that. You do it.”

“Why the hell can’t you? You have gloves on.”

“Just do it.”

“Fine,” Nick huffs and raises his right hand and knocks on the door.

Almost immediately the door opens and a short man with dirty blond hair and blue eyes appears smiling.

“You must be Nick and AJ,” he says opening the door wide enough for the two to walk in, “Come in I’m Brian.”

“Dandy,” AJ mumbles as he walks over the threshold of the door into the house.

“Jesus Christ,” Nick says as he walks into the house and looks at the walls, “What the hell is in here?”

“I was hoping you could tell us that,” a voice says from the side and a taller darker man walks up to them, “I’m Kevin. I called you. I see you already met my cousin Brian.”

“What the hell is in here,” AJ mumbles to himself staring around the house.

All the walls were covered in words written in gold paint.

“Come into the library I’ll explain everything to you,” Kevin says and walks into a room to the right as Brian follows him.

“What the hell did we get ourselves into?” Nick asks looking down at AJ.

“I have no damned idea,” AJ mutters.

Kevin leads the way into the library where all the walls are once again covered in the same words written over and over again in gold paint. Brian takes a seat in a big red chair and Nick sits next to him in a chair identical to him. AJ on the other hand walks over to one of the walls and begins to read over the words.

“This was our grandfathers house,” Kevin says.

“Was?” AJ asks.

“He died about a month ago and left it to me and my cousin Brian. We decided we might as well use it and agreed to move in and split the rent. These,” he says motioning to the words, “Were here when we moved in. There are strict directions in his will to keep them on the walls. I have no idea what they say.”

“Binding spells,” AJ mumbles.

“What?!” Nick says looking at him.

“They’re binding fucking spells. You didn’t call us here for a normal reason did you Mr. Richardson?” AJ says walking over towards him

“Let me explain,” Kevin says reaching out to touch his arm.

“Don’t touch me,” AJ says jerking away and going over to sit next to Nick in a chair, “It’s not safe to touch me.”

Brian stares at him as Nick nods in agreement.

AJ pulls off one of his gloves and reaches over to touch the closest wall to him. Instantly his eyes snap shut and he starts convulsing slightly before pulling his hand free from the wall with some difficulty and standing up from his chair.

“What the hell did your grandfather do?” AJ yells at Kevin.

“I don’t understand?” Brian says.

“I’m psychic to a degree you can’t even imagine,” AJ says to Brian, “I touch things and I get flashes of things memories to be exact. Whenever someone touches me it happens or when I touch things. This thing in here has killed people. Many people if I’m correct around I dunno say …twenty!”

“Twenty?” Brian stares at him.

“You don’t have a ghost on your hands. You have a mother fucking poltergeist,” AJ says as Nick stares at him.

“You’re grandfather put these words on the walls to keep that son of a bitch confined to one room. He can’t get past the walls that say this, but now he’s found a loop hole hasn’t he Mr. Richardson?”

“What is he talking about Kevin?” Brian asks.

“Whose the dumbass who put central air in here?” AJ asks.

“It’s only in some rooms,” Kevin says, “The workers left when people stared showing up dead.”

“Well gee I wonder why,” AJ says.

“So will you get rid of it?” Kevin asks.

“Hell no,” AJ says, “I’m not getting myself killed.”

“I’ll pay you double.”

“No, there is no way in hel…”

“I’ll pay you triple.”

AJ looks over at Nick as he pulls off his second glove, “Get the glasses out.”

“I can’t believe you got us into this,” Nick says following AJ down a hall in the house his eyes scanning the rooms they pass from behind a pair of clear glasses with small lights on either side of them hitting the lenses.

“Hey it’s triple,” AJ says, “What did Kevin tell us again?”

“Not to hit a lever or something up in the attic.”

“You sure that’s what he said?”


“Alright I trust you.”

“So how bad is this thing?”

“You don’t even want to know what I saw in those flashes Nick. This thing is worse then the jackal.”

“Worse,” Nick says stopping dead in his tracks.

“Yes now keep moving,” AJ says, “You know what happens if you just sto…” AJ drops to the floor and grabs his head as Nick runs up to him, “Oh shit,” AJ mutters looking up ahead of him, “Don’t move Nick.”

“Shit. Shit,” Nick mutters lifting his eyes slowly and staring from behind his glasses.

There standing in front of them was a six-foot tall man with a greenish tint to his skin dressed in torn brown pants and a ripped white shirt. His face was covered in patches of ripped of skin replaced by patches of blood.

“Don’t move,” AJ mumbles to Nick.

Nick stares in front of him. No matter how many times he saw a ghost he would never get used to how they looked.

“Ok…RUN!” AJ says jumping to his feet and sprinting down the hall back down the other way followed by Nick, “Get in a room! Get in a room!”

Nick plows into AJ as he stops outside a room and knocks the both them into it.

“Shut the door,” AJ yells at Nick as Nick scrambles to his feet and pulls the door shut as the figure closes in on them.

Nick turns around and stares at AJ with wide eyes.

“Don’t tell me,” AJ mumbles to Nick locking eyes with him.

“Ah hell,” Nick mumbles, “Fuck.”

AJ turns his head to look over his shoulder and sees a young woman dressed in a ripped up black dress, black circles under her eyes and long stab wounds up and down her body, “Oh Fuck. Open the door!”

Nick pulls the door open quickly as he comes face to face with the man and is pulled up of the floor and flung down the hall.

“Damnit Nick hold on,” AJ yells reaching into his pocket and pulling out a flare lighting it quickly with a lighter and throwing down towards Nick as the man drops him, “Run! Run!” AJ yells at Nick as he runs up to him and Nick scrambles to his feet following behind AJ, “Get to the library!” AJ yells over his shoulder to Nick as he darts around a corner reaching the stairs falling down them and somehow landing back on his feet at the bottom floor.

“What kind of house is this?” Nick yells as he runs into the library behind AJ where Brian and Kevin are sitting.

Brian looks at them with wide eyes and at Nick who has scratches up and down his face and arms, “Kevin tell them.”

“Tell us Kevin,” AJ says staring at Kevin.

“Can’t you tell you’re the psychic,” Kevin says to AJ.

AJ looks over at Nick who shrugs and reaches out a hand to touch another wall. He falls to his knees squeezing his eyes shut as memories flow into his head. AJ pulls his hand away from the wall as beads of sweat form on his forehead and he stares at Kevin, “A collector.” Kevin nods solemnly. “Hell,” AJ says, “There are ghosts all over this house. What kind of hobby did your grandfather have? Why did he take them?”

Kevin shrugs, “He never said.”

“Well those people up there look fucking pissed as hell.”

“You saw them?” Brian asks.

Nick throws him a pair of glasses, “Put them on at your own risk. You can see them with them.”

Brian puts them on and stares at the walls as the words on them pop out and glow, “My God.”

“Binding spells,” AJ says giving a pair of glasses to Kevin, “Your pops here wrote them all over to keep the ghosts contained in one place, but now they have a loop hole, I’m surprised neither of you got killed yet.”

“How do we get rid of them?” Kevin asks.

“Get rid of them? You can’t possibly get rid of all these ghosts at once. You have to set them free.”

“Let them out into the world. That’s insane,” Brian says.

“Hey you’re the one living in this damned house in the first place not me with a damned juggernaut up there who through Nick into a wall. There is so much pain in this house it’s amazing. These ghosts want to move on, but your house is preventing them from doing that.”

“So what do we do?” Brian asks.

“We blow this house up,” AJ says.

“What!?” Kevin says, “No. This is all we have.”

“Then I suggest you get help else where,” AJ says crossing his arms over his chest.”

“We aren’t your kid friendly Ghostbusters,” Nick says, “These ghosts are pissed off and they want out. They’ll kill both of you just to relieve some stress if they find you.”

“There has to be another way,” Kevin says.

“I suggest you listen to him,” Nick says nodding to AJ, “He’s seen everything and if he sees no other way out listen to him.”

“No there has…” Kevin starts.

“I don’t know if you’d noticed but I’m kind of a well…freak!” AJ says walking up to Kevin, “Trust me I know this.”

“How do we know you’re not lying?”

“Wanna know how I got this…gift that I call a curse,” AJ says, “Well I’ll tell you. When people go through traumatic experiences sometimes things change within them. Me I got this God forsaken ability. I was five years old when it all happened. I had four brothers and one younger sister. My sister had her own bed in our room and two of my brothers would share a bed and another two while the oldest got his own. I got scared a lot at night so I would go and crawl into my older brothers bed. He didn’t necessarily like this so he would push me around a lot in his sleep. Most of the time I would fall into this space between the bed and the wall and sleep there. God only knows how I did, but I did. So one night I went into his bed and feel into the hole like usual. Our house had holes al over it and the rain would leak in a lot. I was lying there and I felt this drip drip drip on my face, but didn’t think anything of it. Drip drip drip. It continued the whole night. I woke up when someone pulled me out of that hole and up into the light. I could hear them yelling we found a live one. He’s alive. Drip drip drip,” AJ says walking closer to Kevin, “My face was covered in blood when I finally noticed it. My mother had completely lost it and killed my whole family while they slept. My father was shot. My brothers and sisters all stabbed to death in their sleep. That dripping was my brother’s blood. Ever since then I could see things. I suggest you listen to this freak and get the hell out of this house before it is too late,” AJ says locking eyes with Kevin.

“I think we should listen to him Kev,” Brian says.

“Thank you,” AJ says to Brian, “Now I suggest we get to the front door and the living room so I can set up some explosives.”

Nick stands up and sighs, “Let’s go,” he says pushing his glasses up onto his nose and walking over to AJ.

AJ nods and walks over to the library door, “be ready to run like hell,” he says opening the door and walking out into the hall.

“I don’t see anything,” Brian says to Nick.

“You never do,” Nick says, “They always wait until the last minute and BOOM they’re there.”

AJ leads the way down the hall before suddenly dropping to his knees and grabbing his head. Kevin walks up to him and places a hand on his shoulder trying to help him up as AJ falls flat on the floor and begins shuddering.

“Don’t!” nick yells walking up. He pulls Kevin away from AJ slamming him into a wall, “Don’t touch him,” Nick says to Kevin.

AJ looks up from his place on the floor and wipes his mouth as spit begins to leak out of it, “Shit. We have no time. MOVE,” AJ says getting to his feet and running down the hall.

Nick follows behind AJ reaching into his bag and fishing out sticks of dynamite and taking them together with electrical tape. AJ stops dead in his tracks as the three other men collide into each other and look at AJ as he stares at something in the living room from the hall they are standing in. Brian looks up from behind Nick and stares from behind the glasses as the same male figure that had picked up Nick and thrown him into a wall stares at them. AJ reaches into his pocket and pulls out a flare.

“On the count of three,” AJ says lighting the flare, “One…two…thre…”

“Jesus Christ,” Brian yells as Kevin pulled backwards from the ground and pulled up onto the wall.

AJ spins on his heels and stares as a ghost dressed in a straight jacket begins clawing at Kevin’s face and body, “How many flares do we have left?” AJ asks Nick as Nick stares up at Kevin as he begins kicking and screaming at the ghost.

“That’s our last one.”

“Shit,” AJ says, “We have to leave him.”

“WHAT!” Brian yells, “We can’t leave him.”

“Well then we all die unless you want to go and fight Mr. Pissed off out there,” AJ says motioning to the man in the living room guarding the door.

“Give me the lighter,” Nick says pulling out a stick of dynamite.

“You have got to be shitten me,” AJ says.

“Just give me it,” Nick says as AJ shakes his head and hands him the lighter.

Nick lights the end of the stick of dynamite and throws it over at the ghost holding Kevin. Kevin drops to the floor as it disappears and Nick runs over and garbs him by the ankles, “Go! Go!” Nick yells pulling Kevin behind him as AJ takes off running into the living room throwing the flare out and running to the front door.

“Give me the lighter,” AJ yells at Nick as he catches the lighter and Brian runs out the door followed by Nick pulling Kevin along the ground, “Don’t stop running!” AJ says lighting the end of the sticks and throwing them into the living room and running towards the door.

“AJ. Alex,” a voice says form behind him as AJ looks over his shoulder and stops dead in his tracks. A boy around the age of sixteen walks out from a hall over to him and smiles.

“Cole?” AJ says staring at him, “Jesus Christ.”

Nick looks over his shoulder at the house, “Get out of there AJ. Get out it’s gonna blow any second now.”

“Where is he,” Brian asks running beside him.

“C’mon AJ. C’mon.”

“Alex,” the boy smiles at AJ.

“No,” AJ shakes his head, “Why are you here?”

The boy only smiles at AJ, “We’re all here.”

AJ shakes his head no and then looks up over at the sticks of dynamite, “Shi…”

Nick looks up as the front of the house and roof blow off behind him. He drops to the ground along with Brian covering his head from the debris.

“Mother fucker!” Nick yells standing up seconds later and staring at the remains of the house, which was a burning shell, “He didn’t get out. He didn’t get out. Shit. He didn’t get out, “ he says and looks over at Brian.

Brian looks down at the ground and over at Kevin who is lying dazed on the ground.

“He didn’t get out,” Nick says again.

“My God,” Brian says looking over at the house as a line of people walk out of the shell of the burning house staring at it, “They’re free,” he mumbles to himself.

Nick looks up at stares at the people filing out of the house and blinks as he sees AJ walk out and look over at him. He locks eyes with Nick and waves smiling slightly. He mouths some words to Nick before looking over at a teenage boy to his right and jogging over to him vanishing in the process.

“Was that…?” Brian says.

“Yeah,” Nick says.

“Was he a…?”

“Yeah,” Nick nods, “He said he can’t see the flashes anymore.”