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The Lost Boys: A Memoir

The pop culture phenomenon hit the world in the late nineties among those groups were two vocal groups called NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys. Each band consisted of five young men with each band containing the central and usually the youngest heartthrob member. At the highest point for each groups’ career though those central young men vanished into the nights. One, Nick Carter once thought dead, would never be heard from or seen again for years. The other, Justin Timberlake, would vanish into the night with a woman he had met in a bar in Philadelphia earlier. Both left their groups and people around the world scratching their heads at what could ever cause this to happen.

Between the drugs, sex, liquor, sex, hostility, pain, depression, partial insanity and self-mutilation comes their stories. Straight from the infamous blond males themselves comes their story of a road less traveled by many and the mistakes along the way. The following book is a memoir written to the fans who had question unanswered and for people who just wonder why. Pop stardom isn’t always the glittery shiny supernova life it was always made out to be.