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“Understand?” Nick asks looking up at AJ.

“Why are you looking at me?” AJ asks, “The poor human is clueless.”

“I’ll explain it to you,” Nick says to Brian, “The first two talk about the creation of the power beings such as the vampires, Lores, werewolves, fairies and such. The third and fourth lines tell about the battling for the right to live. You are the Chosen One, the reluctant hero that you seem to be. You also bear the symbol of the ring of Libera on your arm. The white Rider is me. Then it tells about eight more people who will help you battle the nine Dark Riders.”

“Is this referencing to the Lord of the Rings?” AJ asks.

“AJ,” Nick looks at him rolling his eyes, “Is the Roman. He is from one of Caesar’s lines because he is from Calphurnia and in the play she is Caesar’s wife. He is six hundred years old so he is one of the elders. He will show the power of the body because it is well known to us that vampires are the strongest beings out there. The older they get the stronger they are and AJ is very strong. The witching Lore is Kevin who is a Lore, so it’s safe to assume that we are right. He is one of the oldest Lores on the Earth and with age comes knowledge, the power of the mind. I am the white Rider and yes I am very unwilling to do this. I even tried to get out of it, but my elders said no.”

“And the other five?” Brian asks.

“We will find them soon enough or they will find us,” Nick says.

“Wait wait wait,” AJ says, “The fairies will supply the one, who will give them the power of light. I hate fairies. I’m allergic to them.”

“That’s your problem,” Nick says, “ It says we are going to go to heaven and hell which I’m not sure if it is literally saying that or not with Memnoch showing up. Where you belong is I don’t know where. We will find that out later I guess. Then the journey will end and only then. It says we won’t all make it but at the same time we will. I’m not sure about that yet and the last three are the same lines I’ve been saying over and over again.”

“So what do we do now?” AJ asks.

“We find the wolf.”

“A wolf?” Brian asks, “Listen I know I’m talking to vampires and witches and whatever you are. Who are you anyway?”


“Ok, but where are we going to find a wolf.”

“A werewolf ye of little knowledge,” AJ says.

“Oh. Ohhhhhh no. Those things are real?”

“As real as me,” AJ says.

“You’re not gonna drink my blood are you?”

“Not unless I’m desperate. I don’t think I’m aloud to.”

“Damn right,” Nick says.

“Ok Mr. I Know All. Where do we find the werewolf? Not just any werewolf, but that one,” AJ asks.

“Where else are their more werewolves then any other place?”

“London?” Brian says as all heads turn towards him.

“Yeah,” Nick smiles, “How did you know that?”

“I saw that movie one time.”

“I hate werewolves,” AJ mumbles.

“You hate everyone don’t you?” Brian asks.


“Yes,” Kevin says, “But that’s normal for vampires. They tend to stick with their own kind in clans. The same goes for werewolves they travel in packs though and mostly live out in the suburbs where they can find some type of woods instead of cities. Vampires like the city life better for some reason.”

“More food, more cultural more everything,” AJ says, “Oh no,” AJ says as Nick takes out the fairy dust, “I just stopped sneezing.”

“Sorry,” Nick says and throws the dust up in the air and the four of them begin to fade away.

“AJ can you find us a werewolf?” Nick asks as they are walking along a road as cars pass them by.

“Why do I have to?”

“Because you’re a vampire and vampires smell stuff out right?” Nick says getting a look from AJ.

“Just for that you’re gonna have to try and keep up with me now,” AJ says, “Make sure Brian doesn’t fall behind either.”

“Why would I fall behind?” Brian asks Kevin.

“Vampires have senses that pick up any little sound or any smell. AJ is one of the best trackers out there. The only thing is vampires pick up scents and then take off after it at top speed. They jump, climb, swim and fly faster then anything out there. Everything has a hard time keeping pace with them.”

“Oh,” Brian says as he looks at AJ as he turns his head quickly to the right then takes off running down a street.

“Shit,” Kevin says grabbing Brian’s arm and pulling him along as he runs and then pushes off into the air taking Brian with him, “God damn,” Kevin says looking down at the ground as AJ goes racing through the street grabbing a tree branch and throws himself far up enough to jump onto a rooftop, “Watch this,” he says to Brian who was clinging to Kevin for dear life.

Nick goes flying by them and goes faster to try and catch AJ who was jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Kevin takes off after Nick pulling Brian along who was staring down at the streets. AJ jumps down from a rooftop into a field and starts running as soon as his feet hit the ground taking off into some woods. Nick dives down and starts hovering close to the ground following AJ into the woods. Kevin does the same telling Brian to watch his head as they go into the woods hovering inches above the ground and maneuvering around trees. Brian could see AJ every once in a while jumping from tree limb to tree limb. That’s when they heard the first howl and saw AJ being tackled by something off a tree limb.

Nick went down next tackling the creature off of AJ and holding a knife up to it’s throat. Kevin lands on the ground and walks up to AJ with Brian. AJ had a large gash across his forehead and blood was running out of it. He walks up to Nick who is still holding a large odd-looking wolf onto the ground.

“Son of a bitch look what he did to me,” AJ says walking over to the wolf locking eyes with him and then hisses at him flashing his fangs.

“Show yourself,” Nick says to the wolf.

Slowly the wolf begins to turn back into a human form. His large blue eyes were staring up at Nick.

“What do you want?” he growls asking Nick.

“Where’s your pack?”


“We need to talk to your pack leader.”


“I’m Nick Carter number 341 in the Riders regiment. Wanna ask me why again?”

“Fine,” he growls, “Just let me up.”

“Ok,” Nick stands up and then helps the werewolf up, “What’s your name?”


“It’s gone,” Brian says touching AJ’s forehead where the wound was.

“I regenerate,” AJ says.

“Who the hell is the clueless one?” Justin smirks.

“The ring bearer,” Kevin says as he pulls on his cloak’s hood.

“The ring bearer?” he stares at Brian with large.

“Yes, neo nazi haircut punk,” AJ says, “Now take us to your pack leader we are on a tight schedule here.”

“Vampires,” he growls walking off down the trail as the others follow close behind.

They all follow Justin down the trail until they reach a large clearing that housed a small town of houses and people. Some of them stopped to watch them pass by while others went on about their business. The hushed mumbles of Lore, Rider and vampire were heard, but mostly vampire with pointing of fingers. Three children took it upon themselves to throw three rocks at AJ from a rooftop and he turns his head quickly staring at them.

“Go back to Transylvania!”

“Clever,” AJ says and jumps up high enough landing on the edge of the building looking down at them, “Wanna say that again to my face you mutts,” he hiss flashing his fangs, “Because I can keep your scent in my mind for years then hunt you down and kill you all.”

“Stop it,” Justin growls running up to him.

“What ya gonna do?” AJ smirks, “Push me?”

“Gladly,” Justin pushes AJ and AJ stays in a standing position floating above the street aligned with the rooftop still.

“Yeah, that worked,” AJ says, “Now I have a question for you. Do werewolves fly?”

“AJ!” Kevin yells, “You have time to fight later. NOW!”

“Yeah, now,” AJ says grabbing Justin and pulling him over the ledge with him. Justin grabs onto AJ kicking his legs as AJ starts floating towards the ground and lands dropping Justin, “Now take us to the leader.”

“Vampires,” Justin growls as he continues walking.

They walk into what seems like a courthouse. Justin walks down the hall and opens the door at the end.

“In there,” he says and then walks away.

“C’mon,” Kevin says walking into the room.

“What can I do for you boys,” a man sitting behind a large wooden desk asks as they walk in. He was balding and had a set of glasses perched on his nose. He as wearing a business suit and was a little overweight for his height.

“We are here to seek your help,” Kevin says, “My name is Kevin son of Louis. I am a Lore and these are my friends AJ, Brian and Nick. We are here to get a member of your pack to join a crusade foretold in the Solar Cycle Prophecy.”

“This legend has been passed down from generation to generation in my pack,” he says, “and I am willing to contribute by best hunter if you have proof.”

“Brian,” Nick says, “Show him the mark on your right arm.”

Brian nods and pulls up his shirtsleeve to show the symbol on his arm.

“He is the ring bearer?” the man asks standing up and looking at Brian, “I will give you my own son who has shown to be the bets in our pack. I just wish you the best in your trip and safety. Come I shall get my son,” he says walking past them all and back into the hall, “You may have to be able to deal with a short temper on him though.”

“We have one of our own like that,” Kevin says smiling at AJ who could only roll his eyes.

“Very good. I hope you like him,” he says walking down the hall and stopping outside a large wooden door, “This is his room,” he says opening the door to find the same werewolf Justin they found in the woods on top of a girl with his shirt off.

“Oh great,” Nick says as AJ bursts into laughter and sinks to the ground laughing holding his stomach.

“Dad,” Justin says getting up and walking over to him, “What now?”

“You are going with these men.”

“What? Why?”

“You have been chosen to best represent the pack and you leave today as soon as possible.”

“But dad I don’t want to go.”

“You have been chosen and you should be honored!”

“Fine!” Justin yells and growls, “Then I’m leaving now. Let’s go,” he says grabbing a shirt throwing it on and walking down the hall.

“Wait up,” Brian says as he follows and the others follow him.

“Back off,” Justin growls as he steps outside and stares at the others as they come out, “I didn’t catch names.”

“Nick,” Nick says, “That’s Brian, AJ and Kevin.”

“Ok,” Justin says, “Can we go?”

“Don’t you want to say goodbye to anyone?” Brian asks.

“Let’s just go,” Justin growls.

“Let’s go guys,” Nick says walking off back into the woods as the others follow, “Can you lead us out, Justin?”

“Fine,” Justin puffs and walks to the front of the line.

“We got a real sunshine and apples type guy now,” AJ says to Brian who only laughs slightly and smiles.

“Where to now, chief?” AJ asks Nick.

“An elven warrior,” Nick says.

“So where’s that?”

“Any ideas Brian?”

“Elves you say?”


“I wanna say the North Pole, but I know that’s wrong and I keep thinking of Ireland.”

“Ireland it is then laddy,” AJ says grabbing onto Brian’s shoulder, “Shall we just leave from here Nick?”

“I guess so.”

“Ok,” Kev says and puts a hand on Justin’s shoulder, who flinches and looks at him, “Calm down. You can’t transport yourself, so I’ll do it for you.”

Justin lets out a low growl as he stares at AJ and Brian who vanish into thin air then Nick.

“Hold on,” Kevin smirks and Justin grabs onto his arm as they vanish into thin air as well.

“What do elves look like?” Brian asks anyone who is listening, as they are walking over a large green grassy hill.

“Same height as you,” Kevin says smiling at Brian’s shocked reaction, “They have pointed ears and are very very agile, even more so then AJ.”

“That’s saying a lot,” AJ smirks.

“Where do they live?” Justin asks talking for the first time he was with the group other then growling as usual.

“In small homes that are usually only one floor. They don’t like being high up unless they have to. They tend to live with their own and only their own.”

“What’s that?” Justin asks staring into the distance at a hill.

“What’s what?” Kevin asks.

“That,” AJ points.

“We can’t see as well as you guys,” Nick says as Brian starts squinting trying to see anything.

“It’s gone,” Justin says.

“What are you doing here?” a voice comes from behind them and they all jump turning to see a young girl with long blond hair and small pointed ears staring at them smiling, “Are you a sprite?” she asks Brian smiling.


“Oh you look like one.”

“Penelope,” AJ says to her, “Can you show us to your village?”

“Do you know me?”

“In some ways. We need to find your village though.”

“None of you are dwarfs right?”

“Nope,” AJ says.

“It’s across the river. I’ll show you,” she says smiling and disappearing then reappearing on a far off hill.

“Elves and their stupid teleportation,” Nick mumbles following her.

“Aw c’mon,” AJ smiles as he disappears with Brian.

“Don’t look so happy,” Kevin says grabbing Justin’s shoulder and following the others.

They continue a series of disappearing reappearing tricks until they reach the bank of a small river.

“You have to cross it,” she says to them, “but no magic,” she smiles taking off her shoes and then running across the top of the water to the other side. She gets to the other side and points to a rope leading from one side to the other

“Shit,” Nick mutters.

“I’ll try my luck with the rope,” AJ says walking over to the rope. He takes a few steps back and then runs onto the rope making his way to the other side of the river as Penelope claps here hands cheerfully.

Justin walks up to the bank and dives in swimming to the other side quickly. Nick shrugs and follows him. Brian walks over to the rope and looks at it. He takes one step onto it and is surprised at how much balance he has. He smiles and starts walking across it as the others stare. Kevin shakes his head and dives into the water swimming to the other side.

“You did man,” AJ says running up to Brian, “The Chosen One can do everything.”

“No,” Brian says, “I can’t swim.”

“Come,” Penelope says running up a grassy hill as the others follow.

“Oh my God,” Nick says as the reach the top, “It’s a whole elven city.”

All of them follow Penelope down the hill and try to keep up with her as she runs into the city ducking around corners and people everywhere. AJ of course was leading the way with Justin close behind, both following the scents. She stops outside a long building that seemed to be made out of jade or some green stone.

“It’s the Emerald City,” Brian smiles as Nick stares at him oddly, “If you have to ask don’t”

“Follow me,” she says running inside the building and down a long hallway to a large door that was open, “Daddy the funny men are here to see you,” she says walking in and up to a man who was as tall as Brian with blond hair and blue eyes like Penelope with the same pointed ears.

“The funny men?” he looks at them, “And who may you be?”

“We are five of the prophesized nine who will lead with the Chosen One,” Nick says, “We are here to find a sixth member. The prophecy tells of a warrior guaranteed by the elven folks.”

“Yes, I see you have the mark,” he motions towards Brian’s arm, “Our best warrior is what you want?”


“You will want Quest then. Questapatania is our best warrior and will be a great help in your plight. QUEST!”

“A girl?” Nick asks turning towards him as girl who was probably a few inches shorter then Brian with shoulder length brown hair with blue streaks in it. She had big brown eyes and the same pointed ears like all the other elves. She was dressed in pants made of patched leather pieces, boots and a dark purple cloak over her upper body.

“What about me being a girl?” she says staring at Nick as the streaks in her hair slowly change from blue to red.

“Her hair,” Brian says then realizes he said it out loud.

“Questapatania is my daughter,” he says.

“Step daughter,” she adds, “What do you want me for?”

“These men came here seeking our best warrior to contribute to the Solar Cycle prophecy. You are our best warrior, so I promised them your help.”

“Alright,” she says looking at all of them, “My mother is not going to be happy about this you know, so you can tell her.”

“Quest, I mean it don’t hurt any of them,”

“Why would I hurt them? When do we leave?” she asks turning towards Kevin.

“As soon as possible,” Kevin says.

“Do we need horses?”

“That might help when we are looking for the fairy village.”

“Fairies,” she mumbles, “Very well we have enough horses in the stables. You can follow me toward them,” she says and begins to walk out of the room down the hall.

“You’re already on her bad side too,” AJ says to Nick.

“Wonderful,” Nick mumbles.

“I heard that,” she says as she continues to walk ahead of them falling back into step with them, “You should know that we can hear very well if you are a Rider,” she says as Nick starts to blush slightly, “Call me Quest.”

“You are Quest Vacant aren’t you?” Kevin asks as they walk out of the building over to the stables.

“Yes, I take it you’ve heard of me?” she says looking back at him and smiling.

“What Lore hasn’t? Her hair changes colors to the emotions she feels. You’re father died a few years ago didn’t he.”

“He died in the war with the Dwarfs.”

“He was a good man.”

“Thank you,” she says walking into the stables and up to a white horse jumping into the saddle quickly, “You can chose any horse you want,” she says to them as she stares at Justin approaching as horse and it backs up, “Someone will have to share with the werewolf. Horses don’t seem to trust them very much.”

“C’mon Justin,” Kevin says as Justin growls at the horse then walks over to Kevin getting on his horse.

“You’re trying to find the fairy city?” she says looking back at them.

“Yes,” Nick says, “The giver of the power of light.”

“I can take you to it, but I don’t know if they’ll let the vampire in.”

“Sounds good to me,” AJ says, “I’m allergic to them anyway.”

“Allergic? To a fairy?” she says staring at him as he smiles and nods, “Odd. Anyway if you’ll follow me and try to keep up,” she says taking her horse out of the stables as the others follow.

When an elf on a horse tells you to try and keep up the emphasis is on TRY and Nick was sure of it now. They could all ride well enough, but not anywhere near as good as Quest was and for the first three miles she was a good distance in front of them until she suddenly stops and begins looking around with her ears perked up.

“Do you hear that?” she asks looking at AJ and Justin.

“Horses,” Justin says and then he frowns.

“A few of them,” AJ says, “And they’re getting closer.”

“They’re coming over the hill,” she says looking at a hill in the distance as nine dark shapes sitting on top of nine black horses come over the hill and stop to stare at them.

“Run,” Nick says.

“Keep heading north,” Quest says, “The village is only a few more hills over and keep Brian in middle of everyone.”

“You know my name?” Brian looks at her.

“Yes, I’ll explain later, but run. NOW!”

All of them take off riding toward the north with Brian in the center and Quest brings up the rear. Nick looks over his shoulder to see the nine black horsemen coming charging down the hill straight for them. They ride over a small hill and begin riding next to a small river. Nick looks over his shoulder again as the black horsemen begin to close the gap on them.

“What are you doing,” Nick asks looking at Quest as she pulls out a sword from underneath her cloak and holding it in her right hand.

“Just keep going,” she says as she stands up in the saddle, “It’s just over the next hill. Don’t stop,” she says jumping up into the air.

“Wait,” Nick yells stopping his horse and looking up at her as a bright flash of light fills the sky and the sound of rushing water fills his ears.


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