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Brian walks up Kevin’s front steps and knocks on the door.

“Heyyyy,” Kevin yells opening the door and smiling broadly.

“Hey,” Brian smiles as Leigh Ann walks up behind him carrying Faith in her arms.

“Back already?” Kevin says stepping back so they can walk inside his house.

It had been a full year since they had all arrived at Kevin’s to discuss Nick’s disappearance and now a full two years later they weren’t any closer then before. They made a promise though that each year no matter what their schedules looked like they would all come back to Orlando and spend some time together. Two years later fans were still sending their regrets to the group members and showing up outside MTV with signs and posters.

A year later in the life of an entertainer can be a lifetime. AJ had won another Emmy along with other awards for his role on the Sopranos and had gotten married to Isabella three months earlier. Brian had won his second Grammy with the release of his second album and Leigh Ann and him were already planning on having more children. Howie’s net worth had actually gone up if you could believe that that is possible and his corporation had expanded to over seas. Kevin had gotten back into producing other artists and his newest finding a singer named Raven had the number one single in the country at the time that he and Brian wrote.

Brian walks into the house followed by Leigh Ann and smiles at Howie and AJ who are sitting in the kitchen with Isabella, Kristin and Howie’s new girlfriend Sherri. Brian smiles broadly as AJ and Howie look up at him from their seats with serious faces. They look quickly at each other before standing up and walking over to Brian.

“We need to show you something,” AJ says putting an arm around Brian’s shoulders and leading him to the basement steps followed by Kevin and Howie.

“What is it?” Brian asks them as they all walk down the steps one after the other.

“I got something in the mail,” Kevin says as Howie sits down on the couch and AJ sits down in a recliner.

“What is it?” Brian asks as Kevin picks up a remote and turns on his DVD player as the big screen TV turns blue before the screen fills with a view of the ocean and an island across a strip of water.

“Damnit focus,” a voice mutters from behind the camera as the picture focuses, “There we go,” it says.

“Oh my God,” Brian says walking up to the screen and sitting down in front of it looking up at the picture.

“Hey guys,” Nick smiles walking around to the front of the camera and sitting down on a stool, “Like the view,” he smiles. His short hair was blowing slightly in a breeze to the left and he had a nice tan that made his blue eyes stand out. He was wearing green shorts and a plain black t-shirt, “Uhhhh. Hmmm,” Nick says scrunching his nose up, “Where do I start? I’m alive guys. I’m not that stupid. I’m fine guys I really am. I can’t tell you where I am, but just know that I am fine. I got a job and a nice house. Best of all I have freedom. I’m free guys. I have never felt so good in my life. I’ve been keeping tabs on all of you too don’t think for a second I wouldn’t. Brian,” Nick whistles and smirks, “Those songs are beauties man. You’re going great. I’ve seen pictures of Leigh and Faith. They look great Bri. You’re gonna have the picture perfect family. How are those rat dogs by the way say hi to Tyke for me. Alex. Alex. Alex. I have to pay extra money to see that show of yours you know that? I can’t get it here, so I gotta pay extra. It’s worth it though man. It’s a great show. You deserve every one of those awards you got. Oh yeah Isabella Gambino is your wife? What the hell is with that? How the hell did you get someone that hot to go out with you? I’m just joking with you man. You did well on that song you sang with Brian too. Howie didn’t I always tell you you would be a billionaire. I told you. I told you. Your houses are popping up all over. And you’re dating a model on top of it all. Howard,” he shakes his finger at the camera, “Watch yourself no gold diggers you hear? I’m watching your back, boy. Kevin I bought that girl raven’s CD. Damn, boy. How come we never sounded that good? You’re getting a Grammy for the work you did on this CD. I’ve seen Kristin and May in pictures. They look great man. You have a fine looking family. Don’t let Brian beat you out for best looking family.

I’m sorry guys I really am. I knew I would cause an uproar, but not as big as it got. Jesus I didn’t know we even had that many fans. Here’s the catch. You can’t show this tape to anyone else not even your wives. I sent one to my family first. I actually feel bad for my mom, but worse for my dad and brother and sister. Damn Aaron got big. I miss them a lot guys just like I miss you. I’m so sorry I put you through this shit. I couldn’t take it though. I just couldn’t take it anymore. I needed out and got out. You must burn this sucker though. Right after your done watching it burn it. I can’t risk people finding me. I wouldn’t be able to take it. I’ll keep in touch with you guys though count on it.

I’m fine guys I really am. I’m better then I have ever been in my life. I’m alive guys. I’m finally me just plain old boring Nicholas Gene Carter. Hey Kev, here’s come Peter Cottontail hoping down the bunny trail thumpity thump thump,” Nick smiles making his right hand into a bunny shape and slapping it into his left hand’s palm, “I love you guys I really do,” he says reaching towards the camera and shutting it off as the screen turns blue again.

Kevin walks towards the TV and takes out the DVD as Brian looks up at him with tears in his eyes. AJ and Howie stare at him with tears running down their cheeks and nod. Kevin looks down at the DVD tears running down his face and raises it up in both of his hands then slamming it down on his knee breaking it in half.

“ Every day is a new day. I thank the Lord for every breath I take. I won’t take it for granted, so I learn from my mistakes. It’s beyond my control sometimes its best to let go whatever happens in this lifetime. So I trust in love. So I trust in love. You have given me peace of mind. I I feel so alive for the very first time. I can’t deny you I feel so alive. I I feel so alive for the very first time and I think I could fly. Sunshine upon my face it’s hard for me to see. Tell the world how I feel inside even though it might cost me everything. Now that know its what I can’t control. I can never turn my back away. Now that I see you I can never look away. I I feel so alive for the very first time. I can’t deny you I feel so alive. I I feel so alive for the very first time and I think I could fly. And now that I know you I could never turn my back away. And now that I see you I can never look away. And now that I know you I could never turn my back away. And now that I see you I can never look away. I I feel so alive for the very first time. I can’t deny you I feel so alive. I I feel so alive for the very first time and I think I could fly. I I feel so alive for the very first time for the very first time for the very first time and I think I could fly. I I feel so alive for the very first time for the very first time and I think I could fly. And I think I could fly. And I think I could fly.” – “Alive” by P.O.D


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