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AJ stares out of the window from his trailer on the Sopranos set as the rain beats against the windows. He looks at the TV screen and his mouth drops.

“Well what the hell is this?” he asks.

“What is it hun?” Isabella says walking into the room.

“Please tell me that is not Christopher Walken sitting on the stage with Britney Spears’s little sister.”

“Ummm. I think it’s her dad.”

“That is when you know the world has gone down hill. The schizophrenic comes back and…ugh,” he says and shudders.

“She defiantly had a boob job,” Isabella says sitting down on the couch next to him.

AJ smiles at her and kisses her forehead, “When do we need to be out for a shoot?”

“Ten minutes.”

“Ok,” he says and lies back onto the couch. He turns his head to look at his cell phone on the table in front of him and sighs, “Always on call,” he says reaching forward and picking the phone up, “Hello? Yeah. WHAT?! Oh Jesus,” he says putting his face into his free hand.

“What is it?” Isabella asks, “AJ? Alex? What’s wrong?”

Kevin stares into the recording booth in front of him where a group of four young guys in their late teens start playing on a song on their instruments and singing into the mics.

“ Two guitarist, a bass play and a drummer,” Kevin says to a man who walks in, “All eighteen or nineteen. Their damn good too.”

“What’s their name?”

“Underestimated Youth.”

The man nods, “You feel another Grammy for best producer coming in this 2004 season?”

“I’m not sure,” Kevin smiles, “Would be nice though. How is Raven doing?”

“She’s laying some tracks down in the studio next door. I think she wants your opinion later though.”

“Ok,” Kevin says holding his hands and bobbing his head along to the beat of the rock music, “Can you get that?” Kevin asks him as the phone starts to ring.

“Sure,” he says and picks up the phone, “Hello? Yes he’s right here. Kevin it’s your wife.”

“Can I call her back?”

“She says really upset.”

Kevin grabs the phone and holds it to his ear, “What’s wrong what happened? Is May ok? What? Oh God no,” Kevin says leaning back into his chair and closing his eyes, “What happened?” he asks starting to cry.

Brian peeks his head over the edge of a baby crib and widens his eyes, “Peak a boo,” he says to the baby sitting inside it as he smiles and starts laughing bouncing his legs, “Cedric,” Brian says, “Cedric,” he says softly waving his hand and then reaching over to rub his stomach.

Cedric was only three months old now and he looked like a little miniature Brian according to Leigh Ann. He had dirty blond hair and big blue eyes. His baby blue garments only made his eyes stand out more then they should.

Faith was almost three now and she was running around singing old Backstreet Boys songs in her room across the hall. To say the least she wasn’t exactly thrilled with the fact that she wasn’t the center of attention now.

“Brian,” Leigh Ann yells down the hall, “Are you reading those Harry Potter books to the kids again?”






“Ok,” he says walking over and picking up a cordless phone off the floor, “Hello. Yeah. Huh?” he says sinking down to the floor dropping the phone and putting his face into his hands.

“Hello? Hello…” a voice from the phone says.

Nick stuffs a pile of papers into his trashcan as they pop up over the sides of it onto the floor. He sighs and piles the papers back in then sticks one foot into the small can squishing the papers back down.

“I really need to invest in a new trash can,” he sighs.

“Phone,” a voice from the couch says as the phone starts to ring.

“Can you get it Justin?”

“I’m watching TV,” Justin Timberlake says from the couch.

“No you’re watching people on the TV talk in Maltese which you don’t even understand.”

“Shhhh. If I look hard enough it’s almost like I can understand what Will Smith is trying to say.”

“You are pathetic,” Nick says going to walk, but forgetting about the trashcan on his leg and falls flat on his face.

“You’re a swift one aren’t you?” Justin says jumping up from the couch and walking over to the phone stepping on top of Nick crushing him back to the floor.

“You stupid little shit,” Nick yells at him.

“Hello,” Justin says into the phone, “Yeah he’s here, but he can’t come to the phone at this moment can I take a message? What?” he says and then looks at Nick.

“What?” Nick asks, “Who is it?”

“It’s Ness,” he says, “Something happened back on the mainland.”

Howie stares out the car window and sighs as he passes the same old familiar scenery again. His life seemed like it was stuck on repeat to him now. Day after day it was the same thing. Wake up, go to work, come home late, eat dinner, argue with his girlfriend, then go to sleep. He was worn out at a young age.

He sighs as he turns the corner and comes to a stop at a red light.

“Damn I’m late,” he says looking at the clock on the dashboard.

As soon as the light turns green he starts on his way again and is midway between the intersection as his head snaps to the left. He stares at a large Navigator that has run the red light as it gets closer and closer to his small Corvette.

The whole world went black with the sounds of crunching metal and skidding tires for Howie Dwaine Dorough.


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