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Article from Sports Illustrated:

Well we all know how AJ McLean from the Philadelphia Flyers got here and certain things about his life and work from the previous day, but what is his day like? The following is a list of things that AJ McLean does in one day according to himself.

8:45 am: Wake up and look at clock. Realize that it is too early to get up and go back to bed. Wonder why it is so cold and did I leave a window open.

9:00 am: Look at clock again. Attempt to go back to sleep. Still cold.

9:15 am: Look at clock again. Attempt to go to sleep again. Freezing now.

9:30 am: Finally admit to self that I will not be going to back to sleep and get up.

9:35 am: Get in shower and then shave and brush teeth. Notice that it is still cold and begin to wonder if it is possible for icicles to form on the human skin this quickly.

9:40 am: Get dressed pulling on jeans and a sweater. Begin to contemplate putting on hat with earflaps.

9:41 am: Put on hat with earflaps while getting cereal to eat.

10:00 am: Decide to go talk to land lord about the heat.

10:15 am: Finally pound on door long enough that land lord answers.

10:17 am: Find out that heat is broken. Damn the man.

10:30 am: Decide I might as well go to Tower Records on South Street and see what is new.

10:55 am: Arrive at Tower Records and begin to look around.

10:56 am: Start to stare at Britney Spears CD and contemplate buying it. Realize that I am sad. Very sad. Continue to walk by the display.

10:57 am: Go back and get Britney CD.

11:00 am: Continue to walk around with Britney CD while looking for the first Foo Fighters Album.

11:02 am: Find the Fs and begin looking. Attempt to put down Britney album. Fail.

11:09 am: Attempt to put album down again. Fail again

11:15 am: Finally find Foo Fighters first album. I fail again to put down the Britney album. Decide to go look at the DVDs.

11:30 am: Try to decide to buy one or both Sopranos seasons on DVD. Attempt and fail again with Britney.

11:35 am: Realize that I am going to be spending more then two hundred dollars here and walk back downstairs to the cash register.

11:36 am: Throw Britney CD at the stand and run like hell to the register before contemplating going back for it.

11:45 am: Realize that I need the Dogma special edition DVD. Ask cashier to hold on and run back upstairs to find the DVD.

11:50 am: Curse the stupid idiot who moved the Dogma DVD out of its place.

11:59 am: Finally find Dogma DVD and continue back downstairs to the register.

12 :05 pm: Realize that I have spent over an hour in Tower Records and start to curse self.

12: 25 pm: Get to poster store and ask if they have the Gladiator poster from the movie yet.

12: 30 pm: Curse the stupid people for not ordering more posters while driving through South Philly.

12: 55 pm: Get home and drop off purchases. Realize that heat is still not on. Realize that is 12: 55 and that I am going to be late to practice which starts in five minutes.

1:07 pm: Realize that it is possible to get all green lights and make it into the locker room.

1:10 pm: Get on ice not bothering to tape ankles. Realize that today will not going to be a good day.

1:11 pm: Get lecture from Kevin.

1:14 pm: Get lecture from Barber.

1:20 pm: Get yet another lecture from Kevin.

1:23 pm: Realize that I am in big trouble when Barber puts me on defense for a drill.

1:24 pm: Get rammed by Fedoruk and decide that I have sustained a minor concussion. Barber tells me to skate it off. I then collide with Nick while attempting to “skate it off”. Sustain another concussion diagnosed by self.

1:30 pm: Am mocked by Boucher as I sit with ice on my head while he plays ping-pong for his rehab. Try to understand yet again how it helps a pulled hamstring. Doctor says I have a bruise. What do doctors know?

1:31 pm: Give up on trying to figure out.

1:40 pm: Return to practice.

1:45 pm: Run stupid drill.

1:55 pm: Run another stupid drill.

2:15 pm: Run yet another drill.

2:27 pm: Try to come with ways to get Boucher back for mocking me.

2:28 pm: Switch to ways about how to get Nick Carter back after he elbows me.

2:45 pm: Decide both ways are too much work after this practice and pray for the last fifteen minutes to come.

3:00 pm: Practice ends. Head back to locker room.

3:11 pm: Contemplate asking Bruno to help me try and stuff Nick into a trashcan. Decide against it.

3:12 pm: Ask McAllister instead.

3:15 pm: Stare at Nick who is attempting to get out of the trashcan. Contemplate asking Williams to help me roll him around the locker room.

3:16 pm: Decide against it and run like hell to my car once Nick gets free.

3:20 pm: Decide to write a nice letter to the people who make Lexus about how wonderful power locks are.

3:45 pm: Realize that just because I hit all green lights going to the FU Center shows that I will hit every red light going home.

3:55 pm: Get home. Find that heat is working.

4:00 pm: Sit down and watch TRL. Mock Carson Daly for having to play stupid pop videos.

4:05 pm: Realize that I was going to buy the Britney album and stop mocking Carson Daly.

5:00 pm: Put on Comcast for the five o’clock sports show.

5:10 pm: Attempt to go get ice cream from fridge.

5:11 pm: Ankle rolls going to fridge and fall flat on face. Realize that this is what happens when I don’t tape my ankles.

5:15-5: 30 pm: Sit with ice on my ankle.

6:30 pm: Turn off TC after sports show is done and decide to watch Sopranos DVDs.

6:34 pm: Realize that DVD player is not working and call Nick to come help me.

6:45 pm: Nick arrives.

7:00 pm: Nick tells me that it isn’t broken I just had the channel set to three not four for the DVD setting. Damn the stupid box.

8:00pm: Realize that I lead a sad life and ask Nick if he wants to go to Egypt.

8:01pm: Nick refuses to go to a club. Come to the conclusion Nick is a social outcast.

8:05 pm: Decide just to have more people over and play poker. Call Fedetenko, Fedoruk, Bruno, Gagne, Justin, Kevin, Brian and Boucher.

8:06 pm: Call Marty Murray and tell him to bring food with him.

8:07 pm: Realize I might as well call the whole team.

8:21pm: Finish calling whole team as people start arriving.

8:38 pm: Kevin arrives. Get lecture about having parties before game day. Try to persuade him it is a pasta party.

8:39 pm: He asks where the pasta is. I give up and ask him why did he come then. Kevin shuts up.

9:15 pm: Come to the conclusion that Williams is an alcoholic and take his beer away. Also realizing he is under age.

9:16 pm:Mock Williams while Kevin is lecturing him about under age drinking.

9:45 pm: Run out of chips and dip. Realize that I have a situation and run across hall to borrow some Mrs. Gambino.

9:50 pm: Return with chips and dip. Realize that I should stop drinking in fear of a hang over.

9:59 pm: Make bet with Roenick about who will have a bigger hangover Nick or Williams. I bet on Nick. He bets on Willy.

10:05: Roenick takes back bet after he sees Nick talking to my plant.

10:10 pm: Start to play doubles in pool against Primeau and Recchi with Boucher.

10:40 pm: We beat Primeau and Recs.

11:15 pm: People start to leave because of the game tomorrow.

11:30 pm: Everyone is gone now and I am by myself with a big mess. Start to clean up.

11:45 pm: Realize that I can do that tomorrow because there is no practice on game day and decide to go to bed.

12:01 am: Get into bed and try to get to sleep to no avail.

12:05 am: Give up on singing Craig David “Seven Days” to self.

12:15 am: Finally fall asleep thinking about how when Barber reads this he will kick my ass.


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