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Article from the Philadelphia Inquire

The 2001-2002 Philadelphia Flyers season is about to start tonight in the First Union Spectrum where they will play the Pittsburgh Penguins in their opening game. There are high hopes for the team this year because of the skill the players have showed in practice. The rivalry with Pittsburgh is on once again and the Flyers are looking to avenge their losses in the play offs last year.

Ex Flyer goaltender Garth Snow will be in between the pipes for the Penguins while Brian Littrell is in net for the Flyers. Littrell is hoping to show the Penguins what he can do since he suffered a disappointing loss last year against them. Sources say that Littrell is back in peak condition and is over the dreaded sophomore slump many players seem to go through over the years. Littrell will also be getting help from the Flyers defense headed by Kevin Richardson, the captain of the team, along with Therien, another Richardson; Luke and Dejarsdan. Richardson, who is nicknamed the Train by his teammates because of how hard he hits, has shown his ability over the years for taking control of the team and dominating the ice.

On the offense this year old favorites such as Recchi, LeClaire, Gagne, Williams, Premeau, Fedoruk, Stock and Fedentenko will be joining new Flyers like McLean and Carter. Recci, LeClaire and Gagne will be the starters in the game, while McLean and Carter will be going in on the third line change for the game along with Todd Feoruk. The offense this season is powered more by speed and puck handling ability then in the past when the bullies on Broad Street ruled the ice. Of course there are still the players who get in fights because they can either to show intimidation or trying to get their teams spirits. Fedoruk, Stock and McLean add the old elements with the new ones and are sure to put on a great game tonight.

Sources who saw McLean say that he has died his hair white, orange and black on the tips in celebration of the game. Too bad it will be under his helmet the whole time. Judging by McLean’s playing abilities and his attitude toward the game he will be one of the favorites this year, so be prepared for there to be a sell out in his jerseys like there were for Richardson’s last year. McLean has been seen running down the halls of the spectrum with fellow players Fedoruk and Stock singing Beatles songs as well as anything else they can think off, so if you hear the chorus of “Come Together” expect to see the three of them close by.

Meanwhile, as expected, Carter has shown that he has what it takes to make it in the pros, but keeping to himself mostly or talking to goaltender Brian Littrell or Justin Williams. When asked if Carter will die his hair like McLean for the game his only response was,” AJ can do whatever he wants with his hair, but he better stay away from mine. He should have fun with it while it lasts since he is already losing it,” and with that statement a loud crash was heard as McLean shots a puck at the plexiglas that Carter is sitting behind and it bounces off while McLean skates off yelling,” I heard that.”

All that this reporter is sure of is that the game tonight will be nothing short of entertaining to the people who come to watch their favorite team in their house. Bets are down and odds are two to one that Fedoruk and McLean get in a fight with Kasperitis twice before the night over and hopefully Fedoruk will feel brave enough to jump in the Penguins bench fists flailing once again to start off a miraculous season.


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