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“Don’t touch me!” Brian Littrell yells at AJ as AJ pokes him on the right shoulder.

AJ stares at him for a few seconds before breaking into a large smile.

Kevin walks over to Brian and shakes his head, “Ever hear of sun screen Brian?”

“Leave me alone,” Brian pouts, “I was supposed to have a nice vacation with my wife but nooooo I have to end up burnt toast.”

“This is amazing Kevin,” Nick says looking down at the gold medal in his hands, “Absolutely amazing. You know I was talking to my friend and he said there was absolute madness in the streets after you won.”

Kevin smiles proudly before Nick reaches out to give him the medal back.

“Ours will match the Stanley Cup better though,” AJ says holding his silver medal up from his chest.

“Color coordination?” Brian says before wincing as he pulls his shoulder pads on.

“Color coordination,” AJ smiles taking off the medal and placing it on the top shelf of his locker, “You look like a lobster Brian.”

“Oh leave me alone,” Brian says pulling his jersey down over his pads, “Thank God I can still bend otherwise I would be out of a job.”

“You can always take up cleaning the locker room,” Nick says.

Brian makes a face at him quickly before forcing a sarcastic laugh.

“So what do you think is easier,” Nick asks, “NHL hockey or IHL hockey?”

“NHL,” AJ and Kevin say at the same time.

“Wayyyy too much ice to cover,” AJ says, “Great flow of the game, but too damn big. Not enough hitting either.”

“You’re back now though,” Brian says putting his mask onto of his head, but pulled up so he can see them all clearly.

“So how did you guys fair without me?” AJ asks.

“Calmly,” Brian says.

“Quietly,” Nick adds.

“Ha,” AJ says making a face at them both.

Brian smiles widely before wincing and frowning again, “I can’t even smile my face is brunt so bad.”

AJ shakes his head and smirks, “Brian not smile? That’s like Kevin not crushing someone into the boards,” he says tying his right skate tightly.

“Funny,” Kevin says putting on his helmet.

“What?” AJ smirks.

“Ahhhh here we go,” Kevin yells smiling as the others turn around to see what he is looking at, “Now we got our team,” Kevin says making his way over to the door to Rick Tocchet.

“Tocchet’s first game back,” AJ says, “57 games missed.”

“That’s a hell of a lot of bench time,” Nick says.

“Oh yeah,” AJ sighs, “Now we got a fighter back.”

“On to the Blackhawks,” Brian says.

AJ nods pulling his helmet onto his head.

“BRIAN,” Kevin yells waving for him, “C’mon lead us out,” he says as Brian makes his way over to the locker room door to lead the team out onto the ice.

“Less then thirty games left of the regular season,” Nick says to AJ.

“Goes too fast,” AJ says, “We got our playoff spot, but then we gotta buckle down.”

Nick nods as the two of them fall in line with the other Flyer players as they make their way out of the tunnel onto the ice. The Flyers would go on to win the game 5-4 against the Chicago Blackhawks at the Philadelphia First Union Center. Brian would stop twenty-four of twenty-eight shots for the win while JR, AJ, Gagne, Ruslan and Kevin got the points into the board beating former USA teammates Amonte and Chelios. They would go on to beat their East coast rivals the New Jersey Devils 1-0 before making their way up to New York City.

“Sweet you rock and sweet you roll,” AJ sings sitting on the bench in Madison Square Garden as the first five minutes of the game between the Flyer and the Rangers pass by. Once again Brian Littrell was in net and it was safe to say by now that Brian had secured his spot being the number one goalie for the team starting the last three games upon the return from the Olympic break.

“Slow game,” Kevin says walking over to AJ and sitting next to him coming off his first shift.

AJ shrugs, “Not bothering me. I just wanna get this done and got to the Carnival tomorrow. It was great last year…of course I was stuck in that dunk tank, but regardless of that.”

Kevin shakes his head at him and smiles, “I remember you there. Skinny little guy.”

“I’m still a skinny little guy Kevin,” AJ says frankly.

“True,” Kevin smiles as Williams takes a shot on Mike Richter who comes up with a nice save, “So what’s it like playing against US teammates?”

AJ shrugs, “I dunno. It was harder playing against you and Gags though. I mean c’mon yeah I bleed red, white and blue, but I bleed orange and black more often. Yeah I went through training with those guys for a few weeks, but I went through training with you all far too long. And I’ve had to put up with your lecturing far longer then Herb Brooks’s.”

“Very true,” Kevin smiles.

“Here we go though,” AJ pipes up at 12:29 into the first period as a dog pile occurs in front of the Flyers net as JR knock a Ranger player hard onto Brian who is sprawled across the ice as Kim Johnsson falls down also, “Not good. Not good,” AJ says as Brian stays down no longer then five seconds pinned to the ground and the puck goes back to the point for a shot. It bounces wildly for a few seconds before making its way to Eric Lindros who deflects it into the net past Brian, “Wonderful we’re behind again…as usual,” AJ says as he stands up and hops over the bench onto the ice. He heads out onto the ice as Brian starts to argue with the offices over the goal.

“Not now Brian, just let it go,” Kevin yells at him as an official blows a whistle and calls Brian for unsportsmanlike conduct and Justin heads over to the box to serve the penalty.

Things only got worse from there though as Brian is called again for tripping up Grosek in front of the net giving the Rangers a two man advantage for 1:35. AJ could see Brian going to argue that car as yell until Kevin skated over to him and said something to him…not very nicely either by what AJ could see on Kevin’s face as said the words. Dan McGillis served the penalty this time. It turned into a four on three though as former teammates Primeau and Lindros argue and exchange swats even before the face off takes place sending them both to the penalty box. The Flyers managed to kill the power play until there were 39 seconds left when another big blow is dealt to the team. Brian was pulled from the game.

Thirty nine seconds left and by what AJ could see Brian was up in one minute and down on the ice in agony the next as he saved a puck. Mark Recchi and John Worley had to carry him off the ice and the way it looked things were not going to be to the Flyers advantage. Brian Boucher stepped in between the pipes then coming in cold from the bench and in a position that no player wanted to be in with 7:10 left in the first period. At 14:45 into the first period JR got called on another penalty and this time the Rangers made the connection as Theo Fleury took a shot that sailed past Boucher low and on the short side, 2-0. From then on the hits got brutal. Hits were flying everywhere as emotions starts to pick up and the Flyers ended the period on a power play, but being outshot 14-7.

“How bad is his injury?” AJ asks Kevin as they sit on the bench during the second period.

“Sprained ankle,” Kevin says.

“At least its not broken,” AJ says trying to be positive.

Kevin shakes his head no, “Sprained my ankle before took me what three weeks to get over it completely then when I got back it swelled up every time I hit the ice. This isn’t good at all.”

“You never know Boucher could pull this out,” AJ says as Kevin looks at him and his face falls, “Ok I’m being optimistic, sue me. C’mon its only fifteen seconds into the second period what can go wro…” AJ starts to say as the goal buzzer goes off and the Rangers go up 3-0 off another goal by Lindros, “Pretend like I never said that ok,” AJ says hanging his head.

Kevin shakes his head and looks up at the rafters.

“Here we go again,” AJ says nineteen seconds later as Lindros and York head down the ice on a two on one. York passes the puck to Lindros who takes a huge shot and rips one past Boucher. The Rangers go up 4-0 and Lindros gets a hat trick.

“Can we just forfeit now,” Kevin puffs heading off the bench onto the ice.

“Get your head into the game Boosh,” AJ says to himself.

The Flyers refused to go out without a fight though. 3:17 into the second and Simone Gagne made his presence known scoring the first Flyer goal with an assist by Roenick.

“C’mon guys get your heads into the game,” Kevin yells as AJ takes the ice again with Roenick and Gagne later, “We’re always behind c’mon!”

AJ skates around the rink as Barnaby skates by and hits him shoulder to shoulder. AJ turns around and stares at Baranby as he drops his gloves and makes a motion for AJ to fight, but AJ knew better then to risk another power play. There would be time later and skated past him motioning to the ref who didn’t call anything as the rest of the Rangers benched yelled for him to fight. He was already making a mental note to get Baranby later though as he headed down the ice with Gags and JR puck on his stick now. He makes his way as close as he can before passing the puck over to Gagne and lets one go making the score 4-2 and cutting the Rangers lead in half. Nine minutes left in the game though and another bad hand was dealt to the Flyers as Kloucek hits Fedetenko behind the play and he falls to the ice in pain after their knees connect. AJ looks over as Kevin helps Fedetenko to the locker room and comes back onto the ice giving Kloucek a few shoves and words.

Things got worse later though as Dvorak gets down the ice on a two on one and beats Boucher who made himself look bad by covering a lane his own teammate Eric Desjardins had already covered. Rangers went up 5-2 then. With only 1:30 left though Karpa slams Gagne hard into the walls and he falls to the ice as well and started another fight. All the players on the ice gathered at the red line then and began to shove each other as the linesman skated over to break everything up. Barnaby picks a fight with Tocchet this time and as Tocchet goes to fight him he is grabbed by a linesman and wrestled to the ground. Both Tocchet and Barnaby got two and ten minute penalties. Then second period ended with the score 5-2 with the Flyers out shooting the Rangers 11-9.

The third period came though and the Flyers came out hard. Only twenty-nine seconds into the period Eric Desjardins headed down the ice carrying the puck and took a shot, which was blocked by Richter. He managed to get his own rebound and scored the third Flyers goal. A few seconds later Williams took a shot that hit the crossbar and bounced off into the crowd. With 3:20 into the period Roenick brought the lead to within one as he deflected the puck into the net off a LeClaire shot. The Flyers were in the midst of coming back as Williams takes a bad penalty for tripping and the Rangers head to a power play. The Flyers looked like they were going to kill the penalty though until Karpa got the puck again and let a shot off that got by Boucher who was in the butterfly position.

“You’re killing me Boosh! You’re killing me,” Kevin yells back at him from his spot on the ice as Boucher looks at him from the goal crease.

With only 8:41 left though Brashear took on Barnaby who kept holding onto Brashear for the first minute tying him up. Barnaby hit the ice though after Brashear got his left free and began to pound him without mercy. He took a bad penalty though as he responded to Karpa’s insults by grabbing him by the throat on the way to the penalty box. Lindros took a penalty shortly after though and evened things up making it easier for Gagne to get to the net and score his 3rd goal of the game giving him a hat trick and putting the Flyers to within one. The play continued hard then for the Flyers who fought hard for another goal. Gagne hooked Malakhov’s hand slightly though causing Malakhov to fly across the ice as if he had been shot drawing a penalty on Gagne. This was more then enough to send Kevin over the edge though as he started to argue heavily with the linesman and got a ten minute game misconduct penalty on himself. Nick had to skate up to him and pull him away from the linesman as he continued to yell things across the ice. It was 1:49 left in the game and the Flyers made a last effort pulling Boucher in favor of an extra attacker and get themselves even with the Rangers. 23.1 seconds left and Fleury took a penalty that gave the Flyers a last push, but nothing happened and the game ended 6-5.

There was not going to be a good mood in the locker room after the game.

“What the hell are ya doin?” Nick asks AJ as he bends over the dunk tank.

“Reminiscing,” AJ smiles.

“Whatever you say man,” Nick smiles and walks away back towards the center of the First Union Center.

The Center was decorated in red, white and blue with a big flag made of balloons on the right hand side near the seats. The ice was now covered up in replace of a floor except for a small area where a net was set up for people to take shots on their favorite goalie. Games had been set up around the outer rim and a large platform in the middle under the scoreboard with balloons streaming off it to the rafters. Numerous balloons were hanging on seats and outside in the hallways of the center there was even more decoration for the event. Various photo booths were being set up now higher up in the seats with a large green screen background that would be used for pictures with the players. The names of some of the players were being hung on the ledges of some of the boxes while other tables were being set up so people could come up to them and get autographs. Hundreds of boxes were being piled onto the large platform in the middle of it all as wives of the players ran around making sure everything was perfect. Various players were running in and out now and again checking up on everything while others were catching up with the Phantom players who were also there.

Nick looks around the center before continuing on his walk up the steps to the outer hallways of it. People were busy walking here and there passing him around corners as he walked around underneath small banners pointing to an exit where certain Flyer players would be and between what times. Stands were being set up for games and Phantom players out here and as Nick turned a corner he could hear Kevin’s loud voice echoing down the halls.

“What are you yelling about?” Nick smiles walking up to Kevin who was talking to Neil Little the goaltender for the Phantoms who was often called up to play for the Flyers if an injury to a goalie happened.

“Who said I was yelling?” Kevin asks.

“You just always seem to be yelling,” Nick shrugs putting his hands into his pockets.

“Where’s your jersey?” Kevin asks.

“I gotta put it on before I go up to do autographs. Don’t worry I know the rules,” Nick says.

“So you ready for the rush?” Kevin asks Nick.

“Yeah,” Nick says, “I’m actually really looking forward to this.”

“Oh you always will,” Kevin says, “No matter how many events we do with the Flyers I think this is my favorite.”

“You gonna be doing pictures the whole time?” Neil asks him.

Kevin nods, “Yup. They got those new green screens this year though, so they should look really good. You’re going autographs right Nick?”

Nick nods, “I’m next to Todd and Brashear.”

“Did you see what they got here today?” Neil asks Nick.


“They got the holy grail man…the Cup is here.”

“It’s here now? I wasn’t sure when they were gonna bring it in,” Nick says.

“Go take a look at it,” Kevin smiles, “It’s near the main entrance around Boosh’s photo booth. AJ has been salivating over it since it got here.”

“Alright I’ll talk to you later guys,” Nick says turning around and running off down the hall.

“They’re getting rid of a ring you know,” Neil says, “They’re running out of room on it, so they’re going to put in a new one and retire the old ring.”

Kevin nods, “There’s still enough room for our names on that one though…my name’s gonna be on that one.”

“I’m seeing spots,” AJ says to the photographer as another fan sits down next to him for a photo.

The photographer only smiles at him as the young boy next to him looks up to AJ from the seat.

“And how old are you little man?” AJ asks him.

“Nine,” the small boy clad in a Flyers jersey says.

AJ shakes his head, “That’s pretty old huh?”

The boy nods before smiling, “Mr. McLean…can I have an autograph.”

“He called me Mr. McLean,” AJ smiles to the photographer, “For that you can defiantly get an autograph,” AJ says taking a piece of paper out of the boys hand and signing it quickly and handing it back to him, “Now don’t tell anyone about that,” AJ says softly to him, “I’m not supposed to be doing that I’m just supposed to be doing pictures here ok?” he says as the small boy nods his head, “Alright now look right there,” AJ says pointing, “and smile,” he says smiling as the photographer takes a quick picture and the little boy stands up again to leave, “Have fun little man,” AJ says as he walks off with his dad to get the picture, “Whose next?” AJ says as another older fan in his twenties walks up with a McLean jersey on.

“Hey,” the fan says sticking out his hand as AJ shakes it, “You think I can have your autograph too by any chance…Mr. McLean?”

“Sure why not,” AJ says taking a marker from him and signing his jersey, “I just started a really bad chain reaction didn’t I? Whatever any of you do don’t tell Kevin,” he says to the line of people around his photo booth.


“Hey there,” Nick smiles at a man who walks up and hands him a program book with his picture open for him to sign.

“Keep up the good job,” the man says to him as Nick finishes the autograph.

“Don’t worry I’m trying,” Nick smiles handing him the book back.

“Thank you,” the man says before moving on to Todd.

“Nick can we have a picture please?” a man asks walking up with a small baby in his arms with his wife also.

“Sure,” Nick says standing up to lean over the ledge because it made him higher then the people.

“Do you think you can hold my son?” the man asks referring to the small baby boy clad in a small Flyers outfit.

“Sure if you want to trust me with him,” Nick smiles reaching out to hold the baby.

“Thanks,” the man says backing off to stand next to his wife who was taking the picture quickly, “Thank you,” he says taking his son back and handing Nick a small outfit similar to the one his son is wearing, “Do you mind signing that too?”

“You’re killing me man,” Nick smiles signing it quickly and handing it back to him, “Make sure that boy grows up to be a hockey player.”

“Alright thank you,” the man says walking down to Todd with his wife and son and asking Todd the same question.

“Nick can I have a picture too?” a younger female fan asks walking up.

“Sure,” Nick says leaning over the ledge again and posing for a picture.

“Hey no pictures,” Fedoruk yells to him smiling.

“Hey same to you,” Nick yells back to him while he signs another program for the same fan.


Brian looks up at a fan who was probably in his older teens maybe early twenties wearing a Flyers Jersey and holding a goalie stick, “Hey,” Brian smiles brightly taking the stick, “You a goalie?”

“Yeah,” the guy smiles.

“Best job in the world,” Brian smiles chewing on his gum and smiling.

“How’s your ankle?” the fan asks.

Brian shrugs lightly, “It’s doing ok. I sprained it though so I’m gonna be out for a little no big deal.”

“You’re not worried about loosing the starting position to Boosh?” the fan asks.

“If it happens it happens,” Brian shrugs, “I really can’t help this now, but I’m gonna try my best when I get back out there.”

“Good luck then,” the fan says to him as he takes back his goalie stick, “Ummm do you think that I could maybe have a…”

“Picture?” Brian asks finishing the sentence for him, “Sure.”

“Thanks,” the fan says smiling and handing a camera to his friend in line who is behind him and posing for a picture with Brian, “Thank you so much and good luck,” he says as he walks off.

“You’re welcome,” Brian says before focusing his attention to the next person who walks up to him in line, “Hey there,” he says to the small boy standing in front of him wearing a small goalie helmet on his head with his dad behind him, “You gonna keep that on the whole time?”

“Go on Brian give him your helmet,” the small boys dad says urging him on.

“Hey we have the same name,” Brian smiles as the little boy takes off the helmet and handing it to Brian to sign.

“Are we gonna be able to shoot on you?” the small boy asks Brian as he signs it.

“No I’m sorry,” Brian says, “I’m still hurt. The other Brian will be there though, Boosh.”

“Ohhh ok,” the small boy says as Brian hands him back his helmet.

“Have fun ok,” Brian says to him, “and remember Boosh lets things in on the left side try to shoot there,” Brian smiles at him.

“Thank you,” the dad says to Brian as the two walk off.

“Have fun,” Brian says to them.


“You doing a great job this year as captain,” a man says walking up to Kevin for a picture and sitting down next to him.

“Thanks,” Kevin says to him, “I’m trying.”

“Congratulations on the gold medal too,” he says.

“Thank you again,” Kevin smiles, “Here you can see it if you want,” Kevin says picking it up from his lap and handing it to the fan who turns it over in his hands.

“All you need is the cup now right?”

“Yup,” Kevin says, “We’re getting there too.”

“How’s your cousin doing?”

“He’s going ok. Got a sprained ankle so he will be out for a little. His spirits are still up though, so that’s really all that matters.”

“Yeah,” the man says handing him back his medal as the two of them pose for the picture, “Good luck in the playoffs,” he says standing up and shaking Kevin’s hands.

“Thank you,” Kevin says, “We’ll try to bring that Cup back here after this,” he smiles.

Kevin smiles again to himself as the line stops for a moment so the photographer cans top to reload the film. He bends down to his side and picks up a small water bottle to take a drink. He looks around quickly at the Center and sees the sea of people down on the floor and throughout the seats in lines like his for autographs and pictures. Justin and AJ’s though were the longest snaking around the rows of seats. On the floor he could see Vandemear sitting in the dunk tank as people tried their luck to hit the target. By now Boucher was done with his pictures and was down on the small ice surface as people took shots on him mostly younger kids though. Every time a younger fan stepped up to take a shot though Boosh would set himself up to somehow redirect the puck into the back of the net. He would usually go over and somehow redirect with one of his legs into the net, so the kids wouldn’t feel bad about missing. For the adults though he really tried to keep them and did. The Phantoms goalies Oullette and Little had been doing the same when they were in the net as well. Kevin looks up at the scoreboard above the floor and smiles to himself as Nick and Todd’s faces fill the large screen’s bouncing their heads along and singing to the music being played as they sign things. Kevin shakes his head and smiles again to himself. God he loved this organization.

Flyers Carnival (Not my pictures though...hey I'm working on them)


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