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AJ stares into his locker and sighs as he puts his helmet back in it. Yeah they lost again…wonderful. Ok well they didn’t loose, but it was like losing…a bad tie. The score was four to four to the Panthers. Yeah life sucked. Three more games till the playoffs and then the playoffs hit and they still had no idea about who they were going to play. It was either the Devils or the Islanders as far as AJ knew and well he could give a shit less at this point. Just to be in the playoffs and not get swept was a good thing for him now.

Tonight’s game was bad…very bad. AJ hated to blame it on goaltending because it was never really the goaltenders fault at all it was usually the defense or low scoring offense. Brian Littrell had been put in net again. The staff had already made their pick for the post season and it was Brian, so with only a few games left they needed to get him ready. This time though they had scored four goals and at least two of the goals Brian let in were questionable. The final tying goal was the back breaker though. With only 16.6 seconds left to go Brian let in the fourth goal.

Brian was dwelling on that fact now too. He was sitting on his locker stool staring down at his goalie helmet still fully dressed. When the third goal had been scored on him he had skated over to the blue line and waved at Barber to take him off. He wanted out and the volume of the boos that echoed after the third goal amazed even AJ. The fans were restless and wanted a win. The Flyers were expected to win games like this. They needed to pull together and quick. The next game would be against the Devils. The Debbies as Kevin called them and a team that Kevin did not want to face in the first round of the playoffs.

Tick. Tick. Tick. Time was counting down to the playoffs.

Nick puts his head down on the bench and sighs. This was a very contained game to say the least. The first period of the Devils/Flyers game only had 6 and 5 shots for both teams, Flyers with the 6. None of which went into the net. Brian was in net once again for the Flyers hoping to recover from the previous game. Hell the whole team was hoping to recover from the previous game to say the least.

The second was a lot like the first. Mostly contained hockey with a few penalties here and there and no goals allowed. It was like the playoffs had already started. They went up in shots though 9 for the Flyers in the second and 8 for the Devils. Well at least they were having good pressure and playing good defense. In other words Barber and Kevin weren’t complain about anything. AJ…AJ looked bored. He was used to fast paced hockey with a lot of hitting and fights, not this.

The third was the same as the previous two periods and the score remained stuck at 0-0 until 9:18 when Brian stopped the puck and though he had it in his equipment while the puck came free and feel to the ice. Madden fought through Primeau and shoveled it into the empty side of the net. The score became 1-0 then and it stayed that way with the Devils capitalizing over the Flyers.

Still the Flyers had played a good game with solid, smart hockey all night and had the better chances. Brian stopped eighteen of nineteen shots while Brodeur stopped all twenty two of the Flyers shots for a shut out. The offense needed a bit of work, but Kevin’s defense had finally come together along with Brian’s game, which was showing signs of life for the playoff stretch. All in all it was a game that the players weren’t sure if they were happy or upset about. Two more games till the playoffs now.

Tick. Tick. Tick. The Rangers were next.

“Hello everyone,” AJ smiles coming into the locker room.

“Why are you so happy?” Nick asks him.

“Tibbets got waivered,” AJ smiles, “The cancer is gone,” he yells as Nick shakes his head.

“Must you be so loud?” Kevin asks walking by AJ.

“Yes,” AJ says, “We’ve been reTodded,” AJ says looking over at Todd Fedoruk.

“That’s not a word AJ,” Nick says.

“To me it is,” AJ says walking over to Fedoruk who had come back as soon as Tibbets had left.

“On to Lindros,” Brian says walking by.

“Lindros!” AJ yells.

Kevin looks down at the floor and shakes his head, “Can I have a normal team for once in my life?”

“It wouldn’t be as much fun though Kevin,” Nick says.

“The best of Coatsey’s corner is playing on TV tonight,” Brian says.

“Oh no,” AJ says, “Crap…here comes public humiliation.”

“You’re telling me you don’t get publicly humiliated whenever you go out there anyway?” Justin asks.

AJ stares at him before standing up and running towards him, “Get over here frenchie!”

It was the last home game of the regular season and the First Union Center was packed. The game opened up with the awards being handed out to certain players. The Bobby Clarke Trophy (MVP) sent to AJ. The Barry Ashbee Award (best defensemen) went to Kevin yet again. AJ was having a poll with Todd and Nick trying to figure out how many awards that made for Kevin. It was well over nine they knew that much. The Pelle Lindbergh Memorial Trophy (Most improved) went to Justin Williams. The Yanick Deupre Class Guy Memorial Award went to Jeremy Roenick. The crowd went wild with each award presented kicking off a good vibe to the fan appreciation game.

The first period of the game was a slow one with only 2-1 shots on goal past the midpoint of the game. Flyers had the two. Brian Littrell was having a pretty easy game. Then a minute later at 11:51 Oates broke free from everyone else and headed down the ice towards the Ranger’s eighteen-year-old goaltender Blackburn on a break away. He had a step on two defenders, but was caught as he approached the net. Still he was able to fight off the hook from behind and slip a shot between Blackburn’s legs as he was brought down to the ice coming to a stop once he slammed into the boards. Oates brought the Flyers up 1-0 scoring his 14th of the season. From then on the intensity picked up and the teams ended the first with shots 10-2 Philadelphia.

The second stared with the teams picking up where they left off. They nearly had a tie game though when Samuelsson fired a shot from outside the blue line, which knuckled past Brian Littrell. Brian stuck out his head trying to knock the puck off course with his helmet, but got sight of it wrong and it went towards the net hitting the crossbar hard and bouncing away. Coming off a penalty though Justin heads down the ice and smacks hard into Gagne sending both players flying to the ice as a Ranger jumps over Justin. Gagne got up fine, but Justin stayed down as the trainers came out to look at him and Kevin went over to see if he was ok. It was the kind of hit that you hopped a player got up from. He got up from the ice though and walked over towards the Flyers bench with the help of the trainer and made a turn to the left back to the bench and not to the locker room. It had to be one of the only times Nick had seen Barber smiling in appreciation of his player. Blackburn was the story though dominating the net and not letting any other shots get by him. By the end of the second the shots were 16-7 Philadelphia making it 26-9 for the two periods.

2:02 into the third the Flyers increased their lead by a goal from Recchi, his 500th point as a Flyer. Just 17 seconds later though Samuelsson was whistled for holding Todd Fedoruk’s stick and the Flyers went on a power play. The Flyers ended up giving up a goal on it though as on a three on three rush Leetch flipped a harmless shot on net that Brian saved, but dropped. A charging Leetch knocked it free and Nedved slipped it into the empty net. The game opened up after that which each team getting a number of chances. Blackburn was pulled at 1:05 to go as Williams nearly found the open net. The game ended with the score of 2-1 Flyers.

One more game to go.

“My trophy is bigger then yours,” AJ says to Justin in a singsong voice.

Justin looks at him, “It amazes me that they actually gave you a trophy bigger then your head.”

“Hey now,” AJ says as Kevin walks up to them and hands them each a t-shirt that read Atlantic Division Champions.

“Woohoo,” Nick smiles as Kevin hands him his.

“Nice to have one of these,” AJ says looking at it, “Wouldn’t have hurt to have an East Coast Champions one either.”

“Hey we got another pennant at least,” Kevin says.

“True,” AJ smiles.

Brian smiles brightly as he pulls his over his head.

“Kevin how many awards have you won in this club?” AJ asks off hand.

“I dunno around eleven,” Kevin says, “I’ve been here a long…”

“HA!” Boucher smiles walking up to AJ, “Who called eleven?”

“Shutup,” AJ says, “You have inside sources you win every damned bet I ever make with you.”

“Uh huh,” Boucher says holding out his right hand out to AJ.

“No,” AJ says.

“AJJJJJ,” Boosh says.

“Crap,” AJ says pulling a twenty out from his locker and slapping it into Boucher’s hand, “I hate you,” he says dryly to him.

“One more game boys,” Kevin says, “Islanders.”

“Playoffs. Playoffs,” AJ sings.

The Flyers would loose their last regular season game 3-1 as Brian Boucher stopped 30 of 32 and the Islanders put in an empty netter. The lone Flyers goal went to AJ only 1:33 into the first as the Islanders dominated the second and third periods. The Islanders would go on to play the Maple Leafs in the quarterfinals and the Flyers were finally handed their opponents…the Ottawa Senators.

AJ McLean’s Online Journal:

“Under pressure. Under pressure.” Great song huh? Queen never gets old. OhhhK ladies and gentlemen hold onto your hats here come the playoffs. Wednesday night…tomorrow night…came too fast for my liking. Bring on the Ottawa Senators. They got nothing on us. I’m really ready for these next seven games against the Senators too. Kinda iffy on some things though. We got them beat with the physical aspect, but they got speed. Their goalie…ehhh. I dunno. We got Brian in between the pipes and Boucher is always there to back us up if we need him. Hopefully we can take the series in five or six. I’m hoping here.

Anyway thanks for a regular season to all the fans that are reading this. You mad it worth it. By that I mean putting up with Tibbets. Did anyone else notice that how when we lost Todd we started to suck? Anyone? I did. Maybe it’s just me. Yeah that sounds about right. Anyway did everyone see frenchie, Williams, in Philadelphia Magazine? I’m telling you I got black mail right there. For the love of God Williams how many people barbeque in their hockey equipment? Well he’s still got an edge on me; I still don’t even own a house.

Anyway back to the playoffs. Of course this is my first playoff game coming up and I’m hoping to make the best of it. I sat around later today watching ESPN Classic and saw the 2000-playoff five overtime period game against the Penguins…genius, pure genius… and I am more then ready to get in there myself. Anyway my computer is being a pain right now and starting to freeze from time to time…damned AOL. Also I have adapted my theory that every good team’s goalies are insane…literally. Hell look at Roy, that man is a Looney Tune, but he’s a genius. Also I have facts to back this up, didn’t expect that huh. Ok so here is point one:

" Because the demands on a goalie are mostly mental, it means that for a goalie, the biggest enemy is himself. Not a puck, not an opponent, not a quirk of size or style. Him. The stress and anxiety he feels when he plays, the fear of failing, the fear of being embarrassed, the fear of being physically hurt, all the symptoms of his position, in constant ebb and flow, but never disappearing. The successful goalie understands these neuroses, accepts them, and puts them under control. The unsuccessful goalie is distracted by them, his mind in knots, his body quickly following." - Ken Dryden, goalie, Montreal Canadians

That damn well speaks volumes when it comes to Boosh and Brian.

"Any discussion on hockey goaltenders must begin with the assumption that they are about three sandwiches shy of a picnic. I can prove this. From the moment Primitive Man first lurched erect, he and those who came after him survived on the principle that when something hard and potentially painful comes at you at great velocity, you get the hell out of its path. Goalkeepers throw themselves into its path. I rest my case." - Jim Taylor, columnist

That is the greatest quote I have ever found in my life, that and a one on Ron Hextall. So as you can see judging by the way our goalies react…we are a damned cup contending team. What can I say….bring on the Senators.

Your faithful Gladiator,

Alexander James “AJ” McLean

“Long Live the Orange and Black”

“This is our last dance. This is ourselves under pressure. Under pressure. Under pressure. Pressure.” Queen/ David Bowie “Under Pressure” * Well it’s what we are isn’t it? *

"He has been labeled a phenom, a pioneer, and a madman." - Sports Illustrated on Ron Hextall (1999)

“I’m hungry as all hell,” AJ says walking around the hotel room.

“Not my problem. You should have eaten,” Nick says flipping through the channels of the TV as Justin grabs the remote away from him.

“You can’t even tell what’s on you’re going so fast,” Justin says.

“Where’s Todd with our food,” AJ says as his stomach growls.

“It’s Todd he probably ate it all already,” Nick says.

“Tell me again why we are in a hotel?” AJ asks.

“Barber wants us to be able to get to the Spectrum earlier,” Fedoruk says walking in with two pizzas.

“I thought we were supposed to have pasta before games.” Nick says looking as AJ walks over and takes a pie from Fedoruk.

“Who cares I’m hungry,” AJ says putting the pie down on a table and opening it up, “Soda…” AJ says walking over to his small refrigerator.

“How do you think these playoffs are gonna end anyway?” Justin asks taking a piece of pizza as AJ takes out a bottle of soda and puts it on the table.

“It’s do or die for Brian,” AJ says as he takes a piece of pizza, “If he gives up goals and we go out early again…he better pray he’s not traded.”

“What about Boosh?” Nick asks.

AJ shrugs, “If Brian plays bad…he stays. If Brian plays good…I think he’ll want to be traded. That’s Boosh though. He already said if Brian plays bad he doesn’t want to go in because Brian “ made the bed, so he should lie in it” as he said,” AJ says taking a bite of the pizza.

“God only knows where I’ll be,” Todd says taking a bite.

AJ shakes his head swallowing, “Barber likes you. You’re a good fourth line man to have and you don’t take stupid penalties.”

“And of course you’ll still be on first line,” Nick says to AJ.

AJ shrugs, “I like it here.”

“You’ll be here,” Nick says to Justin as Justin shrugs.

“They’d be an idiot to get rid of both of you,” AJ says, “You’re both young and still learning. Plus you both made it to the All Star Break,” he says as a Jeremy Roenick commercial comes on the TV and it shows JR talking to the camera as Fedoruk, Williams and McAllister stand in the back round making fun of him. AJ shakes his head as the screen flashes a picture of Fedoruk sliding down the glass, McAllister laying on the bench rails and JR pulling Justin’s jersey over his head while he asks how 95 North can turn into 295 South.

“How does it do that by the way?” Nick asks.

“It’s a road Nick…” AJ says, “Roads do that.”

“I want our team to stay like it is,” Nick says as the others nod.

“Can’t get any better,” AJ says.

“What time is it?” Todd asks.

“ ‘round nine,” Justin says, “Why?”

“The girlfriend,” AJ says.

“Shutup,” Todd says.

“Whipped,” AJ coughs.

“Shutup,” Todd says again


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