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AJ looks out from the large glass window of his penthouse in New York City and shakes his head. Life was shit. But of course he wasn't really alive, so did he have a life? Was that an oxymoron? Ok now he was thinking too much. He had a date though. Well not a real date, but a meeting with the local head of the witching department, otherwise known as the leader of all the witches/wizards in the area. Fun. Fun. Fun. At least it was only Kevin though. He could enjoy Kevin's company most of the time. After all they had been alive during the same period of time from long ago. It felt good to talk about the past with someone other than other vampires. But those were his people after all…if you could call them people actually.

He walks over to his kitchen table and looks down at the front-page headline of Time magazine EXCLUSIVE ON MASTER OF THE NEW YORK CITY AREA with a large picture of AJ plastered across the front page. He was obviously not expecting the picture since his head was turned to the right and he was about to bring a cup of coffee to his lips. Bastard reporters. A vampire couldn't even go along his day as Master of the City without something like this happening. This was going to bring a lot of unwanted slayers to his door.

"Hey Slick you're late," an older man says to Nick as he walks through the doors to his work.

"I know. I got stuck in traffic," Nick sighs as he pulls on a jean jacket, "I didn't have any call in did I?"

"Not that I know of."

"Good," Nick says, "I gotta meet some guy in about a half an hour though about some information about the Master of the City."

"Stay away from him kid. He's the toughest and oldest yet. That guy is going to get himself killed."

"Maybe he has an extermination license granted for some reason."

"No," the older man says, "This Master isn't sloppy. He cleans up after himself."

Nick sighs, "Maybe it will just be about his history or something. I can deal giving him that. Anything else I'm out," he says as the elevator comes down to the bottom floor and he steps in.

"Hate being a Rider stuck as a detective!" the man yells after him.

Nick looks at him as the doors close, "Nah…just a waste of training and no use of my powers is what sucks!"

Josh looks at his Time magazine on the subway as he makes his way to Central Park. Today he was going to slack off a little. No waste of energy today. Master of the City huh? Big deal for somebody to get this much on AJ. AJ usually doesn't let people hear much about him. Hell Josh was as surprised as any vampire probably when they saw AJ on the cover. This wasn't exactly good publicity for the vampires. They were trying to get the right to vote after all and AJ was a firm advocate of it. No wonder so many people loved him. Josh was on his way to warn him though. He needed to talk to him one outsider to another about was going on in the city now. A recent string of shapeshifter and vampire deaths was causing an uproar in the communities. Not many humans dared venture into those areas to get those stories though. Too many and in too close a time. Some had told him that the Reeper had come up from the South and was hunting things up here now. If it was true they had a problem. AJ was going to be a target and so was Josh. The Master of the City and the leader of the shape shifters, Josh could almost feel the Reeper salivating at a chance to kill them both. Oldest vampire in the world…that was one hell of a bag. Leader of shapeshifter wasn't so bad a bag either though.

Josh looks up from his magazine as a young female with brown hair and streaks in it stares at him. Big brown eyes concentrate on him from her space on the seat. Maybe she was the Reeper. Hell it could be a girl…why not. The girl had golden skin and was wearing jeans and a black tank top. She stares at him and then digs into her pocket fishing something out…necklace…no, she was putting across her forehead though…elf. Josh could tell when she went to straighten her hair out slightly and her ears pointed out. A young female elf. Cute too. Yeah, he was getting paranoid now.

Justin strains his eyes against the sunlight and yawns loudly as his alarm rings loudly. Why the hell was he getting up at 5:45 again? Oh yeah a meeting. Damned meetings. Damned mornings. He had a meeting regardless though. There was no other time to schedule one today. New York was a mad house. He didn't like it that much so far. Things weren't really clicking that much with everyone for him. He liked being back with his pack better, but hell he was growing up. He needed to go out and see the world.

Justin gets up from his bed and walks over to his dresser looking at the mirror hanging above it. He runs a hand through the golden curls on his head and sighs. Maybe getting them cut wasn't such a bad idea. It didn't look very manly to him. He looks to his right at a stuffed wolf that stares back at him. Nanook. Damned stuffed wolf. He had tried to leave it back home, but his heart told him to take it. He had it ever since he was little after all. His mother had gotten it for him…why he named it Nanook was another story though. It meant polar bear. He was a senile child. He rubs his face slightly to wake himself up and looks around his bedroom that is barely unpacked.

Justin stretches out slightly and goes to walk over to his small bedroom stubbing his toe on something large and metal. "Mother fucker!" he yells as he looks down at the gun at his feet. He knew there were no bullets in it though. Thank God. He probably would have killed himself. Note to self…pick up weapons. He picks up the gun and throws it onto the bed as he looks back over at the stuffed wolf. A young man does need a stuffed dog to feel safe. A young man feels fine by himself. Even if a young man didn't Justin had to. Hell he would be a laughing stock if people found out that the Reaper, world famous vampire slayer, slept with a stuffed toy. It didn't really count though. I mean he didn't really sleep with it.

“YOU CAN NOT TURN PEOPLE INTO FROGS!” Kevin yells looking across his desk at a young blond male with tan skin. The hair shade was too light for his skin texture.

“I…I…” the male begins.

“You…you turned your insurance agent into a FROG,” Kevin says, “Do you even know how to change him back?” he asks as silence is heard from the boy, “Wonderful…” he says calming down slightly, “Listen…do you realize the repercussions of this? Well you’re probably going to need a lawyer and be prepared to get sued. Try to settle this out of court because you are not going to get off easy. You should know that it is illegal to use your powers, especially someone from the line of Salem, on nonmagic folks. This poor guy had no chance. You’re lucky you got the spell right. I once saw a twenty-year-old girl turn her mother in law into a half fly. Yeah she wanted to squash her. Unfortunately it turned out very wrong…every second that woman lived was painful…The girl’s in jail now,” Kevin says looking at the young male, “Listen Caleb…” You seem like a nice enough guy…just go fix everything ok. Just…well…beg…a lot. I’m not going to enforce anything on you right now, but if it’s not fixed I will be forced to.”

Caleb stares at Kevin and nods his head vigorously, “I understand Mr. Richardson. I understand. I’m sorry. I…I don’t think I realized it would even work.”

Kevin sighs, “Caleb…don’t take this wrong, but were you adopted by any chance?”

“Yeah,” he says, “I was foster kid until I was three.”

“So you know hardly anything about your witching line?” Kevin says, “These people, your parents, never sent you to school for it?”

“No sir.”

Kevin nods and writes down something in the case folder before him, “Ok…I can see where you’re coming from now. Caleb…you are a Salem…they most powerful line of all witches. You could wish something and it could happen, so please don’t mess with the elements. You’re hitting your peak now…let me guess when you’re sad it rains?”

“Yeah, but rain makes every depressed.”

Kevin shakes his head no, “It’s raining because you’re sad, Caleb. You’re one of the last of a dieing line and it’s all going into you now. Each line had a balance…Salems had a balance with nature. Just like the Smoke line had a balance with fire. Just like the Divine had a balance with water. The last electrical storm we had a few months ago came on the heels of a Salem married couple. Yeah wife found out the husband was cheating…shit was she pissed. Anyway…I’m going to give you a card. I want you to see these people and set up some classes to teach you about your heritage and how to control your powers. If not you are solely responsible for what you have done,” he says handing Caleb a small white card with a business emblem, number, and street address on it.

“Thanks,” Caleb says.

“Ok,” Kevin says, “That’s all. You can go.”

Caleb nods standing up, “Thank you.”

“No problem,” Kevin smiles as he makes his way out of the office door and a smaller lankier man walks in.

“How’s it going chief?” the small man smiles from underneath a pair of dark sunglasses.

Kevin looks at him, “He turned his insurance agent into a frog.”

“Classic…yet stylish,” the man smiles walking forward and taking a seat.

“Oh and this,” Kevin says reaching under his desk and producing Time magazine.

“Yeah…I wanted to talk to you about that.”

“AJ how the hell did this happen?” Kevin asks looking at the magazine.

“Hell if I know,” AJ sighs, “Someone ratted me out that’s all I know.”

“Do they know where your lair is?” Kevin sighs.

AJ shakes his head no, “No…not yet. And as soon as I find that rat…oh we’re going to have one less vampire.”

“I’m not covering your ass of a body is found,” Kevin says to him, “I’ve done it too many times.”

“And I’m very thankful for that,” AJ says to him, “I’ve shone you nothing, but respect right?”

Kevin nods, “Yeah.”

“Listen though…I need help,” AJ says taking off his sunglasses and staring Kevin in the eyes, “I’ve been hearing that the Reaper has moved into our fair city. I don’t want him near me…or I’m not responsible for anpother dead slayer.”

Kevin shakes his head, “AJ this kid has taken out four other masters before you. He took out Dornhower in New Orleans…”

“Dornhower was sloppy…he deserved it,” AJ says smirking.

“Yeah I know you hated the man,” Kevin says, “The Reaper also took out Portia in Boston, Columbia in Atlanta…and most recently Nikoli in Philadelphia.”

“He took out Nikoli?” AJ asks staring at Kevin.

Kevin nods, “This guy doesn’t play games AJ.”

“Do we know what he looks like?”


“Well don’t grant him an extermination grant…no grant, no dead me,” AJ says simply.

Kevin shakes his head no, “He doesn’t go for grants.”

AJ’s face falls, “Damn…then how is he not in jail for murder.”

“Look at the people I named they were some of the most tyrant Master of the Cities ever. People were happy to see them gone.”

AJ nods slowly, “He comes near me…he dies.”

Kevin nods, “I figured.”

“I earned this city fair and square, Kevin,” AJ says, “I waited to make my move and I did. Vampire laws guide us not these petty human ones.”

“You are not above human laws,” Kevin stresses, “Yes there are people who want you gone…”

“Like the mayor…” AJ offers.

“Oh he does not…”

“Oh yes he does. He hates how I advocate voting rights. He hates how I rule. H hates me.”

“The city is the calmest it’s been in years,” Kevin says, “No one wants an uprising of some sort from the vampires if you die.”

AJ nods, “Fair enough.”

“I’ll see what I can do for you ok,” Kevin offers.

“Alright,” AJ nods, “Ok.”

“I’ll see what I can do for you,” Kevin says, “Just…don’t kill anyone…”

“Yet,” AJ ends the sentence smirking

Nick runs into the Starbucks coffee shop and collides instantly with a young man. The folders in Nick’s hands fly out of his grasp and various papers liter the floor. He shakes his head as he comes to his senses and stares at the curly haired head of the young man on the ground beside him.

“Sorry about that,” Nick says as he gets on his knees and begins to pull his papers together in a heap.

“No harm done,” the young man says as he begins to help Nick. He looks down at the papers in his hands and then over at Nick, “You’re Nick Carter?”

Nick looks over at him, “Yeah,” he smiles, “Why?”

“Justin…I’m Justin. I made a call into your office earlier,” Justin says handing him some papers back.

“Oh ok,” Nick says clutching his folders and standing up, “You wanted the information right?”

“Yeah,” Justin says standing up.

“Right, right, well let’s get a seat then,” Nick says walking over to a table in the corner as Justin follows, “You want information on AJ right?”

Justin nods, “Yeah.”

“Can I ask why?”

“I’m new to the city,” Justin says calmly, “I just wanted to get a feel for who my superiors are.”

“You’re not a vampire,” Nick says point blank as Justin stares a him.

“Ok, so I’m not,” Justin says calmly, “I’m a werewolf.”

Nick nods as he opens a folder, “What do you want to know?”

“Give my a synopsis of the guy I guess,” Justin says calmly, “When he take over?”

“About five years ago,” Nick says, “He made his move when the last master showed signs of weakness. AJ was always a very rebellious one in the vampire ranks. He’s old. Oldest we’ve had yet and he’s damn powerful. No telling what he can do when he wants to.”

Justin nods, “Around how old?”

“He was changed in 99AD.”

Justin whistles, “Damn. What line?”


“Vagrant?” Justin says as his eyes widen, “He’s a Vagrant?”

“No,” Nick shakes his head, “Not he himself, but his maker was Calphurnia. He was her first fledgling. He could probably stop the setting sun if he wanted to.”

“Roman then?”

Nick nods, “Yup.”

“Iron fisted?”

“Just the opposite actually,” Nick says, “Vampires love him in this city. He gets along with all the rulers too. Chief at the Witching Counsel has known him for years. Oddly enough he gets along great with the Master of the Shapeshifters too.”

“He’s got a lot of allies then?”

Nick nods, “A hell of a lot.”

Justin nods as he reaches into his jean pockets, “He sloppy then?” he asks producing Time magazine.

Nick stares at it with wide eyes, “Holy shit someone is gonna pay for that,” he says taking it, “No, he’s not sloppy at all. This…was from a rat. Ohhh AJ is not gonna like this. He likes his privacy. Hates the media and reporters. Someone probably gave tips to where he was going to be. There’s gonna be a dead body found soon.”

“He kill a lot?’

“Only when ‘needed’,” Nick says, “He does it to people who piss him off and when he needs to send a message to someone.”

“Any weaknesses?”

“Not that I know of,” Nick says flipping through Time, “You got an extermination license or something?”

“No,” Justin says calmly, “You think you can help me out there?”

“To kill AJ?” Nick says looking up at him quickly, “Were you born suicidal?”

“Slightly,” Justin smirks.

“I should have figured something was off balance when I meet with a rogue werewolf.”

Justin glares at him, “Nothing is wrong with being rogue.”

“Never said there was its just a little odd for a werewolf to be one.”

Justin nods, “I see where you’re coming from. So what makes you a big authority on all this.”

“I trained as a Rider,” Nick says calmly, “I kinda have it in with the inner circles around here.”

Justin nods.

“What brings you here anyway?”

“Just…just wanted to see New York City I guess.”

Nick nods, “Well…welcome.”

“Thanks,” Justin nods.

Josh looks around the bar and shakes his head. His parents, if they were still alive, would have died on the spot if they had known their son was in the vampire Red Light district of the city. Now here he was sitting at the bar of the Neon as vampires stared at him from across the room. He was sure that no matter how well he covered his aura that they knew what he was. He takes a swing of his beer as he watches a pretty young vampire get up on a small stage and begins singing “Hit Me Baby One More Time”. Oh did he forget to mention it was a karaoke bar. Yeah, AJ loved karaoke bars…that’s probably why he owned this one.

“Josh what brings you here?” a voice says from behind him at the bar and he turns around to see AJ smiling at him.

“Hey AJ,” Josh says spinning around on the barstool.

“What brings you here may I ask again?” AJ asks.

“Word is the Reaper is starting to gain things on you?”

“What do you mean?” AJ asks calmly.

“They say he’s hired a Rider for help.”

“Does the Rider know what he’s getting into?” AJ asks first.

“No, I doubt it. He has been around us too long to go so blatantly against you.”

AJ nods, “His name?”

“Not sure yet,” Josh says.

“I’ve got men looking out for this Reaper though. He sets foot in the Red Light district and I’ll find him,” AJ says.

Josh nods.

“Any idea about what he is?” AJ asks.

Josh shakes his head no, “We can rule out vampire though.”

AJ nods, “Defiantly.”

“It’s not a shapeshifter either,” Josh adds.

“I doubt it’s a slayer from the witching line,” AJ says, “Most of them have died out and those that are alive are not strong enough to go against the other four masters he took.”

Josh nods, “Not an elf. They’re too peaceful.”

AJ nods, “Yeah…elves don’t go against the grain that much. Dwarfs are too small…no supernatural power.”

“Fairy,” Josh says.

“If it’s a fairy I’m screwed,” AJ says, “but I’ll know he’s around. I’ll start sneezing as soon as he comes near me.”

“True,” Josh says, “What about a werewolf?”

AJ scrunches up his face, “Werewolves sun in packs…unless it’s a rogue, which is very unlikely. That said don’t rule it out.”

“Kevin looking out?”

“Yeah, the Magic Counsel doesn’t want an uproar if I die.”

Josh smirks, “Makes senses.”

“So tell your minions to keep a look out for a rogue…anything,” AJ says.

“They wouldn’t like being called minions,” Josh says taking a swig of his beer bottle.

AJ smirks, “True, they…did you hear that?” he says as he begins looking around the club.


“It was a shudder,” AJ says, “Like the shutter of camera,” he says looking around the club again.

“I’m a shapeshifter,” Josh says, “I can’t hear as well as you.”

AJ nods, “There it is again,” he says and effortlessly hopping over the bar and landing silently.

Josh looks around the club as well.

AJ takes off stalking into one direction of the club as his ears pick up the sound again. He approaches a taller young looking male with a skullcap on over his head and his back towards him. AJ lets out a low hiss as the person spins around and stares him in the eyes. AJ’s face falls as he stares at the young man.

“Hey, AJ,” the taller male says.

“Hey Benny,” AJ says as his guard falls, “See anything around here?”

“Like?” Benvolio says looking around.

“A person with a camera,” AJ says as he carefully scans his friends mind.

Benvolio shakes his head no, “No sorry.”

AJ nods calmly, “Right, from shadows you come and into shadows you disappear,” AJ says softly to himself.


Justin walks out into the dark streets of the Red Light district with a Canon camera in one hand and a small pack in the other. He turns around and takes a picture of the club looming in the distance. As soon as he does he turns back around and begins walking under the streets lamps again. The maroon colored skullcap grips tightly to his head that matches his maroon and white t-shirt. The cuffs of his blue jeans scrap the pavement slightly as he makes his way over to his car. He hits the remote lock pad as his car beeps once and the doors open to his 2000 black Honda Civic. He hops into the drives side seat and shuts the door behind himself. He throws his camera equipment onto the passengers seat as he starts up the engine. Before taking off back into the New York City night.

Justin trudges up the stairs in his apartment building and bursts through the door at the entrance to his floor. He hears a loud thud as it makes contact with someone and a second thud as that person hits the floor.

“Oh my God I am so sorry,” Justin says as he comes out from behind the door and stares at the young girl sprawled out on the floor. Her earth tone outfit almost blended into the tope carpet on the floor. Tope was supposed to be a very soothing color after all. Her large brown eyes stared up at him as her pointed ears stuck out from beneath her now unruly hair, “I am so sorry,” Justin says to her as he lends a hand to help her up.

She waves off the hands as she jumps to her feet in one fluid graceful motion landing on a pair of heels perfectly.

“I’m…I’m new,” Justin says, “I didn’t know you would be coming.”

She nods, “It’s ok really.”

“I live in 106,” he says pointing behind him down the hall.

“I’m from 101,” she says pointing to the other end of the hall.

“Justin,” Justin says offering her a handshake.

“Quest,” she says softly.


“Questaptania,” she says, “I hate the long name though.”

Justin stares at her as he shakes her hand, “Do I know you?”

“I don’t think so,” she smiles, “You are new right.”

“Yeah…yeah, but…nevermind,” Justin says.

“You a photographer?” she asks looking at the camera and equipment in his hands.

“You can say that,” he says.

“I’ll see you around then Justin,” she says as she walks by him towards the escalator.

“See ya around,” Justin says turning around to smile at her before continuing to walks towards his apartment pulling out his knee along the way.

He opens the plain white door and steps into his home closing and locking the door behind himself. He flips on the lights as his all white apartment becomes unusually bright. He needed t make sure to paint the walls soon. A number of scattered boxes littered the floor labeled kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom, dark room, and other miscellaneous things. He needed to spend tomorrow unpacking. He walks over to a couch and sits down on it pushing off his shoes with his feet and placing the camera down on a coffee table before him. He pulls a gun out of his waistband and places it on the table as well. He digs in his pocket and pulls out an extra cartridge of silver bullets and places them on the table beside the gun. He lifts his right leg and lifts the cuff of his jeans unstraping a knife holster with a knife in it. He yawns slightly stretching out his limbs.

Tomorrow he would unpack first. Put everything together and make it a point to build his darkroom once again. He needed to develop his pictures and begin making maps and files for people. What he knew so far was hardly anything. He was just beginning his long stay in New York City. He stands up slowly and walks over to his small kitchen and opening the fridge, nothing in it but a bottle of beer and Chinese leftovers from lunch. He pulls both out grabbing a prepackaged plastic knife and fork from the counter top and walks over to his small kitchen table. He sits down and opens his beer with his hand before reaching across the table and grabbing a pad of paper. He scribbles down some names as he takes a swig of his beer.

Nick – Detective. Rider. Knows a lot about the city. Can be helpful. Need to find out allegiance though.

AJ – Master of City. Old. Powerful. Sociable. Try and use that as weak point. Vendictive

Josh – Leader of shape shifters. Allegiance to AJ.

Chief of Witching Counsel – Allegiance to AJ. Need to find out name.

Neon – AJ owned club.

Red Light District – Vampire district.

Quest – Elf. Neighbor. Prior knowledge?

Justin looks at the list before him and shoves a forkful of Chinese noodles into his mouth. This would do for now. He needed to set up his shop though. He needed to get ready. He needed to install bulletproof glass.


They Say Vision Index