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“What the hell are you doing!” a voice booms as Kevin appears in the corner and walks out over to AJ, “What the hell is he here for?”

“Chatting,” AJ offers, “Tea…”


“Asking him some questions.”

“AJ,” Kevin says voice becoming louder.”

“What!” AJ yells.

“You can not just pull a Rider from where he is standing near his work office. If you want to talk to one of us go through me first. Is that so hard? Never touch the Rider without asking my permission first,” Kevin states.

“What the hell…permission,” AJ says, “What am I five and I want an extra cookie after dinner?”

“AJ, do I ever touch a vampire without asking you first…even the low lifes?”

“No,” AJ says rolling his eyes.

Josh smirks from his seat by AJ’s desk.

“Then don’t touch the witches and such. I would have been happy to have helped you before, but now you pissed off people again,” Kevin states.

“Little me,” AJ says before looking at Nick, “Octavious…Anthony…let him go.”

The two young vampires look at each other before releasing Nick promptly as Nick half shrugs off their holds.

“What do you want?” Nick asks AJ calmly.

“You been leaking to someone, Carter,” AJ states calmly.

Kevin turns and looks at Nick patiently.

“Oh fuck off, AJ,” Nick snaps, “You still hot searching for that Reaper?”

“I’m sorry if I’m worried about someone trying to KILL ME,” AJ looks at him hard.

“Just tell him Nick,” Kevin says, “The faster it’s said the faster I can get you home. He’s on a mad hunt now…entertain him.”

“Any new clients lately?” AJ asks Nick, “Be honest now because we’ll see you with them eventually.”

“One,” Nick says, “Kid named Justin. About my age…werewolf…”

AJ bursts into a fit of laughter, as he looks at Ollie whose face was slowly loosing its normal passive expression.

“What?” Nick asks.

Kevin over his shoulder at AJ, “Will someone fill me in about what is sooo funny?”

“That little werewolf has been hot for Quest,” Josh adds, “Ollie just had a run in with them both together. Personally he seems like a nice guy from my brief meeting with him. Granted Quest would be better off with me anyway, but…”

“What could he want with you?” Ollie asks staring at Nick.

“Just information,” Nick states.


“The city…” Nick starts as he notices AJ’s look intense, “Quest.”

“He’s looking into her back round?” Ollie snaps.

“Well hell I would to if I was trying to nail a girl with is heir to the elfish throne in the city,” AJ smiles, “See if the family is violent and such. Possibility of castration…”

“AJ,” Josh says.

“That the only new one?” Kevin asks Nick.

Nick nods simply, “Yup. Still got all the old ones, but I guess you know about them.”

AJ nods, “Yup, well I guess you can go, Carter,” he says waving him off.

Nick nods before looking at Kevin.

“I’ll come with you,” Kevin says walking over to him, “By the way Ollie what did you do to make her cry?”

“Oh for the love of God,” Oleander puffs.

AJ smirks, “Talk to ya later, Kev. Any new leads tell me about it.”

“See ya, Alex,” Kevin says, “Josh, meeting tomorrow at 7 about changing into animals and laws set on it.”

Josh stares at him oddly, “Why? New ones?”

Kevin nods, “You don’t wanna know why. Let’s just say bestiality.”

Josh’s face contorts into a sickened face as AJ roars with laughter.

“Bye Ollie,” Kevin nods at Oleander in the corner who is staring at him and Nick leaving the room, “Don’t agitate that elf,” Kevin says to Nick softly as they walk out of AJ’s home, “I can’t save you if you do.”

“Come on in…I know it’s not much though,” Justin’s voice says into a darkened room as the light from the hallway spills in and creates two silhouette figures that were soaking wet. His windows were of no help since he hardly every opened the blinds except for at night. He didn’t need people looking in on him. He scans the dark room and notices some piles and boxes the still needed to be put in place from his moving in.

Quests eyes scan the room quickly as she smiles in the dark.

“Listen…I have some clothes you can wear if you want to get out of the wet ones so you don’t get a cold,” Justin says to Quest as he looks dawn at her.

“I’m sorry you saw me cry,” she says softly.

“No its ok…”

“I just…I hate him so much some times,” she sighs.

He looks down at her and kisses her softly as the kiss deepens quickly. He picks her up effortlessly as she wraps her small legs tightly around his waist. The taste of honey fills his mouth again as he begins stumbling through his apartment. He collides with his coffee table and stumbles. He hadn’t quite remembered where he had placed everything before. He could usually memorize his layout in case anyone ever attacked him at home and he needed to act quickly.

“I…I…” Justin says breaking the kiss.

She looks at him softly as he begins to feel the kiss linger on his lips, “What?”

“I…nothing,” he says before placing his mouth on her again.

It had been so long. So long for anyone let alone a werewolf. He could feel her begin to peel the wet t-shirt that was clinging to his chest and maneuvers so she can pull it off easily. Bedroom…bedroom, Justin thinks to himself…no wait. Bad idea! Bad idea! His brain creams at him. Pictures in the bedroom! Pictures! Bulletin board! He makes a U-turn around his coffee table and collapses on the couch. She sits calmly on top of him as she kisses his chest softly. He could smell the rain outside still. He could feel the energy in the air suddenly.

“Quest,” he pants, “Quest. Quest,” he says looking above his head eyes wide at the ceiling as he sees a pair of green eyes laughing at him, “LANCE!” he yells suddenly bolting into a sitting position throwing the small girl off him onto the floor, “Oh my God,” Justin says, “I’m sorry,” he says rushing to her.

“What the hell, Justin?” she snaps at him rubbing her head.

“I…I…LANCE!” he screams.

“Who is Lance?” she stares at him.

The lights flicker on in his apartment and he looks over close to the door, “That,” he says motioning in the black clad blond, “Is Lance. And now I hope he will explain what the FUCK he is doing in my apartment!” Justin yells looking at Lance.

“I need to talk to you,” Lance says to Justin calmly.

“Well can it wait?” Justin asks.

“No,” Lance says simply.

Justin glares hard at him before turning to Quest, “I…you…”

“I’m gonna go ok,” she says standing up slowly, “I should get changed. You…you’ll call me later right?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Justin says standing up and walking with her to the door, “I…I…”

“I’ll talk to you later, Justin,” she smiles and kisses him lightly.

“Ok,” he says softly as he shuts the door behind her, “Now,” he turns on his heels, “WHAT THE FUCK!” he looks at Lance.

Lance looks down at his Chinese food and prods it with a chopstick, “Sorry about that,” he says to Justin as Justin slurps up a few noodles, “I didn’t know you were gonna go that far. You…well you haven’t been there in a while have you?”

Justin looks at him, “Shut up.”

“Well I mean you really haven’t ever trusted someone else before. Not that closely. Has the Reaper gone soft?” Lance mocks.

“No,” Justin snaps, “It’s just…she can bring it back Lance. She can make me feel what I lost.”

Lance stares hard, “How…”

“Well she’s an elf so…”

“WHAT,” Lance snaps.

“Yeah,” Justin smiles, “She had the ears didn’t you see?”

“An elf Justin?”


“So,” Lance sighs, “Justin that was Quest Vacant right?”

Justin nods simply slurping his noodles again.

“Justin, she…she knows everyone in this city. AJ McLean, Josh Chavez, Kevin Richardson…she is dangerous, Justin.”

“Why? She’s harmless,” Justin says staring at him.

“They will use her against you…”

“Oh not you too. I already got this lecture ok. I’m a big boy I can handle myself,” Justin snorts.

Lance shakes his head and looks at his noodles, “Elves.”

Justin stares at him before shoving another mouthful of noodles into his mouth, “Now what was sooo important.”

“They got your Rider today,” Lance says.

“Nick?” Justin looks up surprised, “Who got him?”

“AJ,” Lance says.

Justin’s eyes widen, “Oh no.”

“You’re lucky,” Lance says, “I take back my warned about her now that I think about it.”


“They think you are with Nick because you wanna know about her…” Lance stares at him, “Which isn’t a complete lie is it?”

Justin looks down quickly.

“Anyway,” Lance shakes his head, “They let him go with that said. Regardless they all know you’re here now. Josh supposedly already met you?”

Justin nods, “I went out to eat with her…he was there.”

“Oleander met you?”

“The elf,” Justin snorts, “Yeah, he’s a hothead.”

“He’s a warrior, Justin,” Lance states straight faced, “One of the old breed too. He’ll make you a pincushion. Supposedly he already hates you too.”

Justin nods, “Probably.”

“AJ knows your name…not the face. No doubt he will have people tailing you for a few days though to find out about you so lay low.”

“Ok,” Justin says, “Nick get out ok?”

Lance nods, “Kevin Richardson showed up. Got him out of the jam. Wouldn’t have been pretty if he hadn’t shown up. Carter has a reputation for pissing AJ off in the past among other people.”

“He’s a good guy,” Justin says, “Knows a hell of a lot.”

Lance nods, “So I’ve heard.”

“How do you know all this?”

“Through the grapevine.”

Justin shakes his head at him, “Hit still out on me?”

Lance nods, “Yup.”

“Death taking a vacation or something here then?”

Lance smirks, “Nah…figured I’d help you if you need it.”

“I may,” Justin says, “First time I may need it.”

“She’s a pretty girl,” Lance says before shoving some noodles into his mouth.

“Yeah, she is,” Justin smiles, “Thanks for ruining it for me.”

“Would you have rather I stood there and watched?”


“I did you a favor though.”

“Why is that?”

“I’m sure she would really love seeing those pictures in your bedroom. Move the board into the darkroom, Justin.”

Justin looks down at his noodles again and nods, “Yeah, I thought of that too. Get bored waiting for me…had a look around?”

“Yup,” Lance smirks, “Also…loved the stuffed puddle.”

“It’s a wolf,” Justin snaps, “Get it right.”

Lance smirks, “Sureee…wolfff.”

Two sets of heavy clad boots stride their way through he dark streets of New York City as the rain pounds down on the two young men fiercely. Their strides were long and confident even as various puddles swallowed their feet. Black pants blended into black hooded trench coats. The hoods were pulled up fully around their heads to shield them from the rain somewhat. There was something in the way they moved…it was hard to understand, but something was there.

The one on the right turns to the one on the left and smiles slightly as they reach an office building. They walk slowly around to the back door and knock three times before a small slot slides open and a pair of brown eyes stare out at them.

“You’re late,” the voice behind the door says.

“Sorry,” he one on the right says in reply.

The eyes stare at them coldly as the sound of clicking metal is heard and the door swings open for them, “Downstairs,” the young man says to them pointing to a flight of stairs leading downward.

The one on the left looks calmly at the one on the right before nodding and descending the stairs together. The room they entered is a dark room with walls lined with drapes of deep crimson velvet. The floor was a deep rich wood and a desk sat in the middle of the room with a large leather chair sitting behind it and a man resting in the chair. Before the desk sat two other small lather chairs facing the desk. A large chandelier hung above the room illuminating the room.

“Gentlemen,” a deep voice says happily from the chair, “Glad to see you made it.”

“Talk is cheep AJ,” the one on the right says calmly as he pulls back his hood to reveal a mop of messed up blond hair.

“Mike,” the one on the left says to him calmly, “You’ll have to excuse my brother…he’s not very happy about having to make this journey in the rain,” he says as he pulls his hood back revealing a face with similar features to the first and a mess of spiky blond hair.

“I’m very sorry for the in convenience,” AJ says honestly, “Have a seat.”

“We prefer to stand,” Mike says, “Thank you.”

“I need your help with finding someone,” AJ says flatly, “A man out to get me. A hunter himself…known as the Reaper. He’s in the city somewhere.”

“Why’s he out to get you?” Mike asks.

“Don’ know honestly…I do have many enemies though,” AJ shrugs.

“Well Gabe?” Mike asks looking over at the other.

Gabe nods calmly, “Ok…ok we’ll do it for the price agreed upon before.”

AJ nods calmly, “Welcome to the city Seek and Destroy.”


Bloody Bones