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Flyer's Softball

This is why softball is not made for men. I went to the charity thing in the story and it was great. Yes that was the score. Yes they did get six strikes. Yes Williams was the only really good one next Boosh. Yes Boosh did jumo three feet in the air and he was soaked and he was the first person to sign autographs. Prettiest eyes I swear. I was in the third row from the ground and right by the Flyer's dugout. We were just standing there and this security guard was telling people to move and that they would be doing autographs after the game. Of course not that many people heard that and me and my friend Corrie were the first people on the gate. We got crushed later. Boosh is a sweetie that's all I can say. Just a random: This older man in his forties probably was there with his sun and he got Tocchet's autograph and was shwoing his son and he was shaking like visablly shaking because he got it. I just found that amazing and it shows how much people embrass these guys here. Long live the orange and black.

AND WHY TH HELL DO MY PICTURES GET ALL SCREWED UP WHEN I POST THEM DAMNIT! They are perfect pictures then I post them and look what happens they get all smeered and shit DAMN YOU ANGELFIRE.

Ok there are the famous white knee socks people. Aren't they lovely. I have a pair of white knee socks for school and I go to my friend Corrie "I got Justin Williams socks Cor." That's LeClaire in the backround.

This is Brian at bat for the first time.

This is Boosh walking back to the dugout after he his the foul ball backwards on his first try. The guys behind us started yelling this is why you play hockey Boosh. He smiled at us pulled the hat over his face and kept walking. So cute.

This is Justin going to bat notice the socks. Corrie yelled go Williams at the top of her lungs and I proceeded to tell her she was wlaking the hour drive home then.

This is Justin acting stupid and making this face for God only knows what reason. Again notice the socks.

Brian "Boosh" Boucher came over when no one else was out of the dugout right after the game ended and started signing things. Yeah me and my friend bum rushed the fence as soon as the game ended.

This is Boosh doing some more signing for some kids who were the bat people. He was there when we got there and was still there when he left.

Justin went in to change his shoes into sandals and for some odd reason changed his hat. He came out looked around then left. We started to call him a loser until he come out. He went in to get a pen, oops. A girl asked him for a picture and I was right by him and he mutters "Oh God no. I hate pictures," then smiles. I started laughing it was so funny.

Is it possible that I took a pic of someone other then Boosh and Justin. Yup, this is Tocchet. I got his autograph too. actually He just kind of took my paper and signed away, but hell its an autograph. Yeah by then I was smushed against the fence by all these people who should have stayed in the first place. I was handing stuff down to Boosh for people to sign.

Oh yeah we won this in a raffel. This stick is signed by all the guys who were there. I got Fedoruk, LeClaire, Boosh, Williams, McGillis, and some other people who I don't really mention all that much in the story.

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