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Everworld: A Backstreet Boys Humor Site

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I love the Flyers. Can ya tell?

By the way ** equals updated and ~~ equals new


"If you're listening. Sing it back. String from your tether unwinds. Up and outward. (But only) To bind. I was spinning free. With a little sweet. And simple numbing me. Are you listening? Sing it back. So tell me what do I need. When the words. Lose their meaning. I was spinning free. With a little sweet. And simple numbing me . Yeah, stumble until you crawl. Sinking into sweet uncertainty. If you're listening. Are you listening? Sing it back . I'm still running away. I won't play your. Hide and seek game. I was spinning free. With a little sweet And simple numbing me. What a dizzy dance. This sweetness will not. Be concerned with me. No the sweetness will not. Be concerned with." - Jimmi Eat World "Sweetness"

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