Legend of Dragons created by: William Baron and Randy Boice
The idea to make a video game came to Bill and I while we were in 7th grade. We spent the rest of that year planning and writing out the story. We then ceased work on it at the end of that year. As we were informed as juniors that we had to do a senior project in order to graduate we decided to translate our ideas into code. The process of picking the utilities and the best libraries to use was a long process. We are quite proud of our creation, I hope you appreciate it too.
LOD was written in the computer language of Quick Basic 4.5
We used the DirectQB library for the graphics and the QMIDI library to play the music though the program
The main program is over 60 pages in length and took 8 long months of hard work to complete
The graphics you see as you walk the world map were made with 16 x 16 pixel tiles made with Acid Draw
The background in the battels are 320 x 200 pixel bmp created through MS Paint
The music was created by William Baron with the use of Cake Walk Express.