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Lake Ariel-Week 1

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Lake Ariel Vacation - Week 1

Sunday, June 27, 1999

We left Phoenix, Arizona about 1 a.m. and none of us really got very much sleep on the plane due to some occasional turbulence, a crying baby, and some drunk guy that sat next to me.
We arrived in Philadelphia, PA about 8:30 a.m. and got our rental car, a dark green Dodge Intrepid, and we were off to the Pocono Mountains. As we left Philly, Chris and I started telling Craig and Mel about all the cool things we were going to do and see: being that Chris and I have been here more than twice we thought we knew what we were talking about. I was just thinking how nice it was to get away from the 100 plus degree temperatures of Phoenix and was looking forward to a nice, cool relaxing vacation.
Along the Pennsylvania Turnpike we went past Scranton then east to Hamlin then north to Lake Ariel. It was 12:30 p.m. when we reached our cozy little cottage getaway. When we got out of the car we walked into a haze of humidity. I began to sweat so much all my crevices were flowing. After opening the cottage and taking down the winter boards from the windows, we went to Hamlin and stocked up on groceries. We all bought nothing but junk food, I was smiling. (Right photo: View as we first saw the cottage.)(Lower center photo: View of Hamlin.)
Somewhere along the way Craig had managed to lose his and Chris’ fishing poles. We figured they may still be sitting on the curb at the car rental at the Philadelphia airport, so if you have them, or know of their whereabouts, please let me know.
That night, the stagnate and sticky air made sleeping very uncomfortable. Later that night it was so quiet I could hear Craig blinking. Then awhile later I heard him whimper. I think he was home least I hope he was.

Monday, June 28, 1999

We all got up around 10 a.m. and Chris pulled out his whip and made us all clean up around the outside of the cottage. I did the mowing, Craig and Chris raked the leaves, and Mel…well I’m not sure what Mel did but I do recall hearing her walk around inside the cottage.
However, when the other two were about done, she did bring out some plastic bags to help pickup the leaves.
Later that afternoon it rained hard and I went to the Ames store in Hamlin to buy a fan.
That night we all ate at the Twin Rocks diner. Twin Rocks is a nice little truck stop. Chris and I use to pretend we were truckers hauling cattle and sheep. I had Steak #1 and Mel had her grilled ham and cheese sandwich. While we ate, Craig insisted on checking out the community showers they have there.

Tuesday, June 29, 1999

Tuesday morning it drizzled and rained hard off and on. Some of us would get up, eat, use the bathroom, read, then go back and lay down.
Later that afternoon we finally got out of bed and decided to see a movie.
After we ate dinner at the cottage we went to Honesdale where we shopped at Wal-mart and saw Austin Powers, International… something-something. I don’t recall what we ate for dinner that night. (Center photo: Nice view of Honesdale.)

Wednesday, June 30, 1999

The next morning we headed for Lancaster, PA not only to see the Amish people but also to try and hook Craig up with an Amish honey. This was Craig's chance to become a man.
When we arrived we went shopping, took pictures and just enjoyed the nice people and Amish scenery.
(Left photo: View of the back of an Amish buggy.) (Center photo: Chris and Craig posing in their new duds.) (Right photo: Amish progress at it's best. Ring-ring.)

Upon driving around I came to what I thought was a 4-way stop intersection and found out, the hard way, it was only a 3-way stop intersection. Not to worry because I just hit the other car’s left rear tire with my corner bumper. I got out, dazzled her with my charm, gave her a fake phone number and we were on our way.
Next we headed to Hershey, PA but decided to eat at a little bar-and-grill at this town called Elizabethtown. I had steak #2.
While in Hershey we did the little factory ride, did the shopping, bought candy, took pictures and came back to Lake Ariel that night. We all had a fine time. (Left photo: The singing candy bars. They sang, "Its a chocolate world after's a chocolate world after all...It's a chocolate world after's a choc-late-world.") (Right photo: Here's a big kiss for you all.)

Thursday, July 1, 1999

The next day we all just kicked back and decided to stay at the cottage. Not much happened. I sat around while Chris, Craig and Mel went on a hike.
Later, after trying to mask my accident, I mean the car, with tar remover, I went to Debbie’s Countryside Diner and had steak #3 while the others cooked Hamburger Helper. (Right photo: JJ kicking back and enjoying his vacation.)

Friday, July 2, 1999

Friday was another hot, humid, laid back day and none of us did much of anything. Some of us fished, swam and ate.
Later that afternoon we went to Honesdale and ate at this German food restaurant where I had steak #4. I highly recommend the German food restaurant in Honesdale. It was nice to have something different for a change. Ha ha.
Oh yeah we also took in a movie, “Big Daddy”.(Left photo: The German Food place. Been here 3 times during my visits. I suggest you try it. The waitress are cute too. I don't believe I said that. (JJ blushing))

Saturday, July 3, 1999

Another hot and humid day we decided to check out the Lackawanna Coalmine tour in Scranton. The tour was great and it was very interesting. The temperature was very cool down there, the coal mine I mean.
Next we headed for Honesdale to look around and picked up some groceries. That night we got some pizza from Kay’s Restaurant at the Lake Ariel Village.
(Left photo: Mel pretending to be Vanna White. She looks like Jaleel White. JK) (Right photo: Our tour guide at the coal mine tour. If you want his phone number email Craig.)

Week 2

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