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The MMPRX Allies

Not Taken


These are the Power Rangers X's allies.

Phantom Ranger

Real Name : Justin Wolfe

Character Name : Jeff Ryan

Ranger : Phantom

Color : Black

Zord : Delta Megaship, Artillatron

Age : 19 Weapon : Phantom Blaster

Bio : An Eltarian voyager who goes everywhere that needed his help and stayed only as long as he is needed before going to another place that needs him. The Phantom Ruby on his chest is both his power source and his life source. He has helped the rangers many time before, including giving the Rescue Zords to the Turbo Rangers and the Delta Megaship to the Space (Lightstar)Rangers. He promised to return to Earth is he was ever needed again, and it seems the time has almost come...

Real Name: john

Ranger Name: metalic ranger x

Ranger Color: a metalic red

Character Name: john denmead

e-mail address:

Age: 17

Zord: the metalic red dragon thunder zord

Weapon: red blazing sowrd

Bio: was just a normal teen ager until he was caugt in a battlr between the rangers a lokar then he was gven the powers of the red mettalic ranger in a last ditched effort to save his life mostly a loner he is always there whenn the rangers need him