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MMPRX Mentors

1. Ninjor

Ninjor was the creator behind the original morphin powers. He has fought evil for centuries especially that of his mortal enemy Lokar. Now Ninjor has come to earth w/ Dulcea to reqruit new power rangers. W/ the help of the Temple of Power and the Great Power he has created the new X powers to supercharge and reenergize the old ranger powers. Ninjor resides in the Temple of Power w/ Dulcea. The Temple of Power is the rangers secret base protected by the power of the Ninja. Recently Ninjor died fighting the Dark Ranger who was under the control of Lokar. Dark Ranger was actually Kimberly and Ninjor used his remaining life force to free her.

2. Dulcea

Dulcea is a magical witch who uses the power of Ninja. She used to reside on Phaedos but do to Lokars resurfacing has gone to the Temple of Power to aid Ninjor. Dulcea is a skilled fighter and can see into ones true spirit.