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Morphin X Team

Not Taken


These are the Morphin X Team!

Leader of All Power Rangers X Teams
White Tiger X

Character Name: Joe Whalen

Color: White

Weapon: Saba Saber

Zord: White Tiger X Zord

Age: 16

Bio: Joe Whalen is a typical teenager who attends Paul 6 Highschool in New Jersey. He was typical at least till Ninjor and Dulcea teleported him to the Temple of Power. Once there Joe became the first Power Ranger X. He was given the White Morphin powers and rechristened them the White Tiger X Morphin powers. While with Ninjor and Dulcea Joe was trained in the arts of Ninja. Joe can also don the ninjetti suit besides his ranger suit. Havin become one w/ the power of Ninja Joe can unlock his chi energy to create more powerful attacks. Joe trys to be cool headed in battle but rushes into things when his friends are in trouble. Joe hopes to maintain a normal life while still fighting the evil of Lokar.

Real Name: Kevin D. Impellizeri

Ranger Name: Green RangerX

Ranger Color: Green

Character Name: Kevin Thomas

E-mail Address: or

Age: 16

Zord: Dragonzord

Weapon: Dragon Dagger

Bio: Kevin Thomas was an average Paul VI high school student from New Jersey when suddenly things changed. In his backyard he found the legendary dragon dagger and was transported to the Temple of Power. There he acquired the powers of the lost Green Ranger. He even has control over the legendary Dragonzord. He now fights alongside the White Ranger and the others in their battle against evil.

Real Name: Kevin Impellizeri

Ranger Name: Grey Ranger (He looks like the other Morphin Rangers except he has black gloves and boots and black shield over his chest)

Ranger Color: Grey

Character Name: Anthony "Tony" Diamente

e-mail address:

Age: 16

Zord: Titanus the Carrierzord

Weapon: The Grey Gun- A gun that shoots a high powered energy beam. Can also convert to a large hammer.

Bio: Tony was a normal student from Paul VI high school until he was summoned by Ninjor and given the newly created grey powers. This turned him into the Grey Ranger. He is a good help to the team because his father is a mechanic and Tony is personally a technical wiz. he helps by working on the zords and helping them work to their maximum efficiency. He powers Titanis, the carrierzord, which he has modified. It now also has a cool robot mode. Bad guys beware!

Real Name: Josh Darvill

Ranger Name: BlackX

Ranger Color: Back Morphin Ranger X

Character Name: Josh Dolphin

Email Adress:

Age: 15

Zord: Mastadon DinoZord / Lion Thunderzord

Weapon: BattleAxe

Bio: Born in a new-age hippie comune in Australia, Josh Dolphin began to disagree with the commune's rulings and was thrown out. Now living alone in America, he became the BlackMorphinX ranger after Dulcea and Ninjor teleported him to the temple of power. His years in the commune tought him super-powered telepathy and complete focus in battle, and also his major downfall - he beleives in complete peace. The powers and responsibilities of the BlackMorphinX ranger is a shock to his system and sometimes his decisions are misguided as an account to his alternative upbringing, but in all he is a team member and is an expert in the arts of the ninja. He controls the restored Mastadon DinoZord, which Ninjor reconfigured to change into the Lion Thunderzord when the time calls.