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RPG Rules

The rules for playin the MMPRX RPG:

1. No playin God!

This means a persons character must have limitations. He can't be indestructible nor can he/she be able to easyily wipe out a city or somethin.

2. Speech

To speak use this : in front of characters name.

EX. Joe: Hi!
Ken: Hello Joe.

3. Actions

use this * in front and at the end of a characters actions.

EX. *Joe runs into wall and does backflip*

4. Communicators

To use a communicator use this :: at the beginning and end of the communicator conversation.

EX. Joe: :: Ninjor I need help now!::
Ninjor: ::Help is on the way::

5. Telepathy

To use telepathy(only if you character is a telepath) use this < at the beginning and end of conversation.

EX. Kim: < Hey jake i need help >
Jake: < i'm on my way >

6. Storylines

Since this is my RPG the storylines are controlled by me. I have a certain way the RPG should go and have many stryline ideas. If you have a storyline e-mail me and we'll go over it. If it fits w/ what i got planned I'll allow the storyline.

7. Using an Ally

If you choose to play as an Ally character you must act and be the same character as is in the show. This is because MMPRX takes place at the same time as Galaxy and Lightspeed. Unfortunately Galaxy is kinda far away to get involed.

EX. If you play as Gold Ranger you must be Trey of Triforia and act as if you came from Triforia.

Just follow the rules and enjoy the RPG.