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The Turbo Rangers X

Not Taken

These are the Turbo Rangers X

Red Turbo XName: J Beard

Character's name: Tommy Oliver

Ranger's name: Red Turbo X

Rangers color: Red


Weapons: Turbo Lighting Sword


Age: 35

Silver Turbo X

Character's name: Tery Oliver

Ranger's name: Sliver Turbo X

Rangers color: Sliver

Zord: TimeSifter TurboZord/Warrior Mode

Weapons: Turbo Time Sword Age: 16

Bio: Tery is Tommy's son. He like his father in many ways but his hair is longer and ends at his waist. He not as good telepath as his father, but has pratice with it. He dosen't have many friends because his father was protecting him form Lord Zedd and Rita.