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MMPRX Villains


1. Lokar
Lokar is an emmensly powerful being of pure evil. Since the beginning of time Lokar has waged a war against good. While the universe was still young however Lokar was captured by Rita Repulsa and forced to power he fights against Zordon. When the Space Rangers destroyed Zordon's energy container and wiped out all evil in the universe Lokar was freed from Rita's dark dimension. Now Lokar can return to his battle against good. He has set his eyes on conquering earth which is home to both the Space and Lightspeed teams of rangers. However Lokar's mortal enemies Ninjor and Dulcea have come to earth as well. To destroy Dulcea, Ninjor and their X Rangers Lokar has resurrected his evil generals. Lokar and his men reside the long forgotten dimension known as the NIGHTMARE ZONE. From there they launch their attacks on earth and search for Lokar's imprisoned son Eclipse.

2. Maxemroth
Maxemroth is Lokars most loyal and destructive follower. Maxemroth is a 10 ft tall, and is half bull/ half man/ half demon. He weilds a large battle ax known as the DOOM AX. The DOOM AX is a monstrous weapon campable of creating earthquakes and unleasing vast amounts of lightning. Maxemroths posistion in Lokar's army is Bodygaurd to Lokar and his son.

3. Dark Knight
Dark Knight is Lokar's lead general and Lokar's most vile man. Dark Knight is clothed in a shadowy armor and weilds the powerful Sword of Darkness. Dark Knight continually plans to over throw Lokars power and take over the universe by himself.However Dark Knights greed and ambition cause him to sometimes become unfocused in battle. Dark Knight is thought to have been destroyed while using a Black Heart crystal fragment to fight the power of the five X Armors at Stonehenge.

4. Eclipse
Eclipse is the one and only son of Lokar. Eclipse is a large demon lord that has long sharp claws and spikes pertruding from all over his body. His name is very appropriate since his power could destroyu even a sun. However Eclipse is trapped in a hidden Hyperlock Chamber that resides on earth. He was imprisoned there ,about the time Rita captured Lokar, by Ninjor and a young band of warriors.

5. Plague Warriors
The Plague Warriors are the main monsters of Lokars army. They are feirce monsters dressed entirely in rags and most of them weild large sabers.

6. Death Knights
The Death Knights are 4 powerful undead sorcerors. THey were originally knights who broke their codes of honor and turned to darkness. Upon their deaths they were damned and brought under the control of Lord Lokar. Their powers center mostly around death, ie killing with a touch and other such stuff. THeir armors are nearly indestructible and can destroy even the mightiest weapon. They were brought back into existance by Lokar to find the Black Heart fragments.

7. Dark Ranger

Real Name: J Beard

Character Name: Kimberly Oliver

Ranger Name: Dark Ranger

Ranger Color: Purple

Character Name: unknown


Age: 30

Zord: Dark Warrior Zord

Weapon: Dark Saber

Bio: unknown