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© NightOwl's IRC Help
Last Updated May 2, 2003

Trouble? Maybe You Can Find The Answer Here

If Your Having Trouble Building Your IRC
Maybe These Places Can Help You Out!!
Or Even Better Yet,You Might Be Able To
Help Someone Else Out! Just Click On Below!

Ask Skat1

Webtv IRC Help Forum

Help and Support from Your Fellow Users

Zeus Chat Forum

MsnTv~WebTv Forum

#8-JavaScript/CGI/Perl Sites

This Here Should Be Able To Help
You Out Also, It's Some Newsgroups
On IRC And Some Others I Threw
In I Thought You Might Be Interested In.


If You Want To Connect To MSN Chat
Here's The Server And Port Number
Server =
Port = 6667

In Order For Your IRC To Connect,
Your <<>WTVCHAT Part In Your Script
Needs To Look Like This....

<<>WTVCHAT host="+serv+" port="+port+" channel=#"+chan+" MSNChat=true text=COLOR whisper=COLOR roomtopic=COLOR notices=COLOR whisperprompt=COLOR
usestyle textsize=6<>>

NightOwl's IRC Help ©

This Site Was Created By:
Copyright © 7 / 3 / 1999- 2003

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Time By Escati
In Erie, Pennsylvania it is:

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